
Top 5 Daily Breaths, a Guide to Wim Hof, and Coherence Fuels Purpose


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4 Thoughts

1. Wim Hof & Diabetes: A Complete Guide to the Benefits and 5 Real Dangers

This is a complex topic I get a lot of questions about. I made a 40-min class on it, but attempted to put the most critical information into this free post:

You can read it here.

It’s pretty long, but I hope it’s thorough and genuinely helpful, especially if you have diabetes or are a WHM coach. 🙏

2. Word Etymology and Why We Can All Do Asanas, Yogi or Not

The word asana is made up of two parts: as ‘to sit’ and ana, ‘breath.’ To do an asana is to literally sit with your breath, or to sit in a special way and breathe.

- Eddie Stern, One Simple Thing

This is awesome word etymology (thanks, Eddie). And, it’s an excellent reminder that sometimes abstract words are straightforward to implement.

So, I say we all channel our inner yogi and do some more asanas, today 🧘‍♂️

3. Why Coherence Fuels Purpose: Finding Internal & External Safety for Growth

The need for coherence is the form of meaning that is most strongly tied to the need for safety. Does my immediate environment make sense? Is there any predictability and comprehensibility in my life? Coherence is necessary to even get a chance to pursue one’s larger purpose or pursue various ways that one can matter in this world.

- Scott Barry Kaufman, Ph.D., Transcend

Researchers tell us to “pursue one’s larger purpose,” we need external coherence with our environment, which allows us to feel safe.

Conversely, we know that slow breathing (~5-6 breaths/min) provides internal coherence—a predictability in our nervous system that makes us feel safe.

And in my opinion, this second type is even more potent because it’s always available, and our inner state determines how we relate to our external world.

So let’s breathe slowly, find some internal coherence (and maybe even external, too), and use this feeling of safety to pursue our bigger purpose.


Related Quote:The unseen design of things is more harmonious than the seen.” - Heraclitus

4. Two Small Thoughts on Breath and Presence

  • Physically, wherever you find your breath, you find yourself.

  • Spiritually, whenever you find your breath, you find your self.

Extra Thought: Top 5 Breathing Exercises to Practice Daily (and the Best Times to Do Them)

I wrote another guest blog for ResBiotic. I hope this one is super practical and can help you or someone you know get started with breathing. Enjoy!

Top 5 Breathing Exercises to Practice Daily (And the Best Times to Do Them)


This illustrates the most empowering point of all. The key to our own experience lies within our bodies all the time.
— The Tibetan Yoga of Breath


Category: The Lungs

Answer: The alveoli have a mixture of lipids and proteins called this, which prevent them from collapsing during low lung volume.

(Cue the Jeopardy! music.)

Question: What is surfactant?

In good breath,

Nick Heath, T1D, PhD
“Breathing is the compound interest of health & wellness.”

P.S. thanks for buying this gum

Available Now:


If you like geeking out on breathing, or just want to live an overall healthier life, I’m confident you’ll love the workshop (diabetes or not).

By the end of the workshop, you’ll have:

  • The ideal breathing rate for you.

  • A daily practice plan designed around human behavior science rather than discipline and “motivation.”

  • A tool to reduce stress and calm your nervous system anytime, any place.

Plus, you get:

  • A 40-min Wim Hof and Diabetes Mini Masterclass.

    • If you’re interested in the WHM, I think you’ll find a lot of information in here you’ve probably never seen before—like why you should only practice it in the morning and why you don’t have to hold your breath to get the same results.

  • A PDF of 100 inspiring breathing quotes.

  • A Breath Matching worksheet to grow your practice.

  • A simple 10-day plan for implementing what you learn.

And if you don't like it, it’s 100% refundable, so you have nothing to lose.


* An asterisk by a quote indicates that I listened to this book on Audible. Therefore, the quotation might not be correct, but is my best attempt at reproducing the punctuation based on the narrator’s pace, tone, and pauses.

