autonomic balance

Breathing & Love, Rising Above the Clouds, and 4 Years in 4 Points


Listen Instead of Reading

Breathing & Love, Rising Above the Clouds, and 4 Years in 4 Points
The Breathing Diabetic


4 Thoughts

1. Demonstrations of Breathing & Love

Demonstrations of love are small, compared with the great thing that is hidden behind them.

- Khalil Gibran

Call it what you’d like, prana, qi, & so on, but the same is true: Demonstrations of breathing are small compared with the great thing that is hidden behind them.

2. Breathing for Diabetes: 4 Years in 4 Bullet Points

Based on about 4 years of research and self-practice, the 4 key ways that regular breathing practices help diabetes are by:

3. Breathing for (non) Diabetics: “Raising Our Heads Above the Clouds

But many of the same interventions that can help us get our heads above water can just as effectively be devoted to raising our heads above the clouds.

- Steven Kotler and Jamie Wheal, Stealing Fire

This is unquestionably true for breathing. Although everything I read, practice, and share is focused on keeping my “head above the water” as a diabetic, they can also “raise your head above the clouds” if you’re not diabetic.

Interesting side note: it’s typically broken people that find supplemental modalities like breathing—I guess because we need them the most : ) But if you’re not broken, all the benefits of breathing will be even more helpful.

So here’s to using our breathing to stay afloat, or rise above the clouds, today.

4. The Buddha, 20 Years after Enlightenment

Did you know that the Buddha was still meditating 20 years after his enlightenment? (I guess it never ends, folks 😄)

What kind of meditation, you might wonder? “Mindfulness of breathing.

Extra Thought: Take High Altitude Yoga Alongside Me One Last Time

My wife is moving on to a new yoga adventure 🎉. But, she’ll be teaching the High Altitude Yoga class we designed together one last time.

The class incorporates slow breathing, breath holds, and yoga into a challenging but fun 45-min flow.

It’s $8 and happening tomorrow morning (Tuesday, Dec 14) at 6:15 a.m. EST. I’ll be there, and I hope you’ll join me in taking it!



“Relaxing the breath, breathe in. Relaxing the breath, breathe out. Then joy arises naturally.”

- Bhante Gunarantana

The Four Foundations of Mindfulness in Plain English




Category: The Diaphragm

Answer: This organ rests on the top of the diaphragm.

(Cue the Jeopardy! music.)

Question: What is the heart?

P.S. This was inspired by Jill Miller’s amazing line: “Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Which is of course, my diaphragm.” (Makes me laugh every time.)

In good breath,

Nick Heath, T1D, PhD
“Breathing is the compound interest of health & wellness.”

P.S. and I’ve never respected anything more


Sign Up For The Breathing 411

Each Monday, I curate and synthesize information from scientific journals, books, articles, and podcasts to share 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer (like "Jeopardy!") related to breathing. It’s a fun way to learn something new each week.


Alternate Nostril Breathing, 70% Exhales, and How to be "Happy Right Away"


Listen Instead of Reading

Alternate Nostril Breathing, 70% Exhales, and How to be "Happy Right Away"
The Breathing Diabetic


4 Thoughts

1. A Friendly Reminder to Exhale More than 70%

In Heart Breath Mind, Leah Lagos discusses a fascinating study where a group of people were instructed to only exhale about 70% of their air with each breath.

Here’s what happened:

After just 30 seconds of this subpar breathing, almost every subject reported a climb in unpleasant symptoms, including anxiety, dizziness, lightheadedness, and neck and shoulder tension.

The fix? Slow breathing with full exhalations. Give it a try and see for yourself.

2. An Ancient Breath and the Door to Heaven

By relying on the ‘door and the window’ (is meant) the nose as the door of heaven, and the mouth as the window of the earth.  It follows, then normally that the nose inhales and the mouth (should) exhale, and (this is) beneficial to breathing. ”

- The Primordial Breath, Volume I

This ancient approach was way ahead of science.

In fact, although the translation reads a bit choppy, we now know this method of nose-in/mouth-out can increase whole-body oxygenation by more than 10%.

Just don’t forget to exhale fully : )


P.S.The nose as the door of heaven”…I felt compelled to re-emphasize that 😊

3. Two Yogic Breathing Experts Describe the Balancing Act of Alternate Nostril Breathing

Ultimately, in the hatha yoga tradition, the intention with these nostril-specific practices is to establish balance between the two sides of the nervous system, so neither is dominant.

