(#150) Using Neem Karoli’s Advice in Our Practice

“If someone was following a given inner path, Neem Karoli always encouraged it.  From his perspective the main point was that you do your practice—not try to find the ‘very best.’

Whenever Neem Karoli was asked about which path was best, his answer was ‘Sub ek!’—Hindi for ‘They are all one.’  Everyone has different preferences, needs, and the like. Just choose one and plunge in. 

In that view contemplative paths are more or less the same, a doorway beyond ordinary experience.”

- Daniel Goleman & Richard Davidson, Altered Traits


Amen to that 🙏


Don’t try to find “the best” breathing practice, or yoga practice, or meditation technique.  Just find the one that resonates with you now (accepting it will change with time) and plunge in.