nasal breahting

Nasal Breathing, Belly Laughing, and My Favorite Signs of Progress

Listen Instead of Reading

If you enjoy listening, you can subscribe to the audio version on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Audible so you don’t even have to look at the email 😊

Reading Time: 2 min 4 sec

I hope the next 25’ish breaths are the most nourishing of your day.


1. My New Favorite Signs of Progress

I look for changes in character and conduct. How selfless can you be? Can you restrain your senses when necessary? Can you go against your self-will when it benefits those around you? How long is your span of attention? These are the signs of progress in meditation.

– Eknath Easwaran, Passage Meditation

Of course, there are many different signs of progress in meditation (and breathing and mindfulness), but these are my new favorites 😊. They offer a simple yet powerful way to assess whether these practices are truly changing our lives.

2. Majoring in the Minor

“That’s when I learned that people have a habit of looking for the next big thing when they haven’t spent any time mastering the simple thing in front of them….A lot of you are missing the forest for the trees. You’re majoring in the minor. You’re getting in the weeds.”

– Arnold Schwarzenegger

Got any areas of your practice where you’re “majoring in the minor?” (Guilty here 🤚) Let’s use this as a reminder to master the simple tools in front of us—things like slow breathing, meditation, and mindfulness—before we go looking for the next big thing.

3. Three Reminders to Breathe Nasally

1. “The nose is the silent warrior: the gatekeeper of our bodies, pharmacist to our minds, and weather vane to our emotions.”- James Nestor

2. “Nasal stimulation represents the fundamental link between slow breathing techniques, brain and autonomic activities and psychological/behavioral outputs.” - Frontiers (2018)

3. “Obsessed with notions of health, he was fascinated by his breathing. In fact, Kant developed a technique of breathing solely through his nose—250 years before scientists recognized the role of nasal breathing for good health. Kant was so determined to breathe only through his nose that he refused to walk with a companion, fearful that conversation might inadvertently make him inhale through his mouth. Kant lived to just short of his eightieth birthday, a phenomenal age in 1804.” - Annabel Streets

4. Belly Laughing as Good as Crunches

“Break into a full belly laugh and you hit two pillars of stress control in one go. A recent study found that laughing really hard provides a better core workout than crunches.

– Caroline Williams, Move

We already know that laughter significantly reduces cortisol, but here we learn it might be as effective—or even better—than crunches for our core. Let’s use that as our friendly reminder to laugh this week to support both our physical and mental health 😊

1 Quote

Breathing is not only critical to sustaining life, but done correctly and consciously, it can be a valuable tool for getting the most out of every human endeavor, from the most demanding physical challenges to the pursuit of understanding life’s deepest spiritual mysteries.”
— Al Lee and Don Campbell

1 Answer

Category: Nasal Breathing and the Brain

Answer: Slow nasal breathing increases these slow brainwaves often associated with sleep, creativity, and relaxation more than slow mouth breathing does.

(Cue the Jeopardy! music.)

Question: What are theta brainwaves?

In good breath,

Nick Heath, T1D, PhD
“Breathing is the compound interest of health & wellness.”

P.S. Celery with anxiety

Elevate Yourself

Embrace a more thoughtful approach to a happier and fulfilling life: become a Mixed Mindful Artist. Instead of trying to fit into a single method, you can integrate the principles of breathing, meditation, and mindfulness to find a balanced and adaptable practice that supports your well-being in every stage of your life. Learn more.

The Breathing App for Diabetes

This is the first program specifically made for people with diabetes to help manage their stress through breathing and mindfulness practices. In addition to the amazing program inside the app, we have some really neat things coming up, so sign up now!

Learn more here.