- Robin Rothenberg, Restoring Prāna

It sounds counterintuitive, but the reason we practice alternate nostril breathing (or ANB) is for balance, so neither side is dominant.

I love the analogy Eddie Stern uses: “You can think about breathing through alternate nostrils in the same way that we think about stretching both the right and the left sides of our bodies when we do yoga postures.

With ANB, we’re “stretching” different sides of the nervous system (since the right nostril is sympathetic and the left is parasympathetic). But the goal is the same: we train each side separately so they function better as a whole.

4. How to be “Happy Right Away”

The group that holds the pen between their teeth (which, you may notice, creates a sort of smile) are HAPPIER at the end of the experiment than people who hold the pen between their lips (which, you may notice, creates a sort-of frown).

- Brian Johnson, +1 On Smiling

This passage summarized a study showing that the act of smiling, even without a reason, makes you happier. And I think the same is true for slow breathing.

As Thich Nhat Hahn says beautifully,You only need to practice mindful breathing for a few seconds, and you'll be happy right away.

So let’s smile and breathe mindfully to be a little happier, today : )

Extra Thought: Breathing for Diabetes

I’m giving a short 15-min presentation on Breathing for Diabetes at the MAPS Modern Wellness Summit this Saturday, December 4th. It’s a free virtual event with a ton of amazing speakers, so sign-up if you’re interested:

Learn More about the Free Modern Wellness Summit




“Our breathing is designed to help us release any tensions that have become so much a part of us that we no longer sense their presence.”

- Carla Melucci Ardito




Category: Dysfunctional Breathing

Answer: When the chest and abdomen move in during inhalation and out during exhalation, it’s called this type of breathing.

(Cue the Jeopardy! music.)

Question: What is paradoxical breathing?

In good breath,

Nick Heath, T1D, PhD
“Breathing is the compound interest of health & wellness.”

P.S. This certainly became clearer with age…


Sign Up For The Breathing 411

Each Monday, I curate and synthesize information from scientific journals, books, articles, and podcasts to share 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer (like "Jeopardy!") related to breathing. It’s a fun way to learn something new each week.


Applying Gandhi's Wisdom, The Science of Learning, and $100 to Your Breath


Listen Instead of Reading

Applying Gandhi's Wisdom, The Science of Learning, and $100 to Your Breath
The Breathing Diabetic



Welcome back to another issue of the The Breathing 411. Here are 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer that I hope you enjoy this week!



4 Thoughts

1. Why Your Breathing Gains Get More Boring With Time

Gaining the first $100 at the track feels much better than winning the second $100, which feels better than winning the third $100, and so on. Eventually, if things get good enough, there is almost no psychological benefit when they get even better. This relationship reflects what economists call diminishing marginal utility.

- Barry Schwartz, The Paradox of Choice

Building off last week’sSatisfaction Treadmill,” let’s not forget this passage when our breathing, or anything else we’re working on, starts feeling boring.

We’re still making gains. They just might not feel as dramatic, because we already feel so good.


Related: James Clear’s Plateau of Latent Potential

2. Applying Gandhi’s Wisdom and Scientific Research to Appreciate Your Favorite Breathing Practice

Humans do not give greater credence to an objective record of a past event than to their subjective remembering of it.

- Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning

Translation: What you experience holds more weight than what you learn.

As the Make it Stick authors also tell us, research shows it’s “nearly impossible to avoid basing one's judgments on subjective experience.

Some might say this is a flaw of being human—we base things on emotions instead of facts. I say it’s amazing, at least when it comes to breathing : )

Because with breathing, this means that whatever you experience is what’s true for you. Your practice is yours; no science or statistics needed.

Practically, it means that if your experience with Wim Hof was terrific, then you should keep doing it. Or, if slow breathing was life-changing, do that.

As Gandhi tells us, “As long as you derive inner help and comfort from anything, keep it.” This applies perfectly to breathing. And science agrees.


P.S. If you like mouth breathing 24/7, I’m sorry, that doesn’t count here 😂

Related: “What is the Right Breathwork Method For Me?” from Breathwork Alchemy (Excellent Instagram post—concise and packed with wisdom)

3. Mouth Tape: End Mouth Breathing for Better Sleep and a Healthier Mouth

Becoming a nose breather is a process, but even repeated cycles of just a few minutes of nose breathing can effectively train your body to do it regularly.

