(#16) Natural Resistance Breathing: Aquatic Exercise Strengthens Breathing Muscles

“The lungs are receiving a greater volume of blood as well, which, combined with the pressure that water exerts on the chest wall, makes them work harder to breathe—approximately 60% harder than on land.  This means that aquatic exercise can strengthen the respiratory muscles and improve their efficiency.”

- Wallace J Nichols, Blue Mind

(This is one of my favorite Book 411s, check it out if you haven’t yet)


Resistance breathing has many benefits:

  • Better cardiovascular health

  • Stronger respiratory muscles

  • Less oxidative stress

  • Reduced inflammation

But if you have no interest in buying a device for resistance breathing, here’s a free alternative: aquatic exercise.  You get the calming effects of the water while also strengthening your breathing muscles. 

A natural and soothing win-win 🙏