Amazon Associate Disclosure

I’ve been recommending books for almost 6 years. Yet somehow, I just discovered that I could be an Amazon affiliate [face-palm]. In any case better late than never. Now, any Amazon link you click is an affiliate link. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. So, if you’d like to support my work, buying books through these links is helpful : )

* An asterisk by a quote indicates that I listened to this book on Audible. Therefore, the quotation might not be correct, but is my best attempt at reproducing the punctuation based on the narrator’s pace, tone, and pauses.


Nasal Minded, Three Quotes, And Making Your Own Path

Listen Instead of Reading

If you enjoy listening, you can subscribe to the audio version on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Audible so you don’t even have to look at the email 😊

Reading Time: 1 min 54 sec

I hope the next 23’ish breaths are the most nourishing of your day.


1. A Fast Track to an Alternative State of Mind

“Whatever rate you breathe at, whether you focus on the breath for alertness, slow it down a bit for relaxation, or a lot to reach an altered state of consciousness, only nasal breathing allows your brainwaves to synchronize with the breath, offering a fast track to an alternative state of mind.”

– Caroline Williams, Move

Just a great reminder that, except for a few specific techniques, most of the benefits of breathing start with the nose. So, anytime you want to shift your state of mind—to relax, to focus, to be present—remember, it begins with nasal breathing.

2. Tuning Our Guitar

“Another important point is to remain balanced, not too tight and not too loose. If we’re too tight, we’ll lose our calmness and relaxation. If we’re too loose, we’ll stray into distraction. It’s like tuning a guitar. For the best sound it should be tuned just right—not too tight and not too loose.”

Why We Meditate

This applies to our breathing and meditation practices, and life in general. For the best sound, we have to be tuned just right 🎵

3. Three Reminders to Breathe Mindfully

1. “If you can manage to bring your attention to your breathing for even the briefest of moments, it will set the stage for facing that moment and the next one with greater clarity. ” - Jon Kabat-Zinn

2. “Practicing to walk and breathe mindfully helps you dwell more in the real world, so you can get in touch with the wonders of life in the present moment, and nourish and heal your body and mind.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

3. “The next step is crucial: you give relaxed, careful attention to respiration and to the obvious, often neglected fact that each one of us is breathing. In other words, you are alive! Did you know that?” - Larry Rosenberg

4. Become a Mixed Mindful Artist

“There are many paths up the mountain, but there is only one mountain.”

– Swami Kripalu

Too often, we’re told to follow a specific path, without regard for who or where we are. But I’ve discovered a more thoughtful approach to better living: becoming a Mixed Mindful Artist. This approach offers timeless wisdom, modern science, and simple tools, empowering you to use your own intuition to create your path up the mountain. There’s no one-size-fits-all, just what works for you. You can learn how here.

1 Quote

To be truly alive, we must find the life force within ourselves and direct our energy toward it.”
— Gladys McGarey, MD (103 years old)

1 Answer

Category: Breathing and the Core

Answer: This “breathing exercise” might provide more of a core workout than crunches.

(Cue the Jeopardy! music.)

Question: What is laughter?

In good breath,

Nick Heath, T1D, PhD
“Breathing is the compound interest of health & wellness.”

P.S. a mixed mindful artist in the making 😂

The Breathing App for Diabetes

This is the first program specifically made for people with diabetes to help manage their stress through breathing and mindfulness practices. In addition to the amazing program inside the app, we have some really neat things coming up, so sign up now!

Learn more here.

Amazon Associate Disclosure

I’ve been recommending books for almost 6 years. Yet somehow, I just discovered that I could be an Amazon affiliate [face-palm]. In any case better late than never. Now, any Amazon link you click is an affiliate link. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. So, if you’d like to support my work, buying books through these links is helpful : )

* An asterisk by a quote indicates that I listened to this book on Audible. Therefore, the quotation might not be correct, but is my best attempt at reproducing the punctuation based on the narrator’s pace, tone, and pauses.


A Breathing 4-Minute Mile, plus Inhaled Nitric Oxide


TGIM. Here are 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer for this week. Enjoy!