- Dr. Mark Burhenne, Mouth Tape: End Mouth Breathing for Better Sleep and a Healthier Mouth

Mouth taping is odd. It’s perhaps the most important thing we can do for our health, but it’s hard to recommend without sounding slightly crazy.

Fortunately, Dr. Mark Burhenne wrote this great article, which covers basically every aspect of taping up at night. It will now be my go-to for anyone interested in the topic.

Enjoy the great read, and enjoy sharing it with others.


Related: Mouth breathing during sleep significantly increases upper airway resistance and obstructive sleep apnea

4. To Take Care of Your Heart, Take Care of Your Breath

In other words, the primary role of the heart is to distribute the oxygen brought into the lungs during inhalation, and to bring carbon dioxide back to the lungs where the excess can be breathed out.

– Patrick McKeown, The Breathing Cure (pg. 237)

I’ve never thought of it this way: Your heart’s main job is to make your breathing useful to the rest of your body. So from this viewpoint, it’s obvious they must work together. And all the science we review makes perfect sense.

Of course breathing efficiently would make our hearts work more effectively. And of course we would see measurements like heart rate variability increase and blood pressure decrease.

That’s because the heart and breath can’t be separated. Thus, we might even say, to take better care of your heart, take better care of your breath.


Related Quote:Although the lungs are clearly an essential element of the processes we associate with breathing, they alone do not provide the whole story.” - Respiratory Physiology: A Clinical Approach



1 Quote

Deep breathing is a potent inducer of the parasympathetic system. The release of acetylcholine not only calms our organs, it also stimulates the release of serotonin, dopamine, and prolactin, the feel-good hormones targeted by medicines like Prozac and Zoloft. But yoga and breathing exercises produce this effect naturally and without side effects.

- Michael J. Stephen, MD, Breath Taking



1 Answer

Category: Nasal Airways

Answer: Although the effect is less commonly discussed, when this gas is released into the nasal airways, it helps warm incoming air.

(Cue the Jeopardy! music.)

Question: What is nitric oxide?

In good breath,

Nick Heath, T1D, PhD
Diabetes is Tiny. You are Mighty.

P.S. Except for what happens in my brain


Sign Up For The Breathing 411

Each Monday, I curate and synthesize information from scientific journals, books, articles, and podcasts to share 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer (like "Jeopardy!") related to breathing. It’s a fun way to learn something new each week.


Treadmills, Metronomes, and Breathing Graffiti on 28 Famous Quotes & Idioms


Listen to this post:

Treadmills, Metronomes, and Breathing Graffiti on 28 Famous Quotes & Idioms
The Breathing Diabetic


Hello fellow breathing nerds,

Here are 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer for this week. Enjoy!



4 Thoughts

1. The Satisfaction Treadmill, and Why We Forget How Good Breathing Makes Us Feel

In addition to being aware of the hedonic treadmill, we should also be wary of the satisfaction treadmill. This is the double whammy of adaptation. Not only do we adapt to a given experience so that it feels less good overtime, but we can also adapt to a given level of feeling good so that it stops feeling good enough.

- Barry Schwartz, The Paradox of Choice

I thought treadmills couldn’t get any worse, but alas: the satisfaction treadmill.

It’s the reason you still enjoy your breathing or meditation practice, but aren’t sure why it doesn’t feel as good as it used to. It’s why you eat healthily, but still get excited about the latest “superfood” or supplement.

You have adapted to your new level of feeling good, which means it’s not good enough anymore. I say this confidently because I do it all the time—just ask my wife : )

This is, of course, not the best way to live, with breathing or anything else. And things like gratitude and prayer are clearly invaluable. But, in my experience, just having an awareness of the satisfaction treadmill is helpful.

Having awareness gives you space. You can decide if something really isn’t working anymore, or if you’ve simply adjusted to a new level of feeling good.

Here’s to slowing down (or even stepping off) the treadmill today.

2. Breathing as a Metronome for Centering Yourself

Now consider your breathing like a metronome, consistently and rhythmically connecting you to your own source, and providing you with a regular mechanism for re-centering yourself.

- George Mumford, The Mindful Athlete

Building on last week’s trampoline thought, here’s another way of looking at slow breathing. You can consider your breathing to be like a metronome, setting the tempo for many rhythms in the body.

Slow down the metronome, and you slow down and synchronize these other rhythms.

And the best part about it? You are the conductor, and the breath is always available, “providing you with a regular mechanism for re-centering yourself.