Sign Up For The Breathing 411

Each Monday, I curate and synthesize information from scientific journals, books, articles, and podcasts to share 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer (like "Jeopardy!") related to breathing. It’s a fun way to learn something new each week.


How Breathing Boosts Creativity, Why We Sigh, and Where Rumi’s Soul Lives


Listen Instead of Reading

Welcome back to another 411. Let’s jump straight in…



4 Thoughts

1. Breathing to Boost Creativity: Quieting the Amygdala, Pessimism, and 80%

“Unfortunately, to keep us safe, the amygdala is strongly biased toward negative information. …This crushes optimism and squelches creativity. When tuned toward the negative, we miss the novel.

- Steven Kotler, The Art of Impossible

When we meditate or practice slow breathing (~4-6 breaths/minute), activity in our amygdala is reduced. It’s hypothesized that this occurs through the “hyperpolarization” of neurons, which literally makes them harder to excite.

This turns down negative thinking and turns up creativity. It’s not magic; it’s membrane potential : )

Perhaps this is why, after interviewing the most creative people on the planet, Tim Ferriss discovered that “More than 80% of the interviewees have some form of daily mindfulness or meditation practice.

These practices naturally lead to cardiorespiratory coherence, quieting the pessimistic amygdala, allowing us to see the novelty all around us.

So how about we slow down our breath, quiet our amygdala, and cultivate a little more creativity, today.


Related Quote:When Video Arts asked me if I’d like to talk about creativity I said ‘no problem!’ No problem! Because telling people how to be creative is easy, it’s only being it that’s difficult.” - John Cleese

2. Breathing To Live A Fuller Life

It is life that is the real teacher. Practice should open us to a fuller life, not cut us off from it altogether.

- Larry Rosenberg, Breath by Breath

As much as I’m obsessed with my breath practice itself, this is perfect. We should use our practice to open us to a fuller life. To be more creative at work, to hike up a mountain, to accomplish a new PR in the gym.

And this really applies to everything we do for better health. Let’s not make the practice our life. Instead, let’s use the practice to have a fuller life.


P.S. Like most of these thoughts, I’m talking to myself here : )

3. Why We Sigh

But there may be more to sighing than just sustaining life. Research suggests that sighing also may relieve stress.

- Jack L. ­Feldman, PhD and Ramani Durvasula, PhD

Why We Sigh

As if sustaining life wasn’t enough : )

Here’s another excellent article on sighing, this time from BottomLineInc. Be sure to read how you can “harness the sighing effect.” It’s doesn’t involve sighing at all…



Related: Pair this with one of my favorite articles ever, which goes by the same name: Vice: Why We Sigh

4. The Easiest Way to Immediately Improve Your Breathing

The inhalation should be extremely soft and continuous, whether sitting down or lying down. If you are walking or standing, you should be relaxed. What is forbidden is noise.

- The Primordial Breath, Volume 1

The easiest thing you can do to instantly improve your breathing anytime, anywhere, is just make it quiet. “What is forbidden is noise.




“The soul lives there in the silent breath.”

- Rumi



1 Answer

Category: Amygdala Etymology

Answer: Because of its shape, the amygdala got its name from the Greek word amygdale, meaning this.

(Cue the Jeopardy! music.)

Question: What is almond?

In good breath,

Nick Heath, T1D, PhD
“Breathing is the compound interest of health & wellness.”

P.S. take it from here good luck


Sign Up For The Breathing 411

Each Monday, I curate and synthesize information from scientific journals, books, articles, and podcasts to share 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer (like "Jeopardy!") related to breathing. It’s a fun way to learn something new each week.


Treadmills, Metronomes, and Breathing Graffiti on 28 Famous Quotes & Idioms


Listen to this post:


Hello fellow breathing nerds,

Here are 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer for this week. Enjoy!



4 Thoughts

1. The Satisfaction Treadmill, and Why We Forget How Good Breathing Makes Us Feel

In addition to being aware of the hedonic treadmill, we should also be wary of the satisfaction treadmill. This is the double whammy of adaptation. Not only do we adapt to a given experience so that it feels less good overtime, but we can also adapt to a given level of feeling good so that it stops feeling good enough.