1. The Breathing 4-Minute Mile

The Wim Hof endotoxin study is breathing’s equivalent to a "4-minute mile."

People have been using breathing to modulate their autonomic nervous and immune systems for thousands of years. But Wim brought it to the world.

He proved it was possible, scientifically. And similar to how people now run 4-minute miles without using Roger Bannister’s exact training, I believe science will show that many breathing techniques work in similar ways.

But what matters most is that it’s possible. And it’s possible through breathing.

2. Inhaled Nitric Oxide has Whole-Body Effects

To date, I believe this might be one of the most important findings in breathing.

We typically believe the benefits of inhaled nitric oxide (NO) end in the lungs. However, a paper I recently reviewed showed it has whole-body effects.

Here are the take-home points from the study:

  • Their measurements were consistent with systemic transport and delivery of bioactive inhaled NO.

  • Inhaled NO can improve blood flow in distant regions where endothelial NO is suppressed—it works "where needed."

  • These effects on blood flow might be most relevant in diseases that disrupt endothelial-derived NO, like diabetes & many others.

If you’re interested, see the full summary for more details. I will be expanding on this topic with more recently-published research in the coming weeks.

3.   Why We Sigh - A Vice Article

"Breathing isn’t only the automatic exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide, afterall. The way we breathe is influenced by our emotions and environment, and vice versa."

- Shayla Love, Why We Sigh

This was a fantastic read; I couldn’t recommend it more. I especially enjoyed the short passage about sighing and breathing variability.

I hope you all like it as much as I did.

4. Three Steps to Breathe Better Right Now

  1. Breathe through your nose.

  2. Slow down your breathing.

  3. Make each breath inaudible.




"How do you identify someone who needs encouragement. That person is breathing."

- Truett Cathy




Answer: In the atmosphere, nitric oxide is generated from this energetic process.

(Cue the Jeopardy! music.)

Question: What is lightning?



In good breath,

P.S. Doesn’t seem like a fair fight.

The Breathing 411 Newsletter

Each Monday I share 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer like the ones you just read. If you enjoyed it, please sign up below.


On Recovering Better and Setting A Breathing Budget


Welcome back to another issue of The Breathing 411. Here are 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer to end November with.




1. You Already Work Hard Enough—Recover Harder

"The problem in today’s corporate world, as well as in many other realms, is not hard work; the problem is insufficient recovery."

- Tal Ben-Shahar

We all work hard enough. That’s likely not the problem. In fact, it’s probably the opposite: We need to be focusing on recovery so we can continue to work hard.

One excellent way to do this is with diaphragmatic breathing.

For example, imagine taking a group of 16 endurance cyclists and having them see how far they can go in 8 hours. Then, you split them into two groups. One group performs 1 hour of diaphragmatic breathing post-event. The other group reads quietly. That’s what a study published back in 2011 did.

The outcome: The diaphragmatic breathing group showed reduced oxidative stress, reduced cortisol, increased antioxidant potential, and increased melatonin.

That is, they recovered better.

If diaphragmatic breathing reduces these stress markers in this extreme case, it seems like it would be even more useful for recovering from chronic, everyday work stress. Recover better, work better.

2. How Do You Budget Your Breathing?

"Don’t tell me where your priorities are. Show me where you spend your money and I’ll tell you what they are."

- James W. Frick

The same can be said for your breathing. Where you spend your breath, and thus your energy, shows what your physiological priorities are. But, like money, you can set your own priorities by setting a breathing budget.

For example, suppose you would like to try out a new method that involves mouth breathing, but you also recognize the hazards of chronic mouth breathing. In that case, you might budget a small portion of breaths for that activity. Then, save the rest (especially sleep) for nasal breathing.

You can apply this idea to any technique. Make light nasal breathing the foundation of your budget (like paying your rent or mortgage) and spend your leftover "disposable breathing income" on new methods that interest you.