P.S. I listened to this book, so my apologies to George Mumford if my transcription has punctuation errors.

3. Babies Do It. So Do Fitness Trainers. Now Scientists Say It Might Even Improve Memory.

The results showed that when the participants breathed through their noses between the time of learning and recognition, they remembered the smells better.

- Forbes, Babies Do It. So Do Fitness Trainers…

Here’s an excellent article from Forbes. It starts out discussing memory and nasal breathing, but then goes into many other aspects of the nose.

They also provide 3 breathing exercises recommended by Dr. Andrew Weil. Of course, we all know 4-7-8, but the “Breath Counting” one was neat too.

Enjoy the great read.


Related: Nasal breathing synchronizes brain wave activity and improves cognitive function

Related Quote:In other words, mouth breathing can create fragility while nasal breathing can create resiliency.” - Tim Anderson in The Breathing Cure

4. Breathing Graffiti on 28 Famous Quotes, Sayings, and Idioms

To breathe, or not to breathe: that is the question.

Don’t put all your breaths in one basket.

- No One Ever

When I wake up low at night, I sometimes use breathing to help me fall back asleep (after eating glucose, of course). Other times, I accept that I won’t be sleeping for a while, and I just let my mind wander and laugh at my thoughts.

This thought came on one such night, Thursday, March 11th, to be specific. It seemed especially cheesy, so I decided to go with it : ) Some of them I actually found pretty funny, others I had to stretch a bit…

Here are 28 Popular Sayings with “Breathing Graffiti”

Shoot me an email if you have any good ones I didn’t think of so I can add them in.

P.S. #11 is my favorite.


Related: 21 One-Sentence Breathing Ideas

Related: 20 One-Sentence Thoughts on the Wim Hof Method

Related: 18 Excellent Statements from Scientific Articles



1 Quote

What I wear is pants. What I do is live. How I pray is breathe.

—Thomas Merton

Thanks to great friend E.S. for this one. Absolutely love it.



1 Answer

Category: Nasal Airways

Answer: These tiny hair-like structures oscillate at rates as high as 16 beats per minute.

(Cue the Jeopardy! music.)

Question: What are cilia?

P.S. I learned this in Ch. 3 (pg. 45) of Breath.

In good breath,

Nick Heath, T1D, PhD
Diabetes is Tiny. You are Mighty.

P.S. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves


Sign Up For The Breathing 411

Each Monday, I curate and synthesize information from scientific journals, books, articles, and podcasts to share 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer (like "Jeopardy!") related to breathing. It’s a fun way to learn something new each week.


Breathing Know-How, and Why Trampolines Are Better than Science


Listen to this post:

Breathing Know-How, and Why Trampolines Are Better than Science
The Breathing Diabetic


Happy Monday,

Here are 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer for this week. Enjoy!



4 Thoughts

1. The Ultimate Goal of Breathing Education is Breathing Know-How

Knowledge is not know-how until you understand the underlying principles at work and can fit them together into a structure larger than the sum of its parts. Know-how is learning that enables you to go do.

- Make It Stick

This is the ultimate goal of breathing education. Having the tools to “go do.” Fitting the principles of breathing into a coherent structure that’s larger than just “breathe through your nose” or “do the Wim Hof Method.”

Here are a few simple ways I try (emphasis on try) to do this in my life:

  • Exhaling through the mouth at the start of each slow breathing session.

  • Many short bouts of breathwalking, especially to reset between tasks.

  • Slow breathing after lunch when my blood sugars are weirdest.

And here’s a real-world example of breathing know-how used to help a 67 year old with breathlessness. (Note the range of breathing methods used.)

Here’s to building more breathing know-how today.


Related Quote:The shoe that fits one person pinches another; there is no recipe for living that suits all cases.” —Carl Jung

Related Quote:The people I distrust most are those who want to improve our lives but have only one course of action.” - Frank Herbert

(Both of those also apply to using breathing as a cure-all too.)

2. Why Trampolines are More Useful than Science to Explain Slow Breathing

Do you remember jumping on a trampoline with your friends? You all start out jumping at different rhythms—it’s really quite awkward at first.

But then, gradually, you begin jumping together. You start synchronizing the ups and downs, and each bounce gets a little bit higher. (Then, of course, someone eventually gets “launched,” but that’s beside the point : )

The analogy is that slow breathing does this for our bodies.

We have many mechanisms working at different rhythms to keep things in balance. Your heart might get one message to slow down, but then you began to inhale, sending it a new message to speed up. There’s just a lot going on.

