(#14) How to Become a World-Class Breather

“World-class performers are less about complexity and more about optimizing simplicity…It’s about the fundamentals. But small, daily improvements on the fundamentals every day done with ridiculous consistency creates insane revolutions over time.”

- Robin Sharma, Optimize Interview

Since you’re reading this, I imagine you wouldn’t mind becoming a world-class breather.  Fortunately, it’s actually pretty simple: reduce the complexity and optimize the simplicity.


Of course, we can still utilize a variety of advanced techniques (Kobe Bryant didn’t only practice shooting free throws).


But it all starts with the fundamentals.


What is the best way to practice those? Deeper, slower, quieter, and more regular —> repeat (but only for the rest of our lives).


Let those benefits compound into “insane revolutions over time.1% at a time.