(#87) How Long Should You Practice Each Day?

“I think the amount of time that you spend on this work is not that important. …[W]hat is important here is the regularity of doing this work. You want to do this every day without fail because you are attempting to change rhythms in your nervous system, and it's the constancy of the input, it's the regularity of the input, that is going to produce these changes over time.”

- Andrew Weil, MD, Breathing: The Master Key to Self Healing


We can use science to find a reasonable daily dose (which is about 10 min for slow breathing). 


But an even better approach is what Dr. Weil says here: Focus on consistency.  We’re trying to rewire our nervous systems, and it’s the regularity of the input that is going to produce these changes over time. 🙏



P.S. This reminds me of a quote from Eddie Stern in One Simple Thing: Any practice, whether spiritual, physical, or artistic, only begins to pay off when it is done with regularity and sincerity.