- Barry Schwartz, The Paradox of Choice

I thought treadmills couldn’t get any worse, but alas: the satisfaction treadmill.

It’s the reason you still enjoy your breathing or meditation practice, but aren’t sure why it doesn’t feel as good as it used to. It’s why you eat healthily, but still get excited about the latest “superfood” or supplement.

You have adapted to your new level of feeling good, which means it’s not good enough anymore. I say this confidently because I do it all the time—just ask my wife : )

This is, of course, not the best way to live, with breathing or anything else. And things like gratitude and prayer are clearly invaluable. But, in my experience, just having an awareness of the satisfaction treadmill is helpful.

Having awareness gives you space. You can decide if something really isn’t working anymore, or if you’ve simply adjusted to a new level of feeling good.

Here’s to slowing down (or even stepping off) the treadmill today.

2. Breathing as a Metronome for Centering Yourself

Now consider your breathing like a metronome, consistently and rhythmically connecting you to your own source, and providing you with a regular mechanism for re-centering yourself.

- George Mumford, The Mindful Athlete

Building on last week’s trampoline thought, here’s another way of looking at slow breathing. You can consider your breathing to be like a metronome, setting the tempo for many rhythms in the body.

Slow down the metronome, and you slow down and synchronize these other rhythms.

And the best part about it? You are the conductor, and the breath is always available, “providing you with a regular mechanism for re-centering yourself.


P.S. I listened to this book, so my apologies to George Mumford if my transcription has punctuation errors.

3. Babies Do It. So Do Fitness Trainers. Now Scientists Say It Might Even Improve Memory.

The results showed that when the participants breathed through their noses between the time of learning and recognition, they remembered the smells better.

- Forbes, Babies Do It. So Do Fitness Trainers…

Here’s an excellent article from Forbes. It starts out discussing memory and nasal breathing, but then goes into many other aspects of the nose.

They also provide 3 breathing exercises recommended by Dr. Andrew Weil. Of course, we all know 4-7-8, but the “Breath Counting” one was neat too.

Enjoy the great read.


Related: Nasal breathing synchronizes brain wave activity and improves cognitive function

Related Quote:In other words, mouth breathing can create fragility while nasal breathing can create resiliency.” - Tim Anderson in The Breathing Cure

4. Breathing Graffiti on 28 Famous Quotes, Sayings, and Idioms

To breathe, or not to breathe: that is the question.

Don’t put all your breaths in one basket.

- No One Ever

When I wake up low at night, I sometimes use breathing to help me fall back asleep (after eating glucose, of course). Other times, I accept that I won’t be sleeping for a while, and I just let my mind wander and laugh at my thoughts.

This thought came on one such night, Thursday, March 11th, to be specific. It seemed especially cheesy, so I decided to go with it : ) Some of them I actually found pretty funny, others I had to stretch a bit…

Here are 28 Popular Sayings with “Breathing Graffiti”

Shoot me an email if you have any good ones I didn’t think of so I can add them in.

P.S. #11 is my favorite.


Related: 21 One-Sentence Breathing Ideas

Related: 20 One-Sentence Thoughts on the Wim Hof Method

Related: 18 Excellent Statements from Scientific Articles



1 Quote

What I wear is pants. What I do is live. How I pray is breathe.

—Thomas Merton

Thanks to great friend E.S. for this one. Absolutely love it.



1 Answer

Category: Nasal Airways

Answer: These tiny hair-like structures oscillate at rates as high as 16 beats per minute.

(Cue the Jeopardy! music.)

Question: What are cilia?

P.S. I learned this in Ch. 3 (pg. 45) of Breath.

In good breath,

Nick Heath, T1D, PhD
Diabetes is Tiny. You are Mighty.

P.S. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves


Sign Up For The Breathing 411

Each Monday, I curate and synthesize information from scientific journals, books, articles, and podcasts to share 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer (like "Jeopardy!") related to breathing. It’s a fun way to learn something new each week.