3. How Deep Breathing Opens Up the ADHD Brain

"So Ethan’s mother, who had used coherent breathing to calm her own anxiety, taught him how to do it. His overall behavior improved in four or five weeks, and he fell asleep without difficulty." - ADDitude Magazine

This topic is way outside my jurisdiction. But, reading this article was both inspiring and humbling as I reflected on how important this "breathing" stuff is.

I hope you enjoy it!

Thanks to great friend, and new 411 reader, S.S. for sending me this article.

4. Intermittent Hypoxia Improves Immune System Function

"These responses…may serve to augment the body’s immune defenses without exacerbating inflammation."

Serebrovskaya et al. 2011, High Altitude Medicine and Biology

This paper published in 2011 found that intermittent hypoxia (IH) enhances the body’s innate immune system, increases its ability to fight infection, and had a net anti-inflammatory effect.

Although IH and breath holds are not technically the same, we can experience IH using breath holds. Thus, research like this suggests, but doesn’t prove, that breath holds might help us fight illnesses (when done safely, of course).




"It is better to know some of the questions than all of the answers."

- James Thurber




Answer: The Earth has ~3.1 trillion of these organisms (or ~400 per person) that help us breathe.

(Cue the Jeopardy! music.)

Question: What are trees?

That link has a neat video of the Earth "breathing," if you’re interested.

In good breath,

P.S. "omg GO ON"


Stop Breathing Sugar


Happy Monday!

Let’s get right to it. Here are 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer for this week.




1. Breathing is so Cliché

"Defense wins championships // The best defense is a good offense.

Birds of a feather flock together // Opposites attract.

You get what you pay for // The best things in life are free"

- Neil Pasricha, The Happiness Equation

For any situation you’re in, you can find a cliché to help you through. And as seen above, clichés are often contradictory. Likewise, breathing clichés are also contradictory, as we saw about a month ago:

Wim Hof tells you to breathe more. // Patrick McKeown tells you to breathe less.

Lung capacity determines longevity. // But you also shouldn’t take big breaths.

Oxygen is your body’s most important energy source. // But the exhale is the most important part of the breath.

For breathing, I suggested that we embrace these contradictions. But from a practical perspective, I like Neil Pasricha’s advice: "Any cliché, quote, or piece of advice that resonates with you only confirms to your mind something you already know."

We’re all different. So if you notice a specific breathing method standing out, it’s probably confirming something you already know to be right for you.

2. Stop Breathing Sugar

"Cutting sugar-sweetened beverages from your diet is the single-biggest thing you can do to improve your health."

- Mark Hyman, Food Fix

Many different diets work for many different people. But they all pretty much agree on one thing: remove processed sugar. And Mark Hyman’s number one recommendation is even more straightforward: "Don’t drink sugar."

Similarly, despite all the inconsistencies in breathing advice, there is one thing we can all agree on: don’t breathe through your mouth. Mouth breathing is like drinking sugar. It’s easy and it feels good, but it is detrimental to your health.

Let’s cut this processed "breathing sugar" from our diets. It may very well be the most important thing we can do for our health.

Thanks (for the millionth time) to Brian Johnson for inspiring this thought.

3. Nitric Oxide Reduces Alveolar Dead Space

"Alveolar dead space…represents alveoli, typically in the apex of the lung in an upright person, that do not receive blood flow"

- Respiratory Physiology, A Clinical Approach, pg. 96

By redistributing blood flow in the lungs, inhaled nasal nitric oxide reduces the alveolar dead space described above. Specifically, it allows more alveoli to receive blood flow, which allows more gas exchange to occur. This is something you won’t find in textbooks because the science is just too new.

This remarkable effect has led some to postulate that nasal nitric oxide is an evolutionary adaptation that helped allow us to walk upright. Pretty neat.

4. Slow Breathing is Better Than Social Media for Sleep

"Slow-paced breathing appears a promising cost-effective technique to improve subjective sleep quality and cardiovascular function during sleep in young healthy individuals."

