controlled breathing

Inner Resources, Better Blood Flow, and How to Focus on a Fuller Life


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4 Thoughts

1. Here is the Fastest Way to Achieve Well-Being

So what is the fastest way to achieve well-being? It is so close to you that it can easily be overlooked. Your breath.  A rapid and reliable pathway into your nervous system, dedicated to helping you regain your optimal state.

- Emma Seppälä, Ph.D., The Happiness Track

This is beautifully and perfectly said. Nothing to add here 🙏

2. On Sailboats, HRV, and Developing Your Inner Resources

Developing inner resources is like deepening the keel of a sailboat so that you're more able to deal with the worldly winds—gain and loss, pleasure and pain, praise and blame, fame and slander—without getting tipped over into the reactive mode. Or at least you can recover more quickly.

- Rick Hanson, Ph.D., Neurodharma

Although Dr. Hanson is talking about inner resources in general, this is an excellent analogy for why improving HRV via slow deep breathing is so helpful: it’s like deepening the keel of your physiological sailboat.

You will still be hit by life’s storms, but with higher HRV, you’ll remain steadier and recover quicker. We could say, then, that deep breathing = deep keel.

3. Slow Breathing for Better Blood Flow

“When [the small] blood vessels are relaxed, more blood can flow freely through them. When they become constricted, the same amount of blood flows through a narrower space, increasing your blood pressure.

- Inna Khazan, Ph.D., Biofeedback and Mindfulness in Everyday Life

Slow breathing activates the calming parasympathetic nervous system, which relaxes the small blood vessels, lowers blood pressure, and improves blood flow.

This is a vital benefit of slow breathing because better blood flow is necessary for, well, just about everything (especially if you have diabetes).

So if you feel so inspired, give it a shot. Sit and breathe at 5-6 breaths/min for 2 min. Feel for yourself the rapid boost in blood flow to your hands and/or feet.


P.S. I’ve had cold hands & feet for as long as I can remember (thanks, diabetes). Although it’s improved considerably, one of my favorite things about slow breathing is the warmth I feel in them during and after my practice.

4. Control, and How to Focus on a Fuller Life

Even if you don't have control over the outcome of the stressful situation, you may be able to exert some control over its impact…You can't always control what you feel or think, but you can control what you do. Focus on living a full life even though you don’t have [fill in your issue]…

- Melanie Greenberg, Ph.D., The Stress-Proof Brain

When nothing seems to work, my blood sugars still go crazy, my insulin sensitivity is off, or I don’t sleep well, I always have the breath. I have something I can control, that gives me control.

It helps me focus on living a fuller life, and I hope it does for you too 🙏




“When you own your breath, nobody can steal your peace.”

- Unknown

P.S. Like a lot of what I share, this one is a reminder to myself : ) And it’s advice I haven’t been following that well lately (facepalm).




Category: Blood Flow

Answer: Although hemoglobin is best-known for releasing oxygen, it also releases this gas, which enhances blood flow and helps the oxygen actually get where it is needed most.

(Cue the Jeopardy! music.)

Question: What is nitric oxide?

In good breath,

Nick Heath, T1D, PhD
“Breathing is the compound interest of health & wellness.”

P.S. hoppity hop, hop hop hop


Sign Up For The Breathing 411

Each Monday, I curate and synthesize information from scientific journals, books, articles, and podcasts to share 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer (like "Jeopardy!") related to breathing. It’s a fun way to learn something new each week.


Fast Breathing, Positive Emotions, and the 3 Stages of Wim Hof


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4 Thoughts

1. Feedforward vs. Feedback: How to Breathe Yourself into Being Happier

Therefore, it is widely accepted that emotions arise within the brain, which provides feedforward signaling … [But] The emotional and neurological changes that arise during pranayama and meditation illustrate the effects that feedback from the body can have on emotions, the ANS, and neurological activity.

- How Does the Body Affect the Mind? Role of Cardiorespiratory Coherence in the Spectrum of Emotions

I love this distinction, “feedforward” vs. “feedback.” Feedforward is when an emotion arises in the brain and “feeds” its signal to the rest of the body. Feedback is when your physiological state influences your feelings.

This paper hypothesizes that the feedbacks from slow breathing, namely the ones on the nervous system and brain, can elicit positive emotions.

That is, you might be able to breathe yourself into being happier.

I know I feel most joyful and optimistic after my morning breathing practice. It feels like magic, but I guess it’s just physiological feedback at its finest : )


Related Quote:It's rarely a mysterious technique that drives us to the top, but rather a profound mastery of what may well be a basic skill set.” - Josh Waitzkin, The Art of Learning

2. Breathe Fast, but don’t Hyperventilate

You can breathe fast while staying present and in control. But when you chronically hyperventilate, it’s unmindful and unchecked.

When you’re breathing fast with control, it can be therapeutic. But chronic, unrestricted hyperventilation is illness in disguise.

