(#151) Peak Mind

“[I]f you come away from this book with anything, I want it to be a clear sense of how important this is. We’re busy. We’re time-pressured. We are always under the gun. But twelve more minutes of work is simply not going to catch you up as much as sitting quietly, and on purpose, with your breath.

– Amishi P. Jha, Ph.D., Peak Mind


I’ll repeat: “But twelve more minutes of work is simply not going to catch you up as much as sitting quietly, and on purpose, with your breath.” 👏


It’s Friday, so a new Book 411 was just released.  This week we have Peak Mind: Find Your Focus, Own Your Attention, Invest 12 Minutes a Day.  This was such a good book and full of practical wisdom.


Her ideas that we cover in Thought #4 and the 1 Life-Changing Idea on “pre-silience” are so good…


Click here to read the 411 on Peak Mind.


Enjoy your weekend!


In good breath,



P.S. Thanks to friend and mentor P.H. for suggesting this book to me 🙏