- Journal of Clinical Medicine (2019)

This study found that 15 minutes of slow breathing (6 breaths/min) before bed led to better subjective sleep quality than 15 minutes of social media use. Slow breathing also led to higher overnight vagal activity.

Although these results might seem like common sense, I thought they were still compelling nonetheless. Here's to putting away our phones and focusing on our breath before bed.




"The hardest thing in the world is to simplify your life because everything is pulling you to be more and more complex."

- Yvon Chouinard




Answer: This condition drops 21% two days after we gain an hour moving from Daylight Savings Time to Standard Time.

(Cue the Jeopardy! music.)

Question: What are heart attacks?

In good breath,

P.S. lmao ok fine.


Use it or Lose it + Eating and Breathing


Happy Monday! I hope you all have a great week ahead.

Here are 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer for you to consider this week.




1. The Nose: Use it or Lose it

"Machines: use it and lose it; organisms: use it or lose it."

- Frano Barovic, Antifragile

I had to get a new computer recently. My Macbook Pro gave me 7 great years, but it was time to move on. I decided to switch to a Macbook Air. I thought, "air is my favorite subject; I should get a computer called an Air." I’m that weird : )

So when I was recently re-reading Antifragile, the quote above (buried in a footnote) popped off the page. We expect machines like my computer to break over time: use it and lose it. But with our body, it’s the opposite: use it or lose it.

This is especially true for one particular organ, the nose. Here’s how James Nestor puts it:

"For noses clogged, you need to find a way of unclogging it. You can do that by breathing more through your nose because it's really a use-it-or-lose-it organ. The more you breathe through it, the more you're going to be able to breathe through it." - NPR Interview

We learned some tricks for unblocking your nose a couple weeks ago. But the ultimate nose-unblocking exercise is to simply use it or lose it.

2. Thinkr Review of Breath

"Though it seems as simple as inhaling and exhaling, the act of breathing is an overlooked artform that can do much more than just sustain life." - Thinkr Review of Breath

Speaking of James Nestor, here’s an excellent summary of his book Breath that I recently came across. It requires an email to sign-up, but you can unsubscribe afterward…although I’ve actually enjoyed the emails they’ve sent since.

If you haven’t read Breath or just need a refresher, this is a nice summary from a company with no vested interest in "breathing."

3. Using Breathing Science to Change the World

Changing our breathing is one of the simplest thing we can do to improve our health. Tiny changes, like switching to nose breathing 24/7, can dramatically impact our health and wellness. That’s why it is great to see researchers using breathing in practical ways that could really change the world.

For example, imagine having a web browser add-on that, without you knowing it, alters your breathing to be more relaxed and rhythmic (rather than e-mail-apnea). That’s what "Breathing Edges" aims to do:

Toward Breathing Edges: A Prototype Respiration Entrainment System for Browser-based Computing Tasks

Or how about audio tracks that slow down your breathing while driving:

Just Breathe: In-Car Interventions for Guided Slow Breathing

Or audio tracks that speed up your breathing to keep you awake when you’re driving late at night:

Breath Booster!: Exploring In-Car, Fast-Paced Breathing Interventions to Enhance Driver Arousal State

It’s awesome to see things like this being developed, and it’ll be exciting to see what the next few years of research and application bring.

4. Can Eating Affect Your Breathing?

"One is able to compare the different fuel sources in this regard by examining the respiratory quotient (RQ), the ratio of carbon dioxide produced per unit of oxygen consumed in the production of energy…The RQ for carbohydrate is 1.0; for fats, it is 0.7; and for protein, it is 0.8." - Respiratory Physiology, A Clinical Approach

The "respiratory quotient" shows how much CO2 is produced per unit of oxygen consumed for energy production. For example, 30% less CO2 is generated when fat is used for energy compared to carbohydrates.

Thus, what you eat might affect how you breathe.