Breathing Know-How, and Why Trampolines Are Better than Science


Listen to this post:


Happy Monday,

Here are 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer for this week. Enjoy!



4 Thoughts

1. The Ultimate Goal of Breathing Education is Breathing Know-How

Knowledge is not know-how until you understand the underlying principles at work and can fit them together into a structure larger than the sum of its parts. Know-how is learning that enables you to go do.

- Make It Stick

This is the ultimate goal of breathing education. Having the tools to “go do.” Fitting the principles of breathing into a coherent structure that’s larger than just “breathe through your nose” or “do the Wim Hof Method.”

Here are a few simple ways I try (emphasis on try) to do this in my life:

  • Exhaling through the mouth at the start of each slow breathing session.

  • Many short bouts of breathwalking, especially to reset between tasks.

  • Slow breathing after lunch when my blood sugars are weirdest.

And here’s a real-world example of breathing know-how used to help a 67 year old with breathlessness. (Note the range of breathing methods used.)

Here’s to building more breathing know-how today.


Related Quote:The shoe that fits one person pinches another; there is no recipe for living that suits all cases.” —Carl Jung

Related Quote:The people I distrust most are those who want to improve our lives but have only one course of action.” - Frank Herbert

(Both of those also apply to using breathing as a cure-all too.)

2. Why Trampolines are More Useful than Science to Explain Slow Breathing

Do you remember jumping on a trampoline with your friends? You all start out jumping at different rhythms—it’s really quite awkward at first.

But then, gradually, you begin jumping together. You start synchronizing the ups and downs, and each bounce gets a little bit higher. (Then, of course, someone eventually gets “launched,” but that’s beside the point : )

The analogy is that slow breathing does this for our bodies.

We have many mechanisms working at different rhythms to keep things in balance. Your heart might get one message to slow down, but then you began to inhale, sending it a new message to speed up. There’s just a lot going on.

But when you breathe slowly, several of these messages come together and begin to work in unison, like kids jumping together on a trampoline. This synchronization amplifies your natural rhythms, making things more efficient.

So next time you sit down to breathe at 4-6 breaths per minute, remember the trampoline. And take joy in how easily you can bring your body’s chaotic rhythms into complete harmony.

3. How Slow Breathing Might Help with Allergies

Researchers unveil relationship between presence of corticotropin-releasing stress hormone and increase in and degranulation of allergy-causing mast cells.

- Relieve your stress, relieve your allergies

Excess stress makes everything worse. It looks like allergies are no exception.

But the point of sharing this article is this: Maybe the stress-reducing benefits of a consistent slow breathing practice could help reduce allergy symptoms?

Seems like a reasonable thought…


Related: Decrease Stress By Using Your Breath (Mayo Clinic)

Related: Why Breathing Is So Effective at Reducing Stress (Harvard Business Review)

P.S. Thanks to new 411 reader A.K. for inspiring this thought!

4. Does This Mean Optimal Breathing is Optimal Living?

Life and the breath are synonymous.

- Michael J Stephen, MD

For breath is life, and if you breathe well you will live long on earth.

- Sanskrit Proverb.

From medical doctors to Sanskrit proverbs. Science journals to spiritual journeys. The breath is always equated with life.

Deductive reasoning might tell us that, if breath is life, then optimal breathing is optimal living.



1 Quote

By reducing tension, alleviating anxiety, and improving blood flow and oxygenation, breathing practices enhance speed, accuracy, strength, and endurance.

- Richard Brown, MD and Patricia Gerbarg, MD

The Healing Power of the Breath



1 Answer

Answer: A large portion of seasonal allergy sufferers are sensitive to pollen from this source.

(Cue the Jeopardy! music.)

Question: What is the grass?

In good breath,

Nick Heath, T1D, PhD
Diabetes is Tiny. You are Mighty.

P.S. Ready to tackle the day


Sign Up For The Breathing 411

Each Monday, I curate and synthesize information from scientific journals, books, articles, and podcasts to share 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer (like "Jeopardy!") related to breathing. It’s a fun way to learn something new each week.