weekly email

Exciting News: A New Breathing Gas Discovered


Happy Monday. There was a breakthrough in breathing research over the past few weeks: A new breathing gas has been discovered. I hope the extra hour of sleep you got this weekend will help this exciting news sink in even deeper.

OK, let’s get to it. Here are 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer for you to think about as we begin November.




1. A New Breathing Gas Discovered

"Thus, H2S [hydrogen sulfide] produced by CBS surely has a crucial role in maintaining eupneic-pattern respiration."

- Nature, Communications Biology

Hydrogen sulfide. It’s toxic, and it’s what gives rotten eggs their rotten smell. It also helps maintain our breathing.

A study published in Nature: Communications Biology on October 16, 2020, found that a small amount of hydrogen sulfide is critical to maintaining normal breathing. It does this through modification of the neural connections in the region of the brain that controls breathing.

When hydrogen sulfide production was stopped in rats, normal breathing turned to gasping, implying that it is vital to maintaining rhythmic breathing.

From a practical perspective, I’m not sure what this means yet. At a minimum, breathing now appears to be a four-gas system: oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitric oxide, and hydrogen sulfide.

We’ve found ways to breathe to optimize the first three. However, it’s not yet clear if the way we breathe (or do anything else, for that matter) can influence hydrogen sulfide.

In any case, as a fellow breathing nerd, I hope you find this as fascinating and humbling as I did. Here’s to the joy of never-ending learning.

P.S. Here’s a short summary of these findings from ScienceDaily.

2. The Single Most Important Part of the Breath

"Interestingly, Törnberg et al. recently showed that more NO is released from the nasal passages during nasal inhalation compared with exhalation." - Lundberg et al. (2008)

Here is yet another reason why inhaling through your nose might be the single most important part of breathing: nitric oxide (NO) production is much greater during inhalation than exhalation.

Here’s the finding from the paper mentioned above: "There was a marked flow dependency of nasal NO output, with the highest levels observed during inhalation at flows similar to those seen during normal breathing." - Törnberg et al. (2002)

In hindsight, this makes complete sense. NO helps protect our lungs from inhaled pathogens and it redistributes blood flow in the lungs. So, of course our bodies would maximize it on the inhale. But it wasn’t until I read these two papers that it made sense to me.

"The obvious is that which is never seen until someone expresses it simply.” - Kahlil Gibran

3. What Focusing on the Breath Does to Your Brain

"Conversely, it may be possible to reduce fear and anxiety by slowing down our breath." - Greater Good, UC Berkeley

Here is a quick-reading article, packed full of excellent information, from The Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley. Anytime you see a headline like "Managing stress: Is it all in the breath?" you know it’s going to be a good read. Enjoy!

4. Sleep Scientists Call for the Elimination of Daylight Saving Time

"It is, therefore, the position of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine that these seasonal time changes should be abolished in favor of a fixed, national, year-round standard time."

- Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine

I hope you all enjoyed the extra hour of sleep you got this weekend. The world’s leading sleep scientists say your body will function better, and they suggest we keep it this way (Standard Time) forever.

The above article is pretty short. But if you’re interested, here’s an even more concise summary, along with a rather impressive list of organizations that support the permanent change to Standard Time.

Because nasal breathing at night changed my life, I am endlessly fascinated with sleep. So I hope we all enjoy the next few months of better sleep and better optimization of our body's wake-light cycles.




“A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.”

- Oliver Wendell Holmes




Answer: Average walking speed (~2-4 mph) is also around the average speed of this physiological function.

(Cue the Jeopardy music.)

Question: What is blood flow?

In good breath,

P.S. New life in a new city.


Is This Stuff Really in Textbooks? And A New Nose-Opening Method


Hello, and happy Monday. Here are 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer for you to consider as we wrap up October.




1. Is this Stuff Really in Textbooks?

Carbon dioxide (CO2) and the Bohr effect have motivated almost all the interest in breathing for health and performance.

CO2 is said to loosen the bond between oxygen and hemoglobin, allowing more efficient release into the tissues (the Bohr effect). Thus, counterintuitively, by breathing less (retaining more CO2), we actually get more oxygen.

It is often stated that this is just basic (but underappreciated) physiology that is in all the medical textbooks. Luckily, I find joy in reading medical books I don’t fully understand : ) Here’s what I have found:

- “Hemoglobin’s affinity for oxygen is also influenced by pH, carbon dioxide concentration, and body temperature…it releases it more readily under conditions of…increased carbon dioxide concentration." - Essentials of Pathophysiology, pg. 534

- “The shift of the curve to the right may be seen as a compensation that results in greater release of oxygen to the tissues…Temperature affects the relationship (increases in body temperature shift the curve to the right), as do carbon dioxide." - Respiratory Physiology, A Clinical Approach, pg. 110

- “Most of the effect of PCO2, which is known as the Bohr effect, can be attributed to its action on H+ concentration. A rightward shift means more unloading of O2 at a given PO2 in a tissue capillary." - Respiratory Physiology, The Essentials, pg. 91

So yes, this is basic physiology. It’s nothing new. But knowledge is only potential energy. What we’re doing is applying this knowledge in a simple way. Breathe less, get more.

2. A New Nose-Unblocking Exercise

Patrick McKeown’s nose unblocking exercise is phenomenal. It’s simple, and you feel it immediately. However, no one knows precisely how it works. My hypothesis is that it’s primarily due to nasal nitric oxide (but have no way of testing this, except on myself).

It just so happens that last week we discovered a way of breathing that increases nasal nitric oxide (nose in - mouth out). It also just so happens that I got a terribly stuffy nose during that same time.

So, here was my N=1 test. If the unblocking exercise works due to NO, it would stand that performing nasal-in, mouth-out breathing would help clear my nose.

So here’s what I did. I inhaled through my nose, pinched my nose, slowly exhaled through my mouth as long as I could comfortably, and repeated. And, lo and behold, it helped.

However, it took much longer than Patrick’s method (about 2 minutes for me). And, it wasn’t nearly as dramatic. Each breath only opened it slightly more. Conversely, in Patrick’s version, you go from blocked to open almost instantly.

What does this mean? Well, nothing, really. There are many factors to consider. But it *might* be suggesting that NO is, in fact, the “unblocking” mechanism.

So, here’s my request: If you get a stuffy nose this cold season, give it a try and let me know if it does anything for you. N=1 means nothing statistically, but it’s better than nothing practically.

3. For the Practice or For the Results? Why Not Both?

"How do you best move toward mastery? To put it simply, you practice diligently, but you practice primarily for the sake of the practice itself." - Robert Greene, Mastery

Why do you practice breathing? For the practice itself, or for the outcome?

What I love about breathing is that it can be both. In fact, you automatically take care of both, regardless of which one you are focusing on. It’s health and mastery, wrapped in our body’s most important function.

4. Woo-Woo or Wu-Wei?

"It refers to the dynamic, effortless, and unselfconscious state of mind of a person who is optimally active and effective."

- Edward Slingerland, Trying Not to Try

Wu-Wei literally means "effortless action." If it didn’t sound so much like "woo-woo," it might be the perfect definition of ideal breathing.

We train our breathing so that we don’t have to think about it. We train our breathing to achieve this state of effortless yet highly effective action.




“It’s not enough to understand; you’ve got to do something.”

- Sandra Day O’Connor




Answer: On one breath, the world record for this movement is 81.6 meters.

(Cue the Jeopardy music.)

Question: What is underwater walking?

(P.S. The video is pretty amazing. Watch out Laird.)

In good breath,

P.S. Very Scary.


The Simplest Way to Increase Nitric Oxide Through Nasal Breathing


Hello, and happy Monday. Here are 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer (like "Jeopardy") related to breathing that I hope you enjoy.




1. Can Mouth Breathing Increase Nitric Oxide?

Yes, but only if done on the exhale.