But when you breathe slowly, several of these messages come together and begin to work in unison, like kids jumping together on a trampoline. This synchronization amplifies your natural rhythms, making things more efficient.

So next time you sit down to breathe at 4-6 breaths per minute, remember the trampoline. And take joy in how easily you can bring your body’s chaotic rhythms into complete harmony.

3. How Slow Breathing Might Help with Allergies

Researchers unveil relationship between presence of corticotropin-releasing stress hormone and increase in and degranulation of allergy-causing mast cells.

- Relieve your stress, relieve your allergies

Excess stress makes everything worse. It looks like allergies are no exception.

But the point of sharing this article is this: Maybe the stress-reducing benefits of a consistent slow breathing practice could help reduce allergy symptoms?

Seems like a reasonable thought…


Related: Decrease Stress By Using Your Breath (Mayo Clinic)

Related: Why Breathing Is So Effective at Reducing Stress (Harvard Business Review)

P.S. Thanks to new 411 reader A.K. for inspiring this thought!

4. Does This Mean Optimal Breathing is Optimal Living?

Life and the breath are synonymous.

- Michael J Stephen, MD

For breath is life, and if you breathe well you will live long on earth.

- Sanskrit Proverb.

From medical doctors to Sanskrit proverbs. Science journals to spiritual journeys. The breath is always equated with life.

Deductive reasoning might tell us that, if breath is life, then optimal breathing is optimal living.



1 Quote

By reducing tension, alleviating anxiety, and improving blood flow and oxygenation, breathing practices enhance speed, accuracy, strength, and endurance.

- Richard Brown, MD and Patricia Gerbarg, MD

The Healing Power of the Breath



1 Answer

Answer: A large portion of seasonal allergy sufferers are sensitive to pollen from this source.

(Cue the Jeopardy! music.)

Question: What is the grass?

In good breath,

Nick Heath, T1D, PhD
Diabetes is Tiny. You are Mighty.

P.S. Ready to tackle the day


Sign Up For The Breathing 411

Each Monday, I curate and synthesize information from scientific journals, books, articles, and podcasts to share 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer (like "Jeopardy!") related to breathing. It’s a fun way to learn something new each week.


Breath Walking with Gandhi


Today marks one year since I walked 100 miles for breathing and chronic disease. In that spirit, this week’s newsletter celebrates breathing and walking. Enjoy!




1. An Update on "Walking 100 Miles: How Chronic Disease Makes Us Stronger"

Here is a re-share of the blog I wrote a few months after completing the walk:

Walking 100 Miles: A Story of How Chronic Disease Makes Us Stronger

Reading it now, I would change the "Healthy Paradox" section. At the time, I felt quite conflicted that I had become unhealthy on my mission to promote being healthy. In hindsight, that shouldn't have been the case.

Undoubtedly, I was the most unhealthy I had been in a long time. But, I was training for a very difficult challenge. Hard things don’t come easy. Without my daily breathing practice, who knows how much worse I would have been.

I had forgotten that sometimes health is what you don’t see [#2].

2. The Surprising Trick This Breathing Expert Uses To Stop A Panic Attack

"So when Bentley tells you to take in quick, shallow inhales, it's understandable you may raise a brow….'Doing it intentionally and in a relaxed manner and setting can actually help open up the lungs,' Bentley adds, 'so that when one does try to breathe in fully, it actually relieves that feeling.'"

- Jamie Schneider, mindbodygreen

Tanya Bentley, Ph.D is the CEO of HHPF, the non-profit organization the 100 mile walk was for. In this article, Tanya describes a rather counterintuitive approach to dealing with panic attacks: intentionally hyperventilate.

Whenever I read something that goes against everything I’ve ever learned, I immediately think, "well this just might work." : ) Enjoy the quick read.

3. Breath Walking

"Synchronizing your breathing with the rhythm of your steps in order to walk more while providing less effort…Both energizing and meditative, the Afghan Walk offers a new opportunity to approach walking with a sense of well-being."

- The Afghan walk, the benefits of a regenerating walk

Here’s a unique article about combining breathing and walking through what is known as the Afghan Walk. The goal is to reach around 6-8 breaths per minute, which we know is linked to better cardio-autonomic balance. It’s always nice when practiced methods are validated by new science.

Since learning this technique, I’ve been practicing a modified version (inhale 4 steps, hold 1 step, exhale 6 steps, hold 1 step) a few times a day in my backyard. It’s rather phenomenal. Here’s to more breath walking today.

