
HIIB?, a Trick for Being Present, and Becoming More Joyous

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1. High-Intensity Interval…Breathing?

Here’s why we should add intensity of intention to mindful breathing:

“[T]he more intensely you are attending to the present moment, the more temporary freedom you gain from regrets about the past and worries about the future. Furthermore, the more intensely you practice, the longer the benefits linger after the practice.”

- Chade-Meng Tan, Joy On Demand

So, the more intensely you focus on the breath, the greater joy you experience, and the longer the benefits linger. Sounds good to me.

Practically, one way of doing this is through what we might jokingly call High-Intensity Interval Breathing: Instead of a continuous 20-minute mindful breathing session, break it into four “intense” 4-minute sessions, with a 1-minute break between each.

Give it a try and see if you like it 🙏

2. Make a Good First Impression

“You never get a second chance to make a first impression.”

– Will Rogers

Each morning, when we wake up, we meet a new day. We can make a good first impression by doing our breathing practice first thing.

The day will like you more (and treat you kinder).


P.S. Aim for consistency: Each day you meet is different, and today doesn’t remember yesterday’s introduction 😊

3. Picturing Trampolines: A Trick for Staying Present

Here’s a trick the staff psychologist for British Rowing offered in the 2003 World Championships to help the rowers focus on the process instead of the outcome:

“The rowers were instructed to picture a trampoline at the finish line, tipped onto its side so that any thought of theirs that jumped ahead to the outcome would bounce back to the present moment. They bought into it and it worked.”

– Matt Fitzgerald, The Comeback Quotient

That seems like it would be a helpful visualization in all of life 👏

4. Becoming More Present, Joyous, and Warm-Hearted

“The benefits of quieting the mind include becoming more calm and clear. But resting in pure awareness goes a step beyond this sense of quiet. Richard Davidson, who studied the brains of highly advanced yogis who had attained this level, tells me that he had never met any group of people so present, joyous, and warm-hearted.

- Daniel Goleman, Why We Meditate

In my opinion, that last sentence answers the book title: We meditate (or do breathing, yoga, etc.) to become more present, joyous, and warm-hearted.

1 Quote

I can only meditate when I am walking, when I stop I cease to think; my mind only works with my legs.”
— Jean-Jacques Rousseau

1 Answer

Category: Stress Hormones

Answer: This “breathing exercise” has been shown to significantly reduce cortisol, one of the primary stress hormones.

(Cue the Jeopardy! music.)

Question: What is laughter?

Don’t forget to get your dose today : )

In good breath,

Nick Heath, T1D, PhD
“Breathing is the compound interest of health & wellness.”

P.S. Meditation in a nutshell

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* An asterisk by a quote indicates that I listened to this book on Audible. Therefore, the quotation might not be correct, but is my best attempt at reproducing the punctuation based on the narrator’s pace, tone, and pauses.


Breathing Know-How, and Why Trampolines Are Better than Science


Listen to this post:


Happy Monday,

Here are 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer for this week. Enjoy!



4 Thoughts

1. The Ultimate Goal of Breathing Education is Breathing Know-How

Knowledge is not know-how until you understand the underlying principles at work and can fit them together into a structure larger than the sum of its parts. Know-how is learning that enables you to go do.

- Make It Stick

This is the ultimate goal of breathing education. Having the tools to “go do.” Fitting the principles of breathing into a coherent structure that’s larger than just “breathe through your nose” or “do the Wim Hof Method.”

Here are a few simple ways I try (emphasis on try) to do this in my life:

  • Exhaling through the mouth at the start of each slow breathing session.

  • Many short bouts of breathwalking, especially to reset between tasks.

  • Slow breathing after lunch when my blood sugars are weirdest.

And here’s a real-world example of breathing know-how used to help a 67 year old with breathlessness. (Note the range of breathing methods used.)

Here’s to building more breathing know-how today.


Related Quote:The shoe that fits one person pinches another; there is no recipe for living that suits all cases.” —Carl Jung

Related Quote:The people I distrust most are those who want to improve our lives but have only one course of action.” - Frank Herbert

(Both of those also apply to using breathing as a cure-all too.)

2. Why Trampolines are More Useful than Science to Explain Slow Breathing

Do you remember jumping on a trampoline with your friends? You all start out jumping at different rhythms—it’s really quite awkward at first.

But then, gradually, you begin jumping together. You start synchronizing the ups and downs, and each bounce gets a little bit higher. (Then, of course, someone eventually gets “launched,” but that’s beside the point : )

The analogy is that slow breathing does this for our bodies.

We have many mechanisms working at different rhythms to keep things in balance. Your heart might get one message to slow down, but then you began to inhale, sending it a new message to speed up. There’s just a lot going on.

But when you breathe slowly, several of these messages come together and begin to work in unison, like kids jumping together on a trampoline. This synchronization amplifies your natural rhythms, making things more efficient.

So next time you sit down to breathe at 4-6 breaths per minute, remember the trampoline. And take joy in how easily you can bring your body’s chaotic rhythms into complete harmony.

3. How Slow Breathing Might Help with Allergies

Researchers unveil relationship between presence of corticotropin-releasing stress hormone and increase in and degranulation of allergy-causing mast cells.

- Relieve your stress, relieve your allergies

Excess stress makes everything worse. It looks like allergies are no exception.

But the point of sharing this article is this: Maybe the stress-reducing benefits of a consistent slow breathing practice could help reduce allergy symptoms?

Seems like a reasonable thought…


Related: Decrease Stress By Using Your Breath (Mayo Clinic)

Related: Why Breathing Is So Effective at Reducing Stress (Harvard Business Review)

P.S. Thanks to new 411 reader A.K. for inspiring this thought!

4. Does This Mean Optimal Breathing is Optimal Living?

Life and the breath are synonymous.

- Michael J Stephen, MD

For breath is life, and if you breathe well you will live long on earth.

- Sanskrit Proverb.

From medical doctors to Sanskrit proverbs. Science journals to spiritual journeys. The breath is always equated with life.

Deductive reasoning might tell us that, if breath is life, then optimal breathing is optimal living.



1 Quote

By reducing tension, alleviating anxiety, and improving blood flow and oxygenation, breathing practices enhance speed, accuracy, strength, and endurance.

- Richard Brown, MD and Patricia Gerbarg, MD

The Healing Power of the Breath



1 Answer

Answer: A large portion of seasonal allergy sufferers are sensitive to pollen from this source.

(Cue the Jeopardy! music.)

Question: What is the grass?

In good breath,

Nick Heath, T1D, PhD
Diabetes is Tiny. You are Mighty.

P.S. Ready to tackle the day


Sign Up For The Breathing 411

Each Monday, I curate and synthesize information from scientific journals, books, articles, and podcasts to share 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer (like "Jeopardy!") related to breathing. It’s a fun way to learn something new each week.