So breathe fast, but don’t hyperventilate.


P.S. Of course, physiologically, fast breathing is hyperventilation, but the key distinction here is control. And I gotta be a little provocative now and then 😂.

P.P.S. This thought was inspired by James Clear’s recent idea on moving fast vs. rushing. It’s an excellent analogy for breathing.

3. The Three Stages of Wim Hof, in Chronological Order

  1. You love his charisma, and you think he’s a genius.

  2. You realize he’s crazy and that his method makes no sense.

  3. You love his charisma, and you think he’s a genius.


Related: 20 One-Sentence (& light-hearted) Thoughts on the Wim Hof Method

4. Breathing Haiku

Haiku is about delivering powerful imagery in the fewest of words (usually between 11 and 17 syllables). Similarly, limiting breaths as you've mentioned leads to a more powerful, healthy life. It seems indeed, that the oft used adage in design "less is more" rings true here as well.

- Benjamin C., 411 Reader

Absolutely beautiful.

I could go on and on about how perfect this analogy is. But instead, how about we fully express our poetic selves through a little breathing haiku, today.




“Or, more accurately, breathing should be returned to what was natural before we got stressed out by years of running around a hectic world and internalizing bad habits.”

- Josh Waitzkin, describing his Tai Chi instructor’s thoughts on breathing, The Art of Learning




Category: Vagus Nerve and Feedback

Answer: Approximately this percent of vagal nerve fibers are afferent, meaning they send information from the body back to the brain (aka feedback or bottom-up messaging).

(Cue the Jeopardy! music.)

Question: What is 80%?

In good breath,

Nick Heath, T1D, PhD
“Breathing is the compound interest of health & wellness.”

P.S. 99% of socializing as an adult


Sign Up For The Breathing 411

Each Monday, I curate and synthesize information from scientific journals, books, articles, and podcasts to share 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer (like "Jeopardy!") related to breathing. It’s a fun way to learn something new each week.


Lucid Breathing, Positive Feedback Loops, and Wim Hof’s Breath Mastery


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Here are four thoughts, one quote, and one answer for this week.

I hope you enjoy!



4 Thoughts

1. Why We Should (and Should Not) Care About HRV

Over the years we've experimented with many different types of physiological and psychological measures. Heart rate variability (HRV) patterns… have consistently emerged as the most dynamic and reflective of our inner emotional states.

- The Heartmath Solution

I’ve been on an HRV kick lately. And although I’m fascinated by the physiological implications of it—its correlation with disease and diabetes, its impact on stress, and so on—here’s another reason we should care: It’s the “most dynamic and reflective [measurement] of our inner emotional states.

Of course, this makes perfect sense, as our emotional states impact our physiology, and vice-versa. HRV gives us an index for them all, which is why we should care about it.

But, we should also remember that high HRV isn’t the end goal. It’s the positive states associated with high HRV we’re after.

So here’s to using slow breathing to maximize HRV while (paradoxically) remembering that HRV is not the end goal.


Related Quote: “‘When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure.’ Measurement is only useful when it guides you and adds context to a larger picture, not when it consumes you.” - James Clear, Atomic Habits

P.S. Huge thanks to Crussen for The Heartmath Solution. After taking his genuinely incredible Heart Coherence class, I contacted him, and he said Heartmath helped inspire it. I immediately grabbed the book and loved it.

2. The Positive Breathing-Relaxation Feedback Loop

Slow breathing techniques with long exhalation will signal a state of relaxation by VN, resulting in more VN activity and further relaxation.

- Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2018

Here’s a positive feedback loop we can celebrate: Slow breathing sends a message of relaxation via the vagus nerve, which increases vagal activity, further enhancing relaxation. Thank you, complicated physiology.

Practically, this is why when you start your slow breathing practice, you don’t feel much at first, but after a few minutes, you feel like a different person. You’re experiencing this positive breathing-relaxation feedback loop in action.

Complex science. Simple to experience.

Give it a shot today.


Related Quote:Not only does VN control heart rate and slow deep breathing, slow respiration rates with extended exhalation could also activate the PNS by VN afferent function in the airways. This is a form of respiratory biofeedback.” - Same paper as above

Related: Longer Exhalations Are an Easy Way to Hack Your Vagus Nerve

3. A Wealth of Health | Breathing: Misconceptions and Tips (and Wim Hof’s Mastery)

Taking control of the breath — consciously thinking about the unconscious respiratory mechanism — is the first step to improving a plethora of everyday struggles and habits.

- The Breeze, Breathing: Misconceptions and tips

I picked that quote because it goes perfectly with Thought #4 below on Lucid Breathing. But the article is packed with information (and name drops, 😂). It covers a lot of ground, somewhat disjointedly, but I think you’ll enjoy it.