Nitric oxide (NO) is continuously produced in the nasal cavity. When we inhale through the nose, we harness this wondrous molecule and its benefits in the airways and lungs.

But if we also exhale through our nose, some of it gets washed out. Conversely, if we exhale through our mouth, the NO continues to accumulate in the nasal cavity. Then, more is brought in with the next nasal inhale.

In through the nose, out through the mouth.

Here’s what a researcher at the UCLA School of Medicine says:

"Exhaling through the nose is highly wasteful in that the NO would be expelled away from the lungs, where it is needed most." - Louis J. Ignarro, Inhaled NO and COVID-19

While I personally don’t recommend exhaling through the mouth all the time, there are clearly times when it might be beneficial, even if only for short periods.

The next thought has a few ideas about putting this knowledge into practice.

2. Increase Oxygenation by 10% (without increasing carbon dioxide)

"The subject inhaled through the nose with the mouth closed and exhaled through the mouth with the nose blocked. Thereby, a maximum of NO from the nasal airways is inhaled while a minimum is lost during exhalation." - Lundberg et al. (1996)

This protocol, nose in - mouth out, led to a 10% increase in tissue oxygenation when compared with mouth in-nasal out.

Notably, there were no significant carbon dioxide changes between protocols. Thus, by inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth, we can increase tissue oxygenation without increasing carbon dioxide.

It’s all due to nitric oxide.

We should not base all our breathing on any one conclusion. And many factors need to be weighed, such as moisture and heat loss from exhaling through the mouth. But these results are intriguing nonetheless.

Here’s a simple way I put them into practice: I start each slow breathing session with 3-5 nose in - mouth out breaths before switching to nose in - nose out.

This study also implies that nose in - mouth out could increase oxygenation to the working muscles during exercise. So, if you’re uncomfortable with nasal-only breathing during your workout, switching to nose in - mouth out could be a beneficial compromise from an oxygenation perspective.

3. Why Slowing Your Breathing Helps You Relax

"By repeatedly stimulating the vagus nerve during those long exhalations, slow breathing may shift the nervous system towards that more restful state, resulting in positive changes like a lower heart rate and lower blood pressure." (my emphasis)

- BBC, Why Slowing Your Breathing Helps You Relax

It’s always fun to find an article reporting the science behind slow breathing from a news outlet like BBC. They even present some information you might not have considered, like how taking "big breaths" might benefit relaxation.

The article also touches on everything from pain to arthritis and provides many useful references. It's an excellent summary. Enjoy!

Thanks to 411 reader A. P. for inspiring this thought.

4. What is Breathing? And is it Woo-Woo (part II)?

When I was drafting last week’s thought about breathing being woo-woo, my grammar editor said that I was using the word "breathe" too much. Almost ironically, the synonym it suggested was: live.

I thought, "funny that a word synonymous with life itself is often considered woo-woo." But at the same time, interchanging "breath" with "life" is borderline woo-woo : )

But this is an appropriate synonym. Because at its root, what is breathing? At the risk of sounding a bit woo-woo myself, here is one answer: breathing is living.




"For breath is life, and if you breathe well you will live long on the earth."

- Sanskrit Proverb




Answer: This is the lowest blood oxygen saturation recorded in a human climbing Mount Everest.

(Cue the Jeopardy music.)

Question: What is 34.4%?

Wim Hof

"Fainting is okay, it just means you went deep." – Wim Hof

Maybe Wim Hof has some crazy ideas, but he has done more for "breathing" than just about anyone on this planet. I am incredibly grateful for him and his work.

His new book comes out tomorrow. I ordered a copy and hope you will too.

In good breath,

P.S. We’ve Been Ordering Pizza All Wrong


The Breathing 411 - Understand This, and You Will Understand Breathing


Happy Monday. I hope you enjoy this edition with a cup of coffee : )

Enjoy 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer (like "Jeopardy") related to breathing.




1. Understand This, and You Will Understand Breathing

Breathing information is often contradictory:

  • Wim Hof tells you to breathe more oxygen.
    Patrick McKeown tells you to breathe less.

  • Oxygen is your body’s most important energy source.
    But the exhale is the most important part of the breath.

  • You need to teach yourself to tolerate higher levels of carbon dioxide.
    Carbon dioxide also causes fear in people who literally can’t feel fear.

  • Lung capacity determines longevity.
    But you also shouldn’t take big breaths.

  • And on & on

To understand breathing, you must accept that all of these are right, and all of them are wrong. It depends on the circumstance.

Despite its simplicity, breathing is one of the most complex functions in the human body. Blanket statements on "right or wrong" simply cannot be made without context. We must embrace the contradictions.

2. Should You Be Breathing Even Slower?

A study published in 2006 found that resonance frequency was inversely correlated with height. That is, the taller you are, the slower you need to breathe to synchronize your heart rate, breathing rate, and autonomic nervous system.

In their excellent book, The Healing Power of the Breath, Richard Brown and Patricia Gerbarg give this specific recommendation: "For people who are over six feet tall, the ideal resonant rate is three to three and a half breaths per minute."

So, if you’re over six feet tall, you might find that breathing slower than the typical recommendation of 5-6 breaths per minute works better for you. I fall into that category, and I’ve found 3 - 3.5 breaths per minute (currently 7 sec inhale, 11 sec exhale) to be my sweet spot.

3. What is Hyperventilation?

"Respiratory alkalosis is caused by hyperventilation or a respiratory rate in excess of that needed to maintain normal PCO2." - Essentials of Pathophysiology, pg. 205

"Hyperventilation is a term that describes breathing beyond that which is required to meet the metabolic needs of the body as reflected in the production of carbon dioxide." - Respiratory Physiology, pg. 128

Here are two different textbook definitions of hyperventilation. It’s actually pretty straightforward. And, as you can see, it doesn’t involve huffing and puffing. Thus, we can hyperventilate without even knowing it.

Two easy ways to check if you are overbreathing are the BOLT score and the CO2 Tolerance Test.

Two easy ways to fix it are to breathe through your nose and make your breathing quiet while at rest.

Thanks to 411 reader W.H. for inspiring this thought.

4. Is Breathing Woo-Woo?

It fascinates me that breathing, your body’s most important function, has kind of a "woo-woo" reputation. It shouldn’t. There is a mountain of scientific evidence showing its efficacy for health and wellness. For example, I have reviewed over 80 scientific papers, and HHPF seems to post a new one every day.

But you actually don’t need any of the science. Here is the quickest way to determine for yourself:

Hold your breath.

I think you will agree "breathing" isn’t woo-woo after only a few seconds.

Thanks to fellow breathing nerd R. vdC. for inspiring this thought.




"The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function."

- F. Scott Fitzgerald




Answer: The estimated prevalence of this condition is about 23% in women and 50% in men.

(Cue the Jeopardy music.)

Question: What is sleep-disordered breathing?


The Breathing 411 - On Becoming Indisfunctionable


Welcome to October and another edition of The Breathing 4.1.1.

Below, you’ll find 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer (like "Jeopardy") related to all things breathing. Enjoy!




1. Breathing to Gain Traction

"On the left side is distraction, the opposite of traction...the word means the 'drawing away of the mind.' Distractions impede us from making progress toward the life we envision."

- Nir Eyal, Indistractable

I’ve never thought of "distraction" being the opposite of "traction." (Pretty neat.) Distraction, as Nir Eyal states, is the drawing away of the mind.

But what can we do to bring it back, to gain traction?

"It has long been claimed by Yogis and Buddhists that meditation and ancient breath-focused practices… strengthen our ability to focus on tasks. A new study explains for the first time the neurophysiological link between breathing and attention.
The way we breathe, in other words, directly affects the chemistry of our brains in a way that can enhance our attention and improve our brain health." - ScienceDaily

That sounds like a great place to start. Here’s to combining ancient wisdom with modern science on our path to becoming indistractable.