Thanks to L.M. for sharing the Afghan Walk with me!

4. Getting Healthy vs. Staying Healthy

With high motivation, you can get healthy pretty quickly. In one day, you could clean out your pantry, start a meditation practice, and sign up for a gym.

The real challenge is staying healthy when motivation wanes.

To do this, we must develop and maintain healthy habits. It must become customary to do things that are good for us, even when we don’t feel like it.

Fortunately, there are two simple, scientifically-proven habits you can easily create to get and stay healthy: Walk more, breathe less [see #1].




"Gandhi used to walk for miles every day repeating it to himself until the rhythm of the mantram and his footsteps began to stabilize the rhythm of his breathing, which is closely connected with the rhythm of the mind."

– Eknath Easwaran, Gandhi The Man




Answer: The highest recording of this measurement of oxygen consumption is 96.7 ml·min-1·kg-1.

(Cue the Jeopardy! music.)

Question: What is VO2max?


On Excellent Scientific Statements and Being Reasonable with Breathing



Here are 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer related to breathing. Enjoy!




1. 18 Excellent Statements from Scientific Papers

"With breathing interventions being relatively rapid interventions to implement and also demonstrating a wide range of positive clinical outcomes, breathing interventions warrant closer consideration from healthcare professionals."

- Psychophysiology (2017)

Over the past few years, I have accumulated over 500 pages of notes on over 100 scientific articles on breathing. I’ve recently been going back through them as part of a project I’m working on.

In this post, I share 18 of the best "one-liners" I’ve come across. Enjoy!

2. Breathing, Autonomic Function, and Diabetes

One of the most significant benefits of slow breathing is its positive effects on autonomic function. This is typically measured by heart rate variability (HRV) and baroreflex sensitivity (BRS)—higher HRV and BRS indicate better function.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, people with diabetes generally suffer from lower HRV (Benichou et al. 2018; Kudat et al. 2006) and BRS (Bernardi et al. 2017; Esposito et al. 2016). This is due to many factors, such as fluctuating blood sugars and resting tissue hypoxia, which cause autonomic imbalance (Bianchi et al. 2017).

Encouragingly, slow breathing at a rate of 4-6 breaths per minute is an effective way of increasing HRV (Steffen et al. 2021; Russell et al. 2017; Tavares et al. 2017; Chen et al. 2016; Lin et al. 2014; Van Diest et al. 2014; Vaschillo et al. 2006) and BRS (Rosengård-Bärlund et al. 2011; Bernardi et al. 2011; Joseph et al. 2005).

Slow breathing improves these markers by stimulating the vagus nerve, which activates the calming parasympathetic nervous system (Gerritsen and Band 2018). This helps people with diabetes restore autonomic balance.

It is simple and immediately useful, seeming too good to be true. But alas, science agrees: “Slow breathing could be a simple beneficial intervention in diabetes.

3. How Stuff Works: Why Breathing Through Your Nose Is Best

"But wait, there's more. Breathing through your nose also increases the amount of oxygen in your blood more than mouth breathing, which is essential to virtually every cell, organ and tissue in your body."

- How Stuff Works
Why Breathing Through Your Nose is Best

This excellent article succinctly summarizes the benefits of nose breathing. It’s short, sweet, and packed full of great information. Enjoy!

4. With Breathing, Be Reasonable Not Rational

"Do not aim to be coldly rational when making financial decisions. Aim to just be pretty reasonable. Reasonable is more realistic and you have a better chance of sticking with it for the long run, which is what matters most."

- Morgan Housel, The Psychology of Money

I find many parallels between health and wealth. Here is another. We often get too bogged down with doing everything rationally. "This study said 20 minutes of slow breathing is best" or "That one said three times a day is needed."

Rather than following scientific studies exactly, I believe it’s better to aim for being "pretty reasonable." Find the time of day that works best with your schedule. Find the method that works best for you. Two slow breaths are better than no slow breaths. Four minutes a day is still better than zero minutes a day.

With breathing, be reasonable, not rational.




But the nostrils, with their delicate and fibrous linings for purifying and warming the air in its passage, have been mysteriously constructed, and designed to stand guard over the lungs.

– George Caitlin (1864), The Breath of Life




Answer: The internal surface area of these organs can be a great a 100 sq. meters, about half the size of a tennis court.

(Cue the Jeopardy! music.)