This might help explain why some endurance athletes prefer fueling with fat vs. carbs. Or why we can often hold our breath longer in the morning when we are fasted and using fat for energy. Less CO2 production means less breathlessness and extended breath holds.

This also explains why I start breathing heavily when I splurge on cheesecake : )

We often think about how breathing can help with digestion and post-meal blood sugar spikes. But I guess we should not forget the relationship goes both ways.




"Since we cannot know all that there is to be known about anything, we ought to know a little about everything."

- Blaise Pascal

Thanks to new 411 reader T. V. for inspiring this quote.




This section of the newsletter was inspired by my favorite TV show of all time, Jeopardy! With the passing of Alex Trebek yesterday morning, it feels impossible to make an answer about breathing this week. Instead, let’s honor the legacy of this great man.

Answer: From 1984 to 2020, Alex Trebek hosted more than this many episodes of Jeopardy!, earning him spot in the Guinness Book of World Records.

(Cue the Jeopardy! music.)

Question: What is 8,200?

We love you, Alex.


The One Percent Rule of Breathing (& Bravest Podcast Interview)


Craig Kasper invited me on his podcast, Bravest, to discuss all things breathing and diabetes. It should be released later today.

Craig is a type-1 diabetic and a genuinely good person. We had a lot of fun, and I hope you’ll give it a listen. 

Listen Here: Bravest

The Pareto Principle, or 80/20 rule, states that 20% of your efforts get you 80% of your results. Twenty percent of your customers account for 80% of your profit. A small number of NBA teams hold a majority of the titles. This rule holds true in many fields of life (here is an excellent article about the 80/20 rule) [1].

For breathing, I believe we can take this even farther.

The One Percent Rule of Breathing

In “To Sell is Human,” [2] Dan Pink describes a lesson he received during law school that stuck with him the rest of his life:

“Don’t get lost in the crabgrass of details, he urged us. Instead, think about the essence of what you’re exploring—the one percent that gives life to the other ninety-nine.”

“The one percent that gives life to the other ninety-nine.” I love that exaggeration of the Pareto Principle. In breathing, that one percent is your nose.

So Simple - So Complex

Slow breathing is simple and takes minimal effort. But, if you get “lost in the crabgrass of details,” it can become extremely complex.

But none of it would matter without the nose. The nose is the hidden engine driving all the benefits of “breathing.” Whether it’s slow breathing, sleep, or exercise, simply using your nose is the 1% that allows the other ninety-nine to occur.

How breath-control can change your life: A systematic review on psycho-physiological correlates of slow breathing

(Click Here to Read Full Summary)

Slow breathing has many benefits, which we covered in the infographic last week. To name a few: it reduces blood pressure, increases heart rate variability, enhances baroreflex sensitivity, improves arterial function, and increases tissue oxygenation.

The paper above concluded that the nose is the link connecting slow breathing to these benefits. It’s not just slow breathing; it’s nose breathing.

In good breath,

P.S. Coffee at home for me.


[1] I cannot overstate how much I enjoy James Clear’s work.

[2] To Sell is Human


Unlock Your Breathing "Combination Lock"


For each scientific paper I read, I ask myself,

What practical takeaways can my readers and I apply in our lives today based on these results?

I usually get similar answers: (1) Breathe slowly, (2) breathe through your nose, or (3) hold your breath. (This is how I discovered the three breathing principles.)

Feeling Like Bill Murray in Groundhog’s Day

These common answers can be frustrating because I often feel like a broken record. Each paper I read is full of awesome, nerdy information. But, from a practical perspective, it’s all really simple stuff.  

For example, the paper I’m sharing this week reviews the latest science on nasal nitric oxide (including two new things I hadn’t read anywhere before). But, the take-home message is simple: Breathe through your nose.

Let’s look at this excellent paper, and then I’ll explain how Jim Rohn helped me work out my frustration.

Recent Advances on Nitric