(Thanks, a million times over, to Brian Johnson for inspiring so many of my thoughts.)

2. How to Become Indisfunctionable

In addition to improving focus, a staple of slow breathing is that it reverses autonomic dysfunction. It does this by promoting cardio-respiratory balance, in as little as two minutes, putting us back on the track to health and wellness.

In the process of becoming indistractable, we also become indisfunctionable.

3. Similar Lung Deficiencies in Diabetes and Asthma

"In a study of the pulmonary biopsies of 171 patients,(18) it was concluded that individuals with DM [diabetes mellitus] present an increase in basement membrane thickness similar to that seen in asthma patients." - Forgiarini et al. (2009)

I have often wondered why breathing principles that work so well for asthma also benefit people with diabetes. Here’s one interesting similarity: The oxidative stress from diabetes leads to similar lung structure changes seen in asthmatics.

Thanks to 411 reader T. P. for inspiring this thought.

4. Heavy Breathing at the Start of Exercise (it’s not just CO2)

Your breathing rate typically increases after just a few minutes of exercise…unless you’ve been reading this newsletter long enough :)

By now, we would all probably agree this increase in breathing is due to a build-up of CO2. But is that truly the case?

"The increase in ventilation does not appear to be the consequence of changes in arterial blood gases." - Respiratory Physiology pg 187

The reason is perhaps more impressive. It’s what this textbook calls "Phase 1: The Neurological Phase" of exercise. The movement itself might be sending neurological messages to the brain, instructing it to begin breathing more.

That is, your body has a built-in, anticipatory mechanism that links movement to the respiratory controller in the brain to help prevent blood-gas imbalances from ever happening. The result is that changes in breathing precede changes in CO2.




Same goes for breathing:

"It is easy to be heavy; hard to be light."

- G.K. Chesterton




Answer: The time it takes gas exchange to occur in the lungs.

(Cue the Jeopardy music.)

Question: What is about 0.25 seconds?

In good breath,

P.S. Didn’t see that coming.


The Breathing 411 - Intermittent Fasting and Time-Restricted Breathing


Welcome to another week of The Breathing 4.1.1. Let’s get right to it.




1. Time-Restricted Breathing?

Every now and then, skipping a meal or two ("intermittent fasting") can be good for you. Studies have even found that just compressing your eating window (that is, "time-restricted eating") is beneficial for metabolism and weight loss.

You can do this on a much smaller scale with breathing. It’s called "intermittent breathing," or simply holding your breath. Maybe it’s only 30 seconds instead of 30 hours. Still, the idea is similar: Restrict your body from something it’s used to, and it elicits beneficial responses.

Similarly (although the analogy breaks down some), "time-restricted breathing" can also be done by setting aside time each day to breathe less. You might only do this for five minutes. But, like how time-restricted eating makes the meals you do eat more useful, time-restricted breathing improves your oxygen metabolism, making those other 20,000+ breaths you take each day more effective.

2. Slow Breathing as a Treatment for Insomnia

"Practicing the 0.1 Hz rate before sleep was shown to improve sleep onset latency and quality in insomniacs and enhance the stability of their sleep pattern (13). Thus, we suggest 0.1 Hz as the optimal frequency for a slow breathing technique." - Self-Regulation of Breathing as an Adjunctive Treatment of Insomnia

Last week, I mentioned that slow breathing might be a way to help with insomnia, based purely on deductive reasoning. With insomnia on my radar, this article jumped off the page at me. I cannot recommend it enough. Choosing only one quote was nearly impossible.

Even if you do not care about insomnia, their sections on "Cardiorespiratory Synchronization" and "Slow Deep Breathing" are phenomenal. They will be the motivation of several future thoughts…

In the meantime, let us slow down our breathing before bed (to say, 6 breaths per minute, also known as 0.1 Hz) to help increase cardiorespiratory synchronization, increase parasympathetic tone, and have a restful night’s sleep.

3. Why You Need Efficient Breathing: 18x the Energy

"Anaerobic metabolism…is relatively inefficient compared with aerobic processes. Only two ATP molecules are produced…In contrast, the body reaps 36 molecules of ATP for each molecule of glucose metabolized aerobically."

- Respiratory Physiology: A Clinical Approach

That means that aerobic metabolism (with oxygen) is about 18x more efficient than anaerobic metabolism (without oxygen). Therefore, the more efficient you are at using oxygen, the more efficient you are at producing energy.

A practical way to improve your oxygen efficiency? Time-restricted breathing.

4. A Simple Way to Breathe Better Right Now

Make your breathing quiet. This might be the easiest, most practical thing you can do anytime, anyplace, to improve your breathing (after nose breathing, of course). Give it a try now, if you feel so inspired.

Make sure you cannot hear your breathing, even internally. You’ll naturally slow down your breathing and naturally breathe less. It’s fantastic, and it’s easy.




"Gandhi became absolutely motionless. His absorption was so profound that he scarcely seemed to breathe"

- Eknath Easwaran, Gandhi The Man




Answer: The average number of breaths in a lifetime.

(Cue the Jeopardy music.)

Question: What is over 600 million?


"And if the traveler is fortunate—that is, if the path is complex and profound enough—the destination is two miles farther away for every mile he or she travels." - George Leonard

I am fortunate to be traveling with you. Thank you for reading.

In good breath,

P.S. You’re Wrong and College Has Failed You


The Breathing 411 - Before There Were Harvard Studies


Welcome to another edition of The Breathing 4.1.1.

Below, I do my best to provide you with 4 useful thoughts, 1 insightful quote, and 1 fun answer (like "Jeopardy") related to breathing. Enjoy!




1. Breathing is the Ultimate Self-Improvement Tool

"Never has there been a map, however carefully executed to detail and scale, which carried its owner over even one inch of ground."

- Og Mandino, The Greatest Salesman in the World

Action is the cornerstone of all improvement. We can read and learn all we want, but that is only storing potential energy. Action converts that energy into something useful.

Breathing is the most primitive form of taking action. It gives you something you can do, that actually does something. Breathing induces physiological and neurological changes in your state that are truly useful in any real-life situation.

It’s no wonder all ancient traditions focused on the breath. Before the internet, before you could major in positive psychology, before life coaches and Harvard studies, there was the breath. Breathing is the ultimate self-improvement tool.

2. Insomnia Identified as New Risk Factor for Type-2 Diabetes

"Insomnia was identified as a novel risk factor, with people with insomnia being 17% more likely to develop T2D than those without."

- ScienceDaily, 8 Sep 2020

I guess this shouldn’t be surprising, given that even one night of sleep deprivation significantly increases insulin resistance. But is there anything we can do about it? You’ve probably guessed my answer by now : )

Of course, "breathing" isn’t the cure for everything, and it certainly isn’t a magic pill for insomnia. But it might help.

Slow breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system, relaxing the body, preparing it for sleep. Once asleep, nose breathing helps you wake up less (see last week’s 411), maintain rhythmic breathing, and ultimately sleep deeper. All of this might help reduce stress hormones and increase insulin sensitivity.

Overall, a simple change to your breathing, compounded over time, might help reduce your risk of type-2 diabetes (or at least help you manage it better), even if only the tiniest little bit.

Thanks to 411 reader R.D. whose interest in breathing and type-2 diabetes inspired this thought.

3. CO2 Tolerance and Chemoreceptor Flexibility

"Today, chemoreceptor flexibility is part of what distinguishes good athletes from great ones. […] All these people have trained their chemoreceptors to withstand extreme fluctuations in carbon dioxide without panic."

James Nestor, Breath, pg. 170

We discuss carbon dioxide tolerance a lot. But I prefer James’ terminology, using chemoreceptor flexibility rather than CO2 tolerance. Flexibility implies variability. It also implies robustness.

