(#143) A Force-Multiplier for Any Practice

“We need a force multiplier, like a power-up in a video game. The attentional force multiplier you need to acquire is your capacity to be meta-aware, to notice.


To notice when we are not focused or too focused.

To notice when we are mentally elsewhere and not in the here and now.

To notice what is happening around us and within us.


Noticing is what unlocks our capacity to intervene in these pervasive attentional problems.


It’s simple: To know if you’re getting grabbed by something and need to intervene, you have to be watching.

- Amishi P. Jha, Ph.D., Peak Mind


Whether we use breathing, yoga, meditation, or any other contemplative practice, we need to know when we need to actually use that tool.  This is where meta-awareness comes in. 


By helping us notice what we’re noticing, it becomes a “force multiplier” for any practice.