relaxation response

Timeless Healing: The Power and Biology of Belief


1. Remembered Wellness: How to Harness the Power of the Mind

2. The Faith Factor = Relaxation Response + Remembered Wellness

3. Brush Your Teeth and Heal

4. Let Go and Believe: It’s Profound Medicine


To Understand the Healing Power of the Body and Mind, Do the Opposite

Relaxation Revolution: Enhancing Your Personal Health Through the Science and Genetics of Mind-Body Healing

What You’ll Learn:

1. What is the Relaxation Response and Why Is It So Powerful?

2. Phase One: Eliciting the Relaxation Response (and the RR+ technique I use)

3. Phase Two: Visualization and the Power of the Mind

4. The Holistic Healing Power of the Relaxation Response

Life-Changing Idea

Remembered Wellness for Visualization