
Yogic Wisdom, Start with the Breath, and Will Smith’s 60/40 Rule


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4 Thoughts

1. Start with the Breath (scientists agree)

They [breathing patterns] thereby constitute an easy but potent avenue to manipulate the whole physiological state of the organism.

- Respiratory Feedback in the Generation of Emotion

Want to potently “manipulate the whole physiological state of the organism”? Scientists start with the breath. And that’s why, for overall health, we do too: It’s the quickest and most efficient way to positively impact every aspect of your life. It’s actually quite absurd not to start there, in my humble opinion 😊

2. The Montessori Breathing Method

The Montessori method emphasizes both intrinsic motivation and learning through doing. In fact, for this latter reason, it’s often called “embodied education.” Don’t just read about organic farming—go out and plant a garden.

- Steven Kotler, The Art of Impossible

Let’s apply the same principles of Montessori education (aka embodied education<—absolutely love that) to our breathwork.

Read about the methods you’re interested in. Read about how breathing affects the whole physiological state of the organism. But then, most importantly, embody that education and learn through doing. As Confucius says, “What greater joy can there be than putting into practice what you have learned?

3. Ancient Yogic Wisdom Wins (again)

One of the things that the yogis really seemed to understand was that this circuitry didn’t just happen in the brain, it happened globally, with messages going in both directions: TOP DOWN (brain to body) and BOTTOM UP (body to brain).  The intrinsic link between prāna and citta accounts for why the yogis insisted on breathing practices as the primary means to pacify the mind. …Breathing can effectively modulate the reactive loop, and restore us to a more coherent frame of mind.

- Robin Rothenberg, Restoring Prāna

I have nothing to add, except for one of these 🤯 Oh, and to re-read Thought #1 on how modern science agrees with this global perspective on breathing…

4. How Breathing Makes You Prosper, Part II

If man’s breath is prosperous, then the body prospers.

- The Primordial Breath, Volume I

Pop quiz from last week: Do you remember what prosper literally means?

To go forward with hope.

So, if the breath is prosperous, then the body prospers (and I’ll add that the mind and spirit prosper, too). Thus, we could argue that “the whole physiological state of the organism” goes forward with hope. Sounds good to me : )

Bonus Thought: Will Smith’s 60/40 Rule with His Mom

When I say silly stuff, it makes the world lighter for her. But she needs me to say smart stuff too. That makes her feel safe. She thinks that the only way I'll be able to survive is if I'm intelligent. She likes about a 60/40 ratio of smart to silly.

- Will Smith, Will

This has nothing to do with breathing, but since I shared a 60/40 breathing rule last week, this passage jumped out at me. It’s an excellent approach to life : )




“Life begins with our first breath and will end after our last. To contemplate breathing is to contemplate life itself.”

- Larry Rosenberg, Breath by Breath




Category: Breathing 101

Answer: The matching of air and blood flow in the lungs is known as this.

(Cue the Jeopardy! music.)

Question: What is ventilation-perfusion?

In good breath,

Nick Heath, T1D, PhD
“Breathing is the compound interest of health & wellness.”

P.S. You think you can hurt my feelings?


Sign Up For The Breathing 411

Each Monday, I curate and synthesize information from scientific journals, books, articles, and podcasts to share 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer (like "Jeopardy!") related to breathing. It’s a fun way to learn something new each week.


Fast Breathing, Positive Emotions, and the 3 Stages of Wim Hof


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4 Thoughts

1. Feedforward vs. Feedback: How to Breathe Yourself into Being Happier

Therefore, it is widely accepted that emotions arise within the brain, which provides feedforward signaling … [But] The emotional and neurological changes that arise during pranayama and meditation illustrate the effects that feedback from the body can have on emotions, the ANS, and neurological activity.

- How Does the Body Affect the Mind? Role of Cardiorespiratory Coherence in the Spectrum of Emotions

I love this distinction, “feedforward” vs. “feedback.” Feedforward is when an emotion arises in the brain and “feeds” its signal to the rest of the body. Feedback is when your physiological state influences your feelings.

This paper hypothesizes that the feedbacks from slow breathing, namely the ones on the nervous system and brain, can elicit positive emotions.

That is, you might be able to breathe yourself into being happier.

I know I feel most joyful and optimistic after my morning breathing practice. It feels like magic, but I guess it’s just physiological feedback at its finest : )


Related Quote:It's rarely a mysterious technique that drives us to the top, but rather a profound mastery of what may well be a basic skill set.” - Josh Waitzkin, The Art of Learning

2. Breathe Fast, but don’t Hyperventilate

You can breathe fast while staying present and in control. But when you chronically hyperventilate, it’s unmindful and unchecked.

When you’re breathing fast with control, it can be therapeutic. But chronic, unrestricted hyperventilation is illness in disguise.

So breathe fast, but don’t hyperventilate.


P.S. Of course, physiologically, fast breathing is hyperventilation, but the key distinction here is control. And I gotta be a little provocative now and then 😂.

P.P.S. This thought was inspired by James Clear’s recent idea on moving fast vs. rushing. It’s an excellent analogy for breathing.

3. The Three Stages of Wim Hof, in Chronological Order

  1. You love his charisma, and you think he’s a genius.

  2. You realize he’s crazy and that his method makes no sense.

  3. You love his charisma, and you think he’s a genius.


Related: 20 One-Sentence (& light-hearted) Thoughts on the Wim Hof Method

4. Breathing Haiku

Haiku is about delivering powerful imagery in the fewest of words (usually between 11 and 17 syllables). Similarly, limiting breaths as you've mentioned leads to a more powerful, healthy life. It seems indeed, that the oft used adage in design "less is more" rings true here as well.

