What You’ll Learn:
1. Breathe Through Your Nose
2. Exhale to Increase Lung Capacity?
3. Slow, Less, and the Perfect Breath
4. Breathing+: Sometimes Fast, Sometimes Not at All
1 Life-Changing Idea
What You’ll Learn:
1. What Meditation Is & Its Overall Goal
2. Well-Being, Telomerase, and Adaptive Functioning
3. The Emotional Benefits of Meditation
4. Brain Changes from Meditation
1 Life-Changing Idea
How to End a Breathing, Meditation, Reading, or Really Any Contemplative Practice
What You’ll Learn:
1. What Meditation Is & Its Overall Goal
2. Well-Being, Telomerase, and Adaptive Functioning
3. The Emotional Benefits of Meditation
4. Brain Changes from Meditation
1 Life-Changing Idea
How to End a Breathing, Meditation, Reading, or Really Any Contemplative Practice
What You’ll Learn:
1. Attention is Everything (and yours is perfect)
2. The Only Thing That Works: Mindfulness
3. The Flashlight, Floodlight, and Juggler
4. You Actually Have to Train (but not long—the most important finding of the book)
1 Life-Changing Idea
Pre-silience: Maybe the Best Word and Concept Ever
What You’ll Learn
1. What Are Holotropic States and Why Are they Therapeutic?
2. The Components and Safety Concerns of Holotropic Breathing
3. Is Hyperventilation Syndrome Obsolete (or maybe not applicable here)?
4. The Physiological Response to Holotropic Breathing
Life-Changing Idea
We Should Support (not suppress) Hyperventilation Symptoms