The Healing Power of Meditation: Leading Experts on Buddhism, Psychology, and Medicine Explore the Health Benefits of Contemplative Practice

What You’ll Learn: 

1.    What Meditation Is & Its Overall Goal

2.    Well-Being, Telomerase, and Adaptive Functioning

3.    The Emotional Benefits of Meditation

4.    Brain Changes from Meditation 

1 Life-Changing Idea

How to End a Breathing, Meditation, Reading, or Really Any Contemplative Practice

Three Steps to Awakening: A Practice for Bringing Mindfulness to Life

What You’ll Learn: 

1.    The Power of Breath Awareness (‘a joyful abiding in the here and now’)

2.    How to Practice Breath Awareness

3.    Life is the Real Practice

4.    The Proof is in the Pudding (plus some ‘ouch’ teaching)

1 Life-Changing Idea
The Best Advice on Methods (plus long beards)

The Tibetan Yoga of Breath: Breathing Practices for Healing the Body and Cultivating Wisdom

What You’ll Learn:

1.    Why Breathing is the Best Tool for Healing and Transcending Suffering

2.    Rlung Sems: The Breath-Mind Connection

3.    How We Should Breathe: Nasally and Abdominally

4.    The Basic Sequence of a Wind-Energy Training Session


1 Life-Changing Idea
The Breath-Weather Connection

The Oxygen Advantage: The Simple, Scientifically Proven Breathing Techniques for a Healthier, Slimmer, Faster, and Fitter You

What You’ll Learn:

1. An Abundance of Overbreathing

2. How to Assess Overbreathing: The BOLT Score

3. How to Fix Overbreathing: The Nose and Breathe Light to Breathe Right

4. Improve Performance with the Simulation of High Altitude

1 Life-Changing Idea

The Power of Carbon Dioxide: Oxygen and the Bohr Effect

Love 2.0: How Our Supreme Emotion Affects Everything We Feel, Think, Do, and Become

What You’ll Learn:

1. What is Love 2.0?

2. The Breath-Love Connection: Vagal Tone = Loving Potential

3. Breathing is Also Self-Love, a Precursor to Loving Others

4. Your Upward Spiral of Love & Breathing

1 Life-Changing Idea

Becoming Breathing Wise

Timeless Healing: The Power and Biology of Belief


1. Remembered Wellness: How to Harness the Power of the Mind

2. The Faith Factor = Relaxation Response + Remembered Wellness

3. Brush Your Teeth and Heal

4. Let Go and Believe: It’s Profound Medicine


To Understand the Healing Power of the Body and Mind, Do the Opposite

Relaxation Revolution: Enhancing Your Personal Health Through the Science and Genetics of Mind-Body Healing

What You’ll Learn:

1. What is the Relaxation Response and Why Is It So Powerful?

2. Phase One: Eliciting the Relaxation Response (and the RR+ technique I use)

3. Phase Two: Visualization and the Power of the Mind

4. The Holistic Healing Power of the Relaxation Response

Life-Changing Idea

Remembered Wellness for Visualization

The Wim Hof Method: Activate Your Full Human Potential

What You’ll Learn:

1. The Origins of the Wim Hof Method®

2. The 3 Pillars of the Method: Cold, Breathing, and Mindset

3. A Cold Shower a Day Keeps Us Breathing the Right Way? (+ achieve deep meditation in one minute)

4. Wim’s Daily Routine (+ his one-minute stress relief breathing)

Life-Changing Idea

Wim’s Breathing Philosophy: The Breath is a Door (and of course: breathe, m❆therf❅ckers)

The Healing Power of the Breath

What You’ll Learn

1. Healing and Thriving are Now Available to Everyone

2. The Three Core Breathing Practices

3. Why These Breaths Improve Our Health

4. How and When to Do the Core Breathing Exercises

Life-Changing Idea

Beyond Stress: What Will You Do with the Breath?

Holotropic Breathwork: A New Approach to Self-Exploration and Therapy

What You’ll Learn

1. What Are Holotropic States and Why Are they Therapeutic?

2. The Components and Safety Concerns of Holotropic Breathing

3. Is Hyperventilation Syndrome Obsolete (or maybe not applicable here)?

4. The Physiological Response to Holotropic Breathing

Life-Changing Idea

We Should Support (not suppress) Hyperventilation Symptoms

Buddha's Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love & Wisdom

“Inhale as much as you can, hold that inhalation for a few seconds, and then exhale slowly while relaxing. A big inhalation really expands your lungs, requiring a big exhalation to bring the lungs back to their resting size. This stimulates the PNS, which is in charge of exhaling.”

The Mindful Day: Practical Ways to Find Focus, Calm, and Joy from Morning to Evening

“Mindfulness is life-changing. It is a superpower that allows you to deliberately direct the beam of your attention instead of being tossed around by racing thoughts and turbulent emotions; to choose your mindset; and to shift how you relate to your experience, so that you have less stress and more joy.”

Breathing: The Master Key to Self Healing

“Of all the techniques that I have investigated for reducing stress and increasing relaxation, it is breath work that I have found to be the most time efficient, the most cost efficient, and the one that most promotes increased wellness and optimal health.”