- Benjamin C., 411 Reader

Absolutely beautiful.

I could go on and on about how perfect this analogy is. But instead, how about we fully express our poetic selves through a little breathing haiku, today.




“Or, more accurately, breathing should be returned to what was natural before we got stressed out by years of running around a hectic world and internalizing bad habits.”

- Josh Waitzkin, describing his Tai Chi instructor’s thoughts on breathing, The Art of Learning




Category: Vagus Nerve and Feedback

Answer: Approximately this percent of vagal nerve fibers are afferent, meaning they send information from the body back to the brain (aka feedback or bottom-up messaging).

(Cue the Jeopardy! music.)

Question: What is 80%?

In good breath,

Nick Heath, T1D, PhD
“Breathing is the compound interest of health & wellness.”

P.S. 99% of socializing as an adult


Sign Up For The Breathing 411

Each Monday, I curate and synthesize information from scientific journals, books, articles, and podcasts to share 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer (like "Jeopardy!") related to breathing. It’s a fun way to learn something new each week.


How Modern Science Supports Ancient Yoga, plus Comfort in Breathwalking


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The way you breathe might affect your insulin sensitivity. And the way you walk definitely affects your ability to withstand discomfort.

Let’s find out how…



4 Thoughts

1. Longer Exhalations are Naturally Relaxing

It's helpful to extend your exhalations because the ‘rest and digest’ parasympathetic nervous system handles exhaling while also slowing your heart rate. So, longer exhalations are naturally relaxing.

- Rick Hanson, Ph.D., Neurodharma

Just a friendly reminder that extending the exhalation is one of the fastest ways to naturally relax. That is all : )


Related: Longer Exhalations Are an Easy Way to Hack Your Vagus Nerve

Related: BBC: Why slowing your breathing helps you relax

2. How Breathing Might Help with Insulin Sensitivity

These observations demonstrate that hypoxia rapidly regulated the inhibition of the insulin signaling pathway […] During reoxygenation, the ability of insulin to stimulate phosphorylation of insulin receptor and signaling proteins was restored after 45 min.

Hypoxia Decreases Insulin Signaling Pathways in Adipocytes

Insulin resistance is a critical factor in diabetes and overall metabolic health. In this paper, we learn that low tissue oxygen (hypoxia) can trigger insulin resistance. Encouragingly, however, reoxygenation restored it.

This is one reason why optimal breathing is so essential for metabolic health, especially for people with diabetes. By practicing slow nasal breathing, we increase our blood and tissue oxygenation. This could potentially maintain, or even restore, insulin sensitivity.

Of course, there is no research showing that slow nasal breathing does this—no one is going to fund that study : ) But, given what we know about slow breathing, tissue oxygenation, and blood flow, it seems reasonable to hypothesize that it would help. I know have certainly noticed a difference.


Related: The Lesser-Known Benefits of Nasal Breathing, Designed for Diabetes

3. “Role of respiration in mind-body practices: concepts from contemporary science and traditional yoga texts”

Traditional yoga texts also suggest a solution for the imbalance in prana, through slow, deep breathing. … The beneficial effects of deep breathing are supported by contemporary science.

- Telles et al. (2014), Frontiers in Psychiatry

I’ve shared a quote from this paper before, but if you haven’t read the full thing, it’s well worth it. It describes how modern science supports ancient yogic breathing, for example, how “Conventional physiology has found benefits of deep breathing supporting the importance given to regulating the breath in yoga.

Another interesting idea they mention is that breathing “acts as both a top-down and bottom-up mind-body practice.” It makes perfect sense, but I hadn’t thought about it that way.

Ancient Yogic Wisdom + Modern Science = A Fantastic Read


4. Finding Comfort in Breathwalking

To take my mind off the discomfort, I settle into a respiratory rhythm. I take one step as I breathe in, then two steps as I breathe out. One step breathing in, two steps breathing out. Over and over, focusing only on the breath.

- Michael Easter, The Comfort Crisis

Easter spent more than a month in a remote region of Alaska. And this book that came out of it is incredible—a perfect blend of science and storytelling.

Of course, this part stood out to me : )

Easter is making a ridiculous walk back to camp with a ton of weight. He naturally settles into his breath, and this gives him comfort and endurance.

As he puts it, “There's science behind this. Brazilian researchers found that people who are able to detach from their emotions during exercise, for example, not thinking about or putting a negative valence on their burning legs and lungs, almost always perform better.

So aside from the mechanics and oxygenation, here’s another way in which breathwalking can be beneficial. It helps you detach from your emotions. As Easter tells us, you’ll “almost always perform better.” Sounds good to me.


Related: Breathwalking with Gandhi



1 Quote

“He let me see that, because the breath is so unassuming, I had been undervaluing it. I was looking for a complicated path to enlightenment, when this simple one was right before me.”

- Larry Rosenberg, Breath by Breath



1 Answer

Category: Hypoxia

Answer: A blood oxygen saturation below approximately this value is considered hypoxic.

(Cue the Jeopardy! music.)

Question: What is 90%?

P.S. Different places give slightly different numbers…sometimes it’s 94%, sometimes 92%.

In good breath,

Nick Heath, T1D, PhD
“Breathing is the compound interest of health & wellness.”

P.S. What if?


Sign Up For The Breathing 411

Each Monday, I curate and synthesize information from scientific journals, books, articles, and podcasts to share 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer (like "Jeopardy!") related to breathing. It’s a fun way to learn something new each week.