slow breathing

Love 2.0: How Our Supreme Emotion Affects Everything We Feel, Think, Do, and Become

What You’ll Learn:

1. What is Love 2.0?

2. The Breath-Love Connection: Vagal Tone = Loving Potential

3. Breathing is Also Self-Love, a Precursor to Loving Others

4. Your Upward Spiral of Love & Breathing

1 Life-Changing Idea

Becoming Breathing Wise

Timeless Healing: The Power and Biology of Belief


1. Remembered Wellness: How to Harness the Power of the Mind

2. The Faith Factor = Relaxation Response + Remembered Wellness

3. Brush Your Teeth and Heal

4. Let Go and Believe: It’s Profound Medicine


To Understand the Healing Power of the Body and Mind, Do the Opposite

Relaxation Revolution: Enhancing Your Personal Health Through the Science and Genetics of Mind-Body Healing

What You’ll Learn:

1. What is the Relaxation Response and Why Is It So Powerful?

2. Phase One: Eliciting the Relaxation Response (and the RR+ technique I use)

3. Phase Two: Visualization and the Power of the Mind

4. The Holistic Healing Power of the Relaxation Response

Life-Changing Idea

Remembered Wellness for Visualization

The Healing Power of the Breath

What You’ll Learn

1. Healing and Thriving are Now Available to Everyone

2. The Three Core Breathing Practices

3. Why These Breaths Improve Our Health

4. How and When to Do the Core Breathing Exercises

Life-Changing Idea

Beyond Stress: What Will You Do with the Breath?

Mind Over Meds: Know When Drugs Are Necessary, When Alternatives Are Better and When to Let Your Body Heal on Its Own

“Breath work—learning how to change breathing habits and practicing specific breathing techniques—has remarkable effects on physiology. It cannot cause harm, requires no equipment, and costs nothing.”

Heart Breath Mind: Conquer Stress, Build Resilience, and Perform at your Peak

“There is, however, a scientifically proven, safe, natural way to rewire your body’s baseline stress response and optimize your health and performance. The breathing exercises and peak performance strategies described in Heart Breath Mind will take you on a journey from merely surviving stress to thriving despite it.”