Of course, I believe the most critical part of this flexibility is the ability to withstand higher CO2, that is, CO2 tolerance. But let’s not forget about robustness and adaptability. Tension and relaxation. Stretching in both directions, not just one.

4. 100 Miles or 10 Minutes: Which is Harder?

I rucked 100 miles. It took almost thirty-six hours straight.

I’ve never made it 10 minutes "breathing" without getting distracted.




"You can borrow knowledge, but not action."

- James Clear




Answer: The average number of alveoli in your lungs.

(Cue the Jeopardy music.)

Question: What is about 480 million?

In good breath,

P.S. Me Up at Night Worrying


The Breathing 411 - The Best (and Second Best) Time to Start


Welcome to another edition of The Breathing 4.1.1. Below, you’ll find 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer (like "Jeopardy") related to breathing. Let’s jump right in.




1. The Best Way to Invest in Your Health

Investing in your breathing is like putting your money in an S&P 500 index fund.

You’re investing a little bit into your body's many essential functions, including your respiration, autonomic nervous system, cardiovascular system, metabolism, and brain.

Suppose you picked only one of these areas to focus all of your attention on. If you got really lucky, it could make a massive difference in your life (like getting lucky with one stock). But with breathing, like with an index fund, you add a little to each bucket. Together, these gains add up to meaningful health benefits.

But unlike the stock market, there are no speculators, and there is no gambling. You just have to show up each day, add a little to your health fund, and enjoy the compounding over time.

2. A Never-Ending Cleanse?

"The waste that is collected by the blood and delivered to the lungs is expelled with the next inhale, but few people realize that 70 percent of the waste that our bodies generate is removed by the breath. Only 30 percent is removed via sweat and elimination."

- Al Lee and Don Campbell, Perfect Breathing

At first glance, that’s a pretty crazy statistic. But, it makes a lot of sense.

Those other ways of removing toxins (sweating, restroom breaks) only occur several times a day (or maybe not at all for sweating). We typically breathe 20,000+ times a day and upwards of 3000 gallons of air.

So, perhaps it is not surprising that our bodies use the breath to eliminate toxins. And maybe what’s more surprising is that optimizing breathing isn’t the first step of any "cleanse."

3. The Best (and Second Best) Time to Start a Breathing Practice

"Build before you have to.

- Build knowledge before you have to.
- Build strength before you have to.
- Build an emergency fund before you have to.

Let internal pressure drive you today, so you can handle external pressure tomorrow."

James Clear, 3-2-1 Newsletter (3 Sep 2020)

This excellent idea reminded me of the ancient Chinese proverb that begins: The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. If you want a tree now, you need to have planted it 20 years ago. If you need strength now, you need to have been building it previously.

The Chinese proverb, however, ends like this: The second best time is now.

With COVID-19 shining light on the importance of a healthy respiratory system, we all realized how critical a breathing practice is. With that in mind, I’d like to play off of that idea:

The best time to start a breathing practice was 12 months ago.
The second best time is now.

4. How Breathing Impacts Urination during Sleep

"But if the body has inadequate time in deep sleep, as it does when it experiences chronic sleep apnea, vasopressin won’t be secreted normally. The kidneys will release water, which triggers the need to urinate and signals to our brains that we should consume more liquid. We get thirsty, and we need to pee more."

- James Nestor, Breath, pg. 30

When people switch to nose breathing at night, they commonly notice they need to get up to pee less. Here, James explains why.

Vasopressin "communicates with cells to store more water," he tells us. When you get inadequate deep sleep, this communication is disrupted.

Nose breathing at night, as we know, reduces obstructive sleep apnea, leading to deeper sleep. This helps explain why we wake up less when we switch to nose breathing at night.

(Thanks to 411 reader J. M. for inspiring this thought!)




One day I noticed that I wasn’t breathing—I was being breathed.

– Byron Katie




Answer: The number of scents the human nose can smell.

(Cue the Jeopardy music.)

Question: What is 1 trillion?

In good breath,

P.S. Only once every 257 years


The Breathing 411 - There Are No Quick Fixes, Except This One


Welcome to another version of The Breathing 4.1.1., where I curate the curators to bring you the best practical ideas I can find about breathing.

Below you’ll find 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer (think "Jeopardy"). Enjoy!




1. There Are No Quick Fixes, Except This One

"You won’t find many quick fixes in this book, but there is one way to immediately boost willpower: Slow your breathing down to four to six breaths per minute [...] Slowing the breath down activates the prefrontal cortex and increases heart rate variability, which helps shift the brain and body from a state of stress to self-control mode. A few minutes of this technique will make you feel calm, in control, and capable of handling cravings or challenges."
-Kelly McGonigal, The Willpower Instinct

Beautifully said. Thank you, Kelly.

2. The #1 Breathing Fundamental

I’ve referred to it as the 1% rule (an idea I borrowed from James Clear and Dan Pink), but it is also the #1 fundamental: Breathe through your nose.

If you’re reading this, you’re probably aware of the importance of nose breathing. But, did you know that a 2018 study, which has been viewed over 93,000 times and cited 26 times, concluded that the benefits of breath control might be linked back to the nose?

"Taken together, these results confirm that nasal stimulation represents the fundamental link between slow breathing techniques, brain and autonomic activities and psychological/behavioral outputs." - Zaccaro et al. (2018)

That’s a powerful conclusion. So, to add on to what Kelly McGongical said above, breathe slowly and through your nose.

3. Breathing as Active Rest

"Active rest" has become a popular topic among athletes (and people who just enjoy exercising). It’s hard to take a day off when you love your workout, but it’s also necessary to give your body the rest it needs to recover. Enter: active rest.

There are several popular approaches. The sauna, an ice bath, or a long walk. But one of the most powerful is breathing…I’m not biased or anything : )

And the best part is that restful breathing doesn’t require any fancy equipment or money. It can be done anywhere, anytime.

In The Power of Rest, Dr. Matthew Edlund puts it this way:

“We want to learn to rest anywhere, anytime, in ways that restore us, calm us, relax us, and make us alert. That means we have to learn how to breathe.”

Agreed. See Kelly McGonigal’s advice above for the best way to "learn how to breathe."

4. Science Guides the Macro, Practice Guides the Micro

When studies show that something works, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’ll work for everyone.

We’re all different. We have different bodies, different environments, and different day-to-day stressors and stimuli that we’re exposed to. Although scientific studies try to be as general as possible, their results cannot be expected to work the same in everyone.

This gets to my thought: Science guides the macro, practice guides the micro.

For example, "get 8 hours of sleep" is a great macro statement. It sets a good target that will be beneficial for most people.

However, if you performed an in-depth sleep study on yourself, you might find that you need 7 h 37 min or 8 h 11 min to be fully rested. And that might vary from day-to-day, season-to-season.

The same goes for all of this "breathing" stuff. Guidance such as "breathe at 4-6 breaths per minute" is excellent general advice that will be beneficial for almost everyone. However, it is a macro statement. It will take personal practice to find what’s right for you.




"Breathing, like most forms of physical rest, improves as you practice. It takes a little time. But it’s a technique you’ll be able to do for the rest of your life, so it’s worthwhile getting good at it now."

- Matthew Edlund, The Power of Rest




Answer: This mammal, weighing in at only 2 g, has the smallest lungs.

(Cue the Jeopardy music.)

Question: What is the bumblebee bat?

If you enjoy my work, check out a guest blog post I recently did for BreathWrk:

Pilot Your Breathing: The Unexpected Goal of a Breathing Practice

In good breath,

P.S. The Ultimate COVID-19 Sport.


The Breathing 411 - What do 5,649 and 28,800 Have in Common?


Hello and Happy Monday. Welcome to another edition of The Breathing 4.1.1.

Below you’ll find 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer (think "Jeopardy"). Enjoy!