My favorite part was a reminder of something I often forget: That Wim Hof is a master of the breath (and marketing). Although his method frustrates many in the breathing community, James Nestor nailed it in this article:

Everyone thinks that Wim Hof is breathing ‘Wim Hof breaths’ all the time,” Nestor said. “He’s not. He’s breathing like that for 20 minutes, and the rest of the time he’s breathing really slowly, and he’s humming.



Related: 20 One-Sentence Thoughts on the Wim Hof Method

4. Are Lucid Breathers the Future of Evolution?

It seems to be only around 20 to 30% of the population are actually natural lucid dreamers…Maybe those 20 to 30% of people who do lucid dream are at the forefront of hominid evolution, and they are going to be the next species of preference. We just don't know.

- Matthew Walker, Ph.D.

Maybe the same is true of lucid breathers? Interestingly, Nature made it difficult to control our dreams. It made it simple to control our breath—though most of us sleep right through it.

But control over our breath was not an accident. As Belisa Vranich and Brian Sabin tell us in Breathing for Warriors, “It's an invitation, an opportunity to take part in our own nature and evolution.

So wake up in your breath. Use it to control this dream we call living.



1 Quote

The quality of our breath expresses our inner feelings.

- TKV Desikachar

P.S. I found that quote here.



1 Answer

Category: Heart and Breath Pacemakers

Answer: Although our heartbeat is controlled by pacemakers in the heart, the breathing pacemakers are located here.

(Cue the Jeopardy! music.)

Question: What is the brainstem?

In good breath,

Nick Heath, T1D, PhD
Diabetes is Tiny. You are Mighty.

P.S. My anxiety does not define me


Sign Up For The Breathing 411

Each Monday, I curate and synthesize information from scientific journals, books, articles, and podcasts to share 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer (like "Jeopardy!") related to breathing. It’s a fun way to learn something new each week.


The Breathing 4.1.1. - Slow or Control? (+ Seneca on Walking & Breathing)


Happy Monday to you! Welcome to a new edition of The Breathing 4.1.1.

Below you’ll find 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer (think "Jeopardy"). Enjoy!




1. Breath Rate or Breath Control: Which is More Important?

Last week, we talked about a powerful evolutionary advantage: Rather than evolving to breathe slowly, we evolved the ability to control our breathing.

We know slow, controlled breathing is beneficial, but what about just the controlled aspect itself?

A study published in 2017 examined this by having participants perform controlled breathing at 12 breaths per minute. This rate is on the low end of average for spontaneous breathing.

They found that this practice reduced sympathetic activity. There was something about the act of consciously controlling the breath that helped promote autonomic balance, despite the rather ordinary rate.

Slow breathing provides a host of additional benefits. But let us not forget the power of simply controlling your body’s most important function: breathing.

2. While We’re on the Subject: Slow Breathing Restores Balance in COPD

People with COPD have similar complications to diabetics, such as increased sympathetic tone and reduced baroreflex sensitivity (BRS).

A study published in 2008 found that slow breathing at 6 breaths per minute for 4 minutes significantly reduced sympathetic activity and increased BRS in COPD patients. That is, it helped restore cardio-autonomic balance. 

Their words are always better than mine:

In summary, patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease showed sympathetic excitation and depression of the baroreflex. Slow breathing counteracted these changes.” - Raupach et al.

3. Another Non-Breathing Tip: I Take This Every Morning

To build off of my #1 non-breathing tip (2-4 hours between dinner and bedtime), here’s another one I use every day: baking soda.

Baking soda has been shown to improve performance and even help with autoimmune conditions. From a breathing perspective, it has also been shown to increase breath-hold time (something I have anecdotally experienced).

Here’s how I take it every morning:

  • 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar

  • 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda

  • Mix and "enjoy"

It sounds disgusting, but it’s actually not too bad. Apple cider vinegar might also help control blood sugars, so that’s an added bonus for us diabetics.

4. A Race for the Future

"Looking at the evidence, it’s hard not to conclude that our entire physiology was engineered to reward us for moving." - Kelly McGonigal, The Joy of Movement

I love Physiology First, its mission, and the people behind it. On August 15, they are holding a run/walk to collectively cover 1,000 miles. You can join virtually anywhere (my wife and I will be joining from here on the Space Coast of Florida).

It’s been a while since my 100-mile ruck, so this is a great reason to get out and move for a good cause. Every mile helps, and there is no minimum. I hope to "e-see" you there!

More Details:

(We’re signing up for the "1000 Miler")




Speaking of walking and breathing:

“We should take wandering outdoor walks, so that the mind might be nourished and refreshed by the open air and deep breathing.” —Seneca, On Tranquility of Mind

(I found this quote in Ryan Holiday’s Newsletter.)




Answer: The number of oxygen molecules in each red blood cell.

(Cue the Jeopardy music.)

Question: What is 1 billion?

In good breath,

P.S. Keeping Cool During COVID.