Question: What are the lungs?

In good breath,

P.S. No I need these


Become A World-Class Breather



Here are four thoughts, one quote, and one answer to start off February. Enjoy!




1. Become a World-Class Breather

"World-class performers are less about complexity and more about optimizing simplicity…It’s about the fundamentals. But small, daily improvements on the fundamentals every day done with ridiculous consistency creates insane revolutions over time."

- Robin Sharma, Optimize Interview

Becoming a world-class breather is actually quite simple: reduce the complexity, optimize the simplicity.

Of course, you can still utilize a variety of advanced techniques. Kobe Bryant didn’t only practice shooting free throws, and Tom Brady doesn’t only practice taking snaps. But it all starts with optimizing the fundamentals.

The best way to do that? Nose, belly, quiet, slow, repeat. Let those benefits compound into "insane revolutions over time."

P.S. Don’t forget James Clear’s advice: We have to start before we can optimize.

P.P.S. I condensed the quote, but I’ve never heard so many buzzwords stringed together so eloquently and with so much conviction : ) Enjoy listening.

2. What Optimal Breathing Can Do for Diabetes 

Although it’s not a panacea, improving our breathing might be the simplest thing we can do for our overall health. And for diabetes, in particular, optimal breathing has several direct and indirect benefits that are especially useful.

For example, it can improve cardio-autonomic function, reduce stress and anxiety (see next thought), improve blood flow, and improve sleep. These benefits can lead to better insulin sensitivity, more stable blood sugars, and less risk of long-term complications. Not bad for something as simple as breathing.

3. Harvard Business Review: Why Breathing Is So Effective at Reducing Stress

"So what makes breathing so effective? It’s very difficult to talk your way out of strong emotions like stress, anxiety, or anger…But with breathing techniques, it is possible to gain some mastery over your mind."

- Harvard Business Review,
Research: Why Breathing Is So Effective at Reducing Stress

So much goodness in this quick article. It’s a nice complement to last week’s thought on using breathing instead of thinking, and much more. Enjoy!

4. A Breathing Competition?

Compete: from Latin competere,

in its late sense 'strive or contend for (something)'

from com = 'together' + petere = 'aim at, seek'

- Apple Dictionary

So to "compete" literally means to strive for something together. In that case, we can consider this newsletter to be a breathing competition, with all of us striving to become world-class breathers together.

I hope you enjoy this competition as much as I do.

This thought was inspired by this Optimize +1




"The pattern of your breathing affects the pattern of your performance. When you are under stress, deep breathing helps bring your mind and body back into the present."

– Gary Mack, Mind Gym




Answer: This is the longest recorded breath-hold that didn’t use pure oxygen inhalation.

(Cue the Jeopardy! music.)

Question: What is 11 min 35 sec?


The Breathing 411 - On Becoming Indisfunctionable


Welcome to October and another edition of The Breathing 4.1.1.

Below, you’ll find 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer (like "Jeopardy") related to all things breathing. Enjoy!




1. Breathing to Gain Traction

"On the left side is distraction, the opposite of traction...the word means the 'drawing away of the mind.' Distractions impede us from making progress toward the life we envision."

- Nir Eyal, Indistractable

I’ve never thought of "distraction" being the opposite of "traction." (Pretty neat.) Distraction, as Nir Eyal states, is the drawing away of the mind.

But what can we do to bring it back, to gain traction?

"It has long been claimed by Yogis and Buddhists that meditation and ancient breath-focused practices… strengthen our ability to focus on tasks. A new study explains for the first time the neurophysiological link between breathing and attention.
The way we breathe, in other words, directly affects the chemistry of our brains in a way that can enhance our attention and improve our brain health." - ScienceDaily

That sounds like a great place to start. Here’s to combining ancient wisdom with modern science on our path to becoming indistractable.

(Thanks, a million times over, to Brian Johnson for inspiring so many of my thoughts.)

2. How to Become Indisfunctionable

In addition to improving focus, a staple of slow breathing is that it reverses autonomic dysfunction. It does this by promoting cardio-respiratory balance, in as little as two minutes, putting us back on the track to health and wellness.

In the process of becoming indistractable, we also become indisfunctionable.

3. Similar Lung Deficiencies in Diabetes and Asthma

"In a study of the pulmonary biopsies of 171 patients,(18) it was concluded that individuals with DM [diabetes mellitus] present an increase in basement membrane thickness similar to that seen in asthma patients." - Forgiarini et al. (2009)

I have often wondered why breathing principles that work so well for asthma also benefit people with diabetes. Here’s one interesting similarity: The oxidative stress from diabetes leads to similar lung structure changes seen in asthmatics.

Thanks to 411 reader T. P. for inspiring this thought.

4. Heavy Breathing at the Start of Exercise (it’s not just CO2)

Your breathing rate typically increases after just a few minutes of exercise…unless you’ve been reading this newsletter long enough :)

By now, we would all probably agree this increase in breathing is due to a build-up of CO2. But is that truly the case?

"The increase in ventilation does not appear to be the consequence of changes in arterial blood gases." - Respiratory Physiology pg 187

The reason is perhaps more impressive. It’s what this textbook calls "Phase 1: The Neurological Phase" of exercise. The movement itself might be sending neurological messages to the brain, instructing it to begin breathing more.

That is, your body has a built-in, anticipatory mechanism that links movement to the respiratory controller in the brain to help prevent blood-gas imbalances from ever happening. The result is that changes in breathing precede changes in CO2.




Same goes for breathing:

"It is easy to be heavy; hard to be light."

- G.K. Chesterton




Answer: The time it takes gas exchange to occur in the lungs.

(Cue the Jeopardy music.)

Question: What is about 0.25 seconds?

In good breath,

P.S. Didn’t see that coming.


The Breathing 4.1.1. - Slow or Control? (+ Seneca on Walking & Breathing)


Happy Monday to you! Welcome to a new edition of The Breathing 4.1.1.

Below you’ll find 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer (think "Jeopardy"). Enjoy!




1. Breath Rate or Breath Control: Which is More Important?

Last week, we talked about a powerful evolutionary advantage: Rather than evolving to breathe slowly, we evolved the ability to control our breathing.

We know slow, controlled breathing is beneficial, but what about just the controlled aspect itself?

A study published in 2017 examined this by having participants perform controlled breathing at 12 breaths per minute. This rate is on the low end of average for spontaneous breathing.

They found that this practice reduced sympathetic activity. There was something about the act of consciously controlling the breath that helped promote autonomic balance, despite the rather ordinary rate.

Slow breathing provides a host of additional benefits. But let us not forget the power of simply controlling your body’s most important function: breathing.

2. While We’re on the Subject: Slow Breathing Restores Balance in COPD

People with COPD have similar complications to diabetics, such as increased sympathetic tone and reduced baroreflex sensitivity (BRS).

A study published in 2008 found that slow breathing at 6 breaths per minute for 4 minutes significantly reduced sympathetic activity and increased BRS in COPD patients. That is, it helped restore cardio-autonomic balance. 

Their words are always better than mine:

In summary, patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease showed sympathetic excitation and depression of the baroreflex. Slow breathing counteracted these changes.” - Raupach et al.

3. Another Non-Breathing Tip: I Take This Every Morning

To build off of my #1 non-breathing tip (2-4 hours between dinner and bedtime), here’s another one I use every day: baking soda.

Baking soda has been shown to improve performance and even help with autoimmune conditions. From a breathing perspective, it has also been shown to increase breath-hold time (something I have anecdotally experienced).

Here’s how I take it every morning:

  • 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar

  • 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda

  • Mix and "enjoy"

It sounds disgusting, but it’s actually not too bad. Apple cider vinegar might also help control blood sugars, so that’s an added bonus for us diabetics.

4. A Race for the Future

"Looking at the evidence, it’s hard not to conclude that our entire physiology was engineered to reward us for moving." - Kelly McGonigal, The Joy of Movement

I love Physiology First, its mission, and the people behind it. On August 15, they are holding a run/walk to collectively cover 1,000 miles. You can join virtually anywhere (my wife and I will be joining from here on the Space Coast of Florida).

It’s been a while since my 100-mile ruck, so this is a great reason to get out and move for a good cause. Every mile helps, and there is no minimum. I hope to "e-see" you there!

More Details:

(We’re signing up for the "1000 Miler")




Speaking of walking and breathing:

“We should take wandering outdoor walks, so that the mind might be nourished and refreshed by the open air and deep breathing.” —Seneca, On Tranquility of Mind

(I found this quote in Ryan Holiday’s Newsletter.)




Answer: The number of oxygen molecules in each red blood cell.

(Cue the Jeopardy music.)

Question: What is 1 billion?

In good breath,

P.S. Keeping Cool During COVID.