1. What do 5,649 and 28,800 Have in Common?

"The average daily step count required to induce feelings of anxiety and depression and decrease satisfaction with life is 5,649. The typical American takes 4,774 steps per day. Across the globe, the average is 4,961." - Kelly McGonigal, The Joy of Movement

Active people become anxious and lose life satisfaction when their step count drops to 5,649 or less. That’s a bit staggering, given the U.S. and global step count statistics Kelly cites.

That passage got me thinking, "I wonder if there is a similar idea for breaths per day?" However, with breathing, it would be opposite: The more breaths you take, the more unhealthy you are. Sure enough, there is something close:

"Recent evidence suggests that an adult with a respiratory rate of over 20 breaths/minute is probably unwell, and an adult with a respiratory rate of over 24 breaths/minute is likely to be critically ill.” - Respiratory Rate: The Neglected Vital Sign

If your spontaneous breathing rate is over 20 breaths per minute, you are "probably unwell." That comes out to about 28,800 breaths per day.

So, do you want to feel unwell and anxious?
Take less than 5,649 steps and breathe more than 28,800 breaths per day.

Want to be happy and healthy?
Walk more, breathe less.

P.S. That 28,800 number might even be too high. James Nestor shares some great ancient wisdom on this:

"Chinese doctors two thousand years ago advised 13,500 breaths per day, which works out to nine and a half breaths per minute. "
- Breath

2. The Most Fundamental of the Fundamentals

Last week, Kobe Bryant provided an excellent example of the importance of practicing the fundamentals. We talked about how we don’t need to worry about the "latest and greatest" breathing technique. Instead, we need to focus on the fundamentals. They’re simple, but they’re not easy.

We can take that thought step farther: Breathing itself is the most fundamental of the fundamentals. We’re all in the sport of life. And that requires breathing…at least 13,500 times a day : ) So, let’s optimize that first, then work on the fundamentals of your particular sport or profession.

3. Bring Attention & Intention to Your Breathing

"Attention without intention is wasted energy." - Chris Bailey, Hyperfocus

This quote makes complete sense in terms of productivity, self-improvement, and group workouts (CrossFit, yoga, etc.). But the minute you apply it to something like sitting down to breathe, it can get misinterpreted:

"Set an intention for your breathing practice."

"Be intentional with your breathing today."

It’s just begging to be put in the "woo-woo" category and not be taken seriously.

But intentions are powerful (hence the quote from Chris Bailey). So a compromise I have made is to set scientific intentions before each slow breathing practice. "I am going to increase my heart rate variability" or "I am going to balance my autonomic nervous system."

These are just facts that I state at the beginning of my practice that work as intentions, without feeling woo-woo.

I find it to be an excellent way to give the practice more meaning. (And don’t forget to celebrate afterward!)

4. Slow Breathing for Hypertension

Slow, controlled breathing (<10 breaths per minute) has consistently been shown to be beneficial for reducing blood pressure. So much so that it is recognized by the American Heart Association for its positive effects. (They’ve given it a Class IIa, Level of Evidence B. Here’s what that means.)

This got me thinking about a paper published back in 2005 that I loved. They concluded:

"Slow breathing showed the potential to be a simple and inexpensive method to improve autonomic balance and respiratory control and reduce blood pressure in hypertensive patients." - Joseph et al. (2005)

The interesting part was that the authors provided an exciting hypothesis for how that’s occurring using autonomic function as the foundation. That hypothesis inspired me to create this little graphic to help get the point across.

Read the Full Summary for More Details.




My new favorite definition of success:

"To know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded."

- Ralph Waldo Emerson




Answer: The largest lung capacity of any mammal.

(Cue the Jeopardy music.)

Question: What is 5,000 liters (or 1,320 gallons)?

(For reference, the human lung has a capacity of about 6-liters.)

In good breath,

P.S. How I Feel Shopping on Amazon Now.


The Breathing 411 - The lung microbiome, David Blaine, and a perfect breath


Happy Monday! Welcome to another edition of The Breathing 4.1.1.

Below you’ll find 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer (think "Jeopardy").

Thank you for reading!




1. On Practicing the Fundamentals

"If someone at Kobe’s level needs to commit hours to practicing the fundamentals, then so do all of us. Kobe taught me a pivotal lesson that morning. The basics are simple, but not easy."
- Alan Stein Jr., Raise Your Game

Imagine the best basketball player on the planet allows you to watch him practice. Then, he spends hours working on his fundamentals. Nothing fancy, no showboating, just the basics. That’s exactly what Alan Stein saw when he watched Kobe Bryant practice during his prime.

We talk about breathing here, not the highest level of basketball ever played. But the message is the same.

With all the fancy breathing techniques and new approaches, it’s easy to be looking for the "next thing" (—> guilty here <— ). But let’s not forget that it all comes down to the basics. They’re simple, but they’re not easy.

(This idea, like many, was inspired by knowledge from the Optimize Program.)

2. Oxygen Therapy Harms the Lung Microbiome

We’ve discussed how inhaled oxygen can lead to adverse effects in people with diabetes. Specifically, high levels of inhaled oxygen can reduce arterial function. But there might be other problems with oxygen therapy, especially when done over prolonged periods.

For example, your lungs have their own microbiome (pretty neat). And a recent study showed that inhaled oxygen harms this microbiome, leading to an increased risk of lung damage. This idea is especially relevant during COVID-19:

“Upon hospitalization, these patients are administered oxygen in an attempt to bring their levels back up to normal. However, a new study hints that this universal therapy may have unintended consequences via an unexpected source -- the microbiome.”
- ScienceDaily

Read the whole summary from ScienceDaily here:

Oxygen Therapy Harms Lung Microbiome in Mice

3. David Blaine on Breath Holds, CO2, and 45 Minutes Without Air

David Blaine was recently on the Joe Rogan Podcast. They began talking about breath-holds within 5 minutes (this link should take you right to it).

Here are two quotes I loved from it:

"The breath-holding thing is all about like, a CO2 build up in the bloodstream, and it’s about a tolerance level to it…"

And when Joe asks about the panicked feeling you get when holding your breath, David’s reply is:

That’s not an O2 deprivation. That’s a trigger from a CO2 build-up, which is giving you an alert…"

All of you "breathing nerds" already knew this. But it is little tidbits like these that help the general population learn.

He goes on to talk a little about pre-breath-hold hyperventilation, blacking out, and how we can go 45 minutes without air.

In addition to the breath-hold stuff, it’s a fascinating interview.

4. Is there a Perfect Breath?

“What is the perfect breath? Far from being some noble yet unreachable goal that takes years of rigorous practice to master, a perfect breath is any breath you take for which you are completely and mindfully aware.” - Al Lee & Don Campbell

That definition is, well, perfect. But let’s not forget about James Nestor’s perfect breath, which has deeper roots in science and physiology:

"They discovered that the optimum amount of air we should take in at rest per minute is 5.5 liters. The optimum breathing rate is about 5.5 breaths per minute. That’s 5.5-second inhales and 5.5-second exhales. This is the perfect breath."




"Your quality of sleep is closely related to how you breathe, both when you sleep and when you are awake."

- Anders Olsson




Answer: The amount of time it takes blood to circulate around your entire body.

(Cue the Jeopardy music.)

Question: What is one minute?*

(This fun fact came from James Nestor’s Breath.)


The Breathing 4.1.1. - The Best Breathing Class You Haven’t Heard Of


Hello, and Happy Monday! Welcome to another edition of The Breathing 4.1.1.

Thank you for reading this. Putting together the 411 emails each week is one of my favorite things to do, so I appreciate that you’re here reading it.

Now, on to the email. Below you’ll find 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer (think "Jeopardy"). Enjoy!




1. Breath Practice versus Breath Training

Breath Practice: Time you spend every day performing breathing exercises that are comfortable and beneficial to you. Think of it as self-care. For me, this would include my 15 minutes of slow breathing first thing in the morning.

Breath Training: Time you spend deliberately pushing yourself to improve your breathing. For example, if you can comfortably box breathe with a 4-4-4-4 rate, you might spend some time at 5-5-5-5 rate as training.

Breath Training is always Breath Practice, but Breath Practice is not always Breath Training.

(This thought was inspired by pages 51-53 of Breathe to Perform.)

2. The Best Way to Make Your Breathing Practice Stick: Celebrate!

"Celebration will one day be ranked alongside mindfulness and gratitude as daily practices that contribute most to our overall happiness and well-being." BJ Fogg, Tiny Habits

Are you trying to make your breathing practice a habit? BJ Fogg, creator of the Behavior Design Lab at Stanford University, says that if he taught you his "Tiny Habits" approach, the first thing he would do is help you celebrate better.

If you spend 1 minute focused on your breath, celebrate it. If you already have a solid practice, try adding some celebration to the end.

I started doing this and love it. After my slow breathing session, I reward myself with a small celebration. After my breath holds, the same thing.

Is it cheesy? Kind of. Is it rooted in science from the leader in habit development at Stanford? Yes. Will anyone know? Nope. Give it a shot.

(See the P.S. below for a great example of celebrating the small stuff.)

3. The Best Breathing Class You Probably Haven’t Heard Of

That celebration idea came from Brian Johnson’s Optimize program (I adapted it for breathing, but it can be used in any aspect of life). If you’ve been following my work for a while, you probably know that Brian Johnson is one of my favorite teachers on the planet. Actually, he is my absolute favorite.

He has an "Optimal Breathing 101" course that is phenomenal. He combines research from all of the best books on breathing into a succinct and practical course. It’s awesome.

He also recently reviewed Breath: The New Science of A Lost Art. Again, phenomenal.

4. Why Are You "Breathing"?

"Don’t mistake the finger pointing to the moon for the moon itself." - Buddhist Saying

Let us not forget that "breathing" is only the finger.




The first "tiny habit" to build:

Replace the habit of taking short shallow breaths into the top of the lungs with the practice of taking a full deep breath. Nearly all of the benefits begin with this one simple change.

- Al Lee, Don Campbell, Perfect Breathing




Answer: This is the world record for the longest case of the hiccups.

(Cue the Jeopardy music.)

Question: What is 68 years?*

In good breath,

P.S. How To Celebrate.

* I found this on dozens of websites. However, I could not find an official record anywhere on Guinness (I even tried some "dorking"). So, I can’t be sure it’s 100% legitimate. But, it’s a fascinating story nonetheless!


The Breathing 4.1.1. - Slow or Control? (+ Seneca on Walking & Breathing)


Happy Monday to you! Welcome to a new edition of The Breathing 4.1.1.

Below you’ll find 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer (think "Jeopardy"). Enjoy!




1. Breath Rate or Breath Control: Which is More Important?

Last week, we talked about a powerful evolutionary advantage: Rather than evolving to breathe slowly, we evolved the ability to control our breathing.

We know slow, controlled breathing is beneficial, but what about just the controlled aspect itself?

A study published in 2017 examined this by having participants perform controlled breathing at 12 breaths per minute. This rate is on the low end of average for spontaneous breathing.

They found that this practice reduced sympathetic activity. There was something about the act of consciously controlling the breath that helped promote autonomic balance, despite the rather ordinary rate.

Slow breathing provides a host of additional benefits. But let us not forget the power of simply controlling your body’s most important function: breathing.

2. While We’re on the Subject: Slow Breathing Restores Balance in COPD

People with COPD have similar complications to diabetics, such as increased sympathetic tone and reduced baroreflex sensitivity (BRS).

A study published in 2008 found that slow breathing at 6 breaths per minute for 4 minutes significantly reduced sympathetic activity and increased BRS in COPD patients. That is, it helped restore cardio-autonomic balance. 

Their words are always better than mine:

In summary, patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease showed sympathetic excitation and depression of the baroreflex. Slow breathing counteracted these changes.” - Raupach et al.

3. Another Non-Breathing Tip: I Take This Every Morning

To build off of my #1 non-breathing tip (2-4 hours between dinner and bedtime), here’s another one I use every day: baking soda.

Baking soda has been shown to improve performance and even help with autoimmune conditions. From a breathing perspective, it has also been shown to increase breath-hold time (something I have anecdotally experienced).

Here’s how I take it every morning:

  • 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar

  • 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda

  • Mix and "enjoy"

It sounds disgusting, but it’s actually not too bad. Apple cider vinegar might also help control blood sugars, so that’s an added bonus for us diabetics.

4. A Race for the Future

"Looking at the evidence, it’s hard not to conclude that our entire physiology was engineered to reward us for moving." - Kelly McGonigal, The Joy of Movement

I love Physiology First, its mission, and the people behind it. On August 15, they are holding a run/walk to collectively cover 1,000 miles. You can join virtually anywhere (my wife and I will be joining from here on the Space Coast of Florida).

It’s been a while since my 100-mile ruck, so this is a great reason to get out and move for a good cause. Every mile helps, and there is no minimum. I hope to "e-see" you there!

More Details:

(We’re signing up for the "1000 Miler")




Speaking of walking and breathing:

“We should take wandering outdoor walks, so that the mind might be nourished and refreshed by the open air and deep breathing.” —Seneca, On Tranquility of Mind

(I found this quote in Ryan Holiday’s Newsletter.)




Answer: The number of oxygen molecules in each red blood cell.

(Cue the Jeopardy music.)

Question: What is 1 billion?

In good breath,

P.S. Keeping Cool During COVID.


The Breathing 4.1.1. - Can This Acid Help You Digest Oxygen Better?


I hope this edition of "The Breathing 4.1.1" helps start your week off right.

Below you’ll find 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer (think "Jeopardy"). Enjoy!




1. My #1 Non-Breathing Tip to Improve Your Breathing

There are non-breathing ways to improve your breathing. Here’s the easiest and most helpful one I’ve found: Add 2-4 hours between dinner and bedtime.

For example, I now eat dinner around 5:30 p.m. and go to bed around 7:45 - 8:00 p.m. (I used to eat closer to 7:00 p.m. with the same bedtime).

After one or two nights of the earlier dinner, my CO2 tolerance increased by about 20 seconds. And it’s remained that way ever since. If you’re not already, give it a shot and see how you feel after a couple of nights.

(As a side note, I also lost about 5 lbs after 1-2 weeks of doing this. So, when I saw this article on ScienceDaily, it jumped off the page at me: People who eat a late dinner may gain weight.)

2. Can This Acid Help You Digest Oxygen Better?

"Oxygen is what we breathe in. CO2 is what we internally produce in order to allow us to use that oxygen most efficiently." - David Bidler, Breathe to Perform

I love that interpretation. Rather than thinking of CO2 as a waste product, why don’t we instead view it as something our body produces to use the oxygen we breathe in.

While reading this passage, I also thought of a new analogy. It’s not technically correct, but I think it helps get the point across:

Your body produces stomach acids to digest food. It produces blood acids to digest oxygen.

3. Why Don’t We Breathe Slowly, 24/7?

I talk about the benefits of slow breathing a lot (maybe too much). With all of those benefits, it begs the question: Why didn’t we evolve to breathe slowly all the time? (Thanks, Ben!)

Rather than breathing slowly all the time, I believe we evolved something even more powerful: The ability to control our breathing.

We have been given access to our autonomic nervous system. We can choose to ramp it up or choose to slow it down. We can respond to our outer environment while being in control of our inner one.

With great power comes great responsibility. It’s up to us if we use it or not.

4. How Your Body Remembers High Altitude (1-Minute Podcast)

This episode of 60-Second Science from Scientific American explains how our red blood cells "remember" exposure to high altitude:

Red Blood Cells Remember Your Mountain Vacation

Although breath holds and high altitude exposure are not the same thing, we can elicit similar drops in blood oxygen saturation, presumably leading to similar effects. But, they’re not permanent:

"So the longer you stay at sea level before you re-climb to high altitude, then such memory will gradually disappear." - Yang Xia, UT Health Science Center

That’s why I’m also a fan of consistency over intensity to hep keep the benefits around.




"However, there is a bridge between our conscious mind and the subconscious action of the autonomic nervous system – breathing."

- Stephen Elliot with Dee Edmonson, The New Science of Breath




Answer: In 1978, two mountain climbers achieved this monumental feat for the first time.

(Cue the Jeopardy music.)

Question: What is climbing Everest without supplemental oxygen?

In good breath,

P.S. When You Finish Your To-Do List.


The Breathing 4.1.1. - Breathing That Makes You Smarter


Happy Monday and welcome to another edition of "The Breathing 4.1.1."

Below, I share 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer (think "Jeopardy"). Enjoy!




1. Why Increasing Your CO2 Tolerance Just Makes Sense

i. Carbon dioxide is your primary stimulus to breathe. When you feel breathless or air hunger, that is due to high levels of CO2, not low levels of oxygen.

ii. Carbon dioxide helps you use oxygen more efficiently via the Bohr effect.

Therefore, being able to tolerate more CO2 just makes sense. You’ll delay the onset of breathlessness while simultaneously improving oxygen delivery.

2. Should You Be Doing Breathing Exercises All Day?

Not in my opinion. The goal of all of this "breathing stuff" is to reset your breathing to healthy levels so you don’t have to think about it all the time.

3. Can Your Breathing Make You Smarter?

Nasal breathing synchronizes brainwave oscillations in the piriform cortex, amygdala, and hippocampus. This coherence improves cognitive function when compared to mouth breathing.

Read More: Nasal Breathing Synchronizes Brainwave Activity and Improves Cognitive Function

4. If You or Your Child Suffers from This Condition…

If you’re reading this, the adverse health effects of mouth breathing probably seem obvious to you by now. But maybe not everyone else.

That’s why it is always great to see an article about it in a more mainstream publication like ScienceDaily. The final paragraph is both wonderful and comical (without trying to be):

"At this time, many health care professionals are not aware of the health problems associated with mouth breathing. If you or your child suffers from this condition, speak with a health care professional who is knowledgeable about mouth breathing."

Read The Full Article on ScienceDaily:

"Mouth breathing can cause major health problems"




"We can’t learn how to breathe, but we can learn how to stop not breathing."

- Richard Rosen, The Yoga of Breath




Answer: The only human organs that can float in water.

(Cue the Jeopardy music.)

Question: What are the lungs?

In good breath,

P.S. Nostalgia.


The Breathing 4.1.1. - Are Type 1 Diabetics Protected from COVID-19?


Welcome to the "The Breathing 4.1.1."

Below, I share 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer (think "Jeopardy"). Enjoy!




1. Are Type-1 Diabetics Protected from Serious COVID-19 Complications?

Not exactly breathing related, but a short article recently published in Medical Hypotheses proposed the following: Type-1 diabetics might be "spared" from the more severe complications of COVID-19 because we produce higher quantities of a specific class of pro-inflammatory cytokines called Th-1.

Thus, the reason our insulin-producing beta cells are destroyed might be the same reason we’re protected from COVID-19. Awesome, I guess?

Click Here to Read the Article

Thanks to Craig Kasper (also a type-1 diabetic) at Bravest for sharing this article with me!

2. Inhale-to-Exhale Ratio: Does it Matter?

Most studies show that either (1) an equal inhale-to-exhale ratio or (2) a longer exhale are both useful for improving cardiovascular and autonomic function. Longer exhalations are associated with more relaxation, whereas equal breaths are more balancing for the nervous system.

But the most critical factor is finding which approach feels most comfortable to you. And this is backed by science.

3. Inverting the Breathing Gears for Down-Regulation

The Skill of Stress course is excellent. I’m working my way through it slowly, but one thing I loved was Emily’s way of inverting the "Breathing Gears" to down-regulate.

Here’s the idea. If you’re stressed and breathing in and out through your mouth, don’t immediately try to switch to nasal in, nasal out. Gear down slowly. For example, you could follow this progression to downshift your nervous system:

  1. Mouth in, Mouth out (Progressive)

  2. Nasal in, Mouth out (Down)

  3. Nasal in, Nasal out (Regulation)

4. Why Wim Hof Doesn’t Care about Nose or Mouth Breathing

"Just breathe mother f*****!" is a famous Wim Hof one-liner. Along with his saying that "any hole will do" when asked how to breathe during his method.

But James Nestor nailed it when Joe Rogan recently asked him why Wim doesn’t care about nose or mouth: "He wants to make this easy and accessible for people…so many people can’t breathe through their noses…"

Wim’s advice to "use any hole" is to simply make it easier and more accessible. And it’s excellent advice if you’re going to do it for 20-30 mins a day. There will only be problems if mouth breathing becomes habitual (like it did for me).




"Therefore, any conditions to affect normal respiratory route during sleep (nasal breathing) can…have negative effects on sleep and daily life."

Park, C.-S., Sleep Medicine Research, 2014




Answer: The farthest distance droplets from a sneeze can travel.

(Cue the Jeopardy music.)

Question: What is 27 feet?

In good breath,

P.S. His Poor Elbows.


The Breathing 4.1.1. - Harder Breathing Techniques and Molecules of Air


Welcome to the second edition of "The Breathing 4.1.1."

Below, I share 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer (think "Jeopardy"). Enjoy!




1. We Don’t Need Harder Breathing Techniques

I recently finished the two-part interview with David Bidler on the Bravest Podcast. I highly recommend listening to both episodes. My favorite idea from David was this: We don’t need harder breathing techniques, we need to apply simple breathing methods to harder challenges. Well said.

Episode 1

Episode 2

2. HHPF High School Slow Breathing Program

Speaking of using simple breathing practices in hard situations, the Health & Human Performance Foundation (HHPF) partnered with Girard High School to implement a slow breathing program for the students. The program improved the students' tolerance to CO2 and decreased their anxiety. Pretty amazing stuff.

Read More Here

3. Relaxation Breathing - A Way to Lower Blood Glucose

There have been two studies examining a breathing technique called "Relaxation Breathing." I don’t hear much about it in the breathing community, but it appears to be helpful for lowering blood glucose. Here’s the method:

Inhale 2 Seconds, Exhale 1 Second
Inhale 2 Seconds, Exhale 2 Seconds
Inhale 2 Seconds, Exhale 3 Seconds
… (Exhale keeps getting longer) …
Inhale 2 Seconds, Exhale 10 Seconds

The progressively longer exhale is both relaxing and challenging near the end. I sometimes practice it when falling asleep. Give it a shot and see what you think.

If you’re interested, here are the two studies:

Relaxation breathing significantly lowers blood sugar after an oral glucose tolerance test

Slow breathing improves blood sugar by reducing body’s endogenous production of glucose

4. Oxygen Advantage + Yoga = High Altitude Yoga

My wife and I put together a class that combines yoga and breath-hold techniques from the Oxygen Advantage®. We’re calling it High Altitude Yoga™.

We’re holding a combined Virtual Masterclass where I teach the breathing principles and she teaches the yoga. If you’ve been in the breathing world for a while, the breathing concepts will not be new to you. But, combining them with yoga is both fun and challenging (we’ve had SpO2 drops in the mid-to-low 80s).

It’s going to be July 18th from 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. Eastern on Zoom. I hope you’ll join us!

Learn More & Sign Up Here




"By voluntarily changing the rate, depth, and pattern of breathing, we can change the messages being sent from the body’s respiratory system to the brain."

- Richard Brown & Patricia Gerbarg, from "The Healing Power of the Breath"




Answer: The number of molecules in each breath we take.

(Cue the Jeopardy music.)

Question: What is 25 sextillion? [1]

(Note: That’s 25,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 molecules!)

In good breath,

P.S. $98,000. (Ages 3 & Up.)

[1] Worrall S., “The Air You Breathe Is Full of Surprises,” National Geographic, Aug.13, 2012. View Article Here

(I found this through "Breath: The New Science of A Lost Art")


The Breathing 4.1.1.


I am trying a new format this week. I’m calling it “The Breathing 4.1.1.”

Below, I share 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer (think “Jeopardy”). Enjoy!




1. Expert Q&A on Sleep Tape

James Nestor’s first "expert Q&A" episode has been released. It’s on sleep tape with Dr. Mark Burhenne. I especially appreciated Dr. Burhenne’s confidence in recommending that people wear mouth tape. Watch Interview Here.

2. An Easy Hack for Dropping SpO2 during Breath Holds

I’m always playing around with my breath holds. Lately, I’ve been performing a full exhale before each hold.

Normal Breath In —> Fast and Complete Exhale Out —> Hold

I’ve seen additional SpO2 drops of 5-10% (!). My breath holds are not as long, but I’m getting into intermittent hypoxia easier. I really try to empty my lungs as much as possible to get more significant drops in SpO2.

3. Is Tissue Hypoxia Really the Problem?

“In this, chronic overbreathing will not create ‘hypoxia’ in tissues; this is a fact that many Buteyko adherents consistently get wrong.  The real damage from overbreathing comes from the constant energy the body has to expend to run more cells anaerobically and to constantly buffer for carbon dioxide deficiencies.” - James Nestor, Breath

I talk about tissue hypoxia a lot. Here, James says that it’s not necessarily tissue hypoxia that’s the problem, but the body’s response to prevent it from happening that causes the damage. In any case, the underlying issue is the same: We need to get an adequate supply of oxygen for our cells to function correctly.

4. A Simple Way the Breathe Light

Teaching people to breathe "light" is often tricky. However, in Restoring Prana, Robin Rothenberg provides one of the most practical ways I’ve heard: Imagine taking up less space with each breath. I imagine less air being pulled into my nose with each inhale, and each exhale disturbing less air around me. Give it a shot.




He who tastes a grain of mustard seed knows more of its flavor than he who sees an elephant load of it.” - Yogi Mamacharaka, Science of Breath




Answer: The amount of water used to humidify the air we breathe each day.

(Cue the Jeopardy music.)

Question: What is 1 pint? [1]

In good breath,

P.S. Coming to you live from…

[1] Essentials of Pathophysiology (3rd Edition), Carol Mattson Porth


Breathe The Change You Want to See (In Your Body)


"To say…that a man is made up of certain chemical elements is a satisfactory description only for those who intend to use him as a fertilizer." - Herbert J. Muller


When I first started a “breathing” practice, it seemed a bit silly. But then I started seeing dramatic improvements in my sleep, energy, and blood sugars. How could something as simple as breathing do so many things? The more I thought about it, the more I realized it wasn’t silly or crazy at all.  

Close your mouth and pinch your nose.  

In a few seconds, you’ll begin feeling a desire to breathe so strong it’s almost uncontrollable. This simple act of holding the breath helps us appreciate just how important it is.

Why would an urge like this exist? One that can be felt by people who, quite literally, have no fear.  

It’s because there is more to breathing than just breathing. It’s biomechanics and biochemistry. It’s psychology and physiology. It’s in your brain, and it’s in your core. Breathing provides the link between your mind and your cardiovascular and autonomic nervous systems.  

How to Breathe the Change You Want to See

Breathing is also very unique. It’s automatic, yet it is also under our conscious control. It’s up to us whether we want to take advantage of this.

For example, there is a cluster of neurons in your brain that monitors your breathing. If you breathe slowly and calmly, that message is sent to important regions of your brain. If you breathe fast and anxiously, that message is relayed as well.

Want to be anxious? Breathe anxiously.

Want to be calm? Breathe calmly.

Thus, we can consciously choose the messages we send with our breath. And this goes not just for the brain, but the cardiovascular and autonomic nervous systems as well. We can literally breathe the change we want to see in our bodies.

The First Place to Start

One of the most effective ways to “breathe the change” is with slow breathing. Slow breathing improves oxygenation, restores cardio-autonomic balance, increases heart rate variability, and so much more.

Give it a shot today. Breathe between 3 to 6 breaths per minute, for 5 minutes. Try it out for five days straight and see how you feel.

There’s no pill. There’s no money to be made. It’s just simple physiology.  

In good breath,


P.S. “Sorry, but you’re going to need a pre-authorization.”


Can Overbreathing Cause Osteoporosis?


Life-transforming ideas have always come to me through books.” - Bell Hooks


This week, I want to look at a few fascinating passages on overbreathing from “Breath: The New Science of A Lost Art.”

Let’s start with James Nestor’s insight into tissue hypoxia (my bold for emphasis):

In this, chronic overbreathing will not create ‘hypoxia’ in tissues; this is a fact that many Buteyko adherents consistently get wrong.  The real damage from overbreathing comes from the constant energy the body has to expend to run more cells anaerobically and to constantly buffer for carbon dioxide deficiencies.

So James is saying that tissue hypoxia itself is not the problem with overbreathing. The damage occurs because of the body’s response to prevent tissue hypoxia from happening.

Overbreathing and Cell Metabolism

Aerobic = “With Oxygen”

Anaerobic = “Without Oxygen”

This damage occurs partially because of sustained anaerobic metabolism. We have all probably heard of aerobic and anaerobic exercise. Slow and steady is typically aerobic, fast and intense is usually anaerobic. We don’t have to think about it. When we push ourselves, our oxygen supply can’t keep up, and our body naturally switches to anaerobic metabolism.

This anaerobic switch creates a more acidic local environment, which will help release oxygen from the hemoglobin and help restore aerobic energy production.

But, with chronic overbreathing, this aerobic balance cannot be achieved.  So your cells are running as if you’re always doing high-intensity training…not the most efficient way to spend your day.

But that’s not even the worst part of overbreathing.

Restoring pH Balance Causes the Real Damage

The body is always trying to find balance, and this is especially true for pH. Blood pH is kept in a tight range (around 7.4) to allow the body to function correctly.

When we chronically overbreathe, we offload too much carbon dioxide, which increases pH. The body compensates through a process called “buffering,” where the kidneys begin releasing bicarbonate into the urine to restore pH balance. The real damage comes from what bicarbonate takes with it:

This occurs because as bicarbonate leaves the body, it takes magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and more with it. Without healthy stores of these minerals, nothing works right: nerves malfunction, smooth muscles spasm, and cells can’t efficiently create energy.” - James Nestor

Overbreathing Weakens Our Bones

All of which leads us to how overbreathing can contribute osteoporosis:

Constant buffering also weakens the bones, which try to compensate by dissolving their mineral stores back into the bloodstream. (Yes, it’s possible to overbreathe yourself into osteoporosis and increased risk of bone fractures.)” - James Nestor

Alright, let’s break these steps down to see how this happens:

  1. Overbreathing offloads too much carbon dioxide, preventing adequate oxygen delivery to the cells.

  2. The cells compensate with chronic anaerobic metabolism.

  3. The kidneys compensate by excreting bicarbonate into the urine to balance pH.

  4. The excretion of bicarbonate “steals” important minerals from the blood.

  5. The bones then compensate by dissolving minerals back into the blood, which weakens them.

It is simultaneously amazing and scary what our bodies are capable of.  

There is Always Good News

Although this negative feedback loop is alarming, there is a way to prevent or reverse it: Stop overbreathing.

And the best way to do that? Breathe through your nosebreathe slowly, and breathe slightly less than you think you need.

In good breath,

P.S. Just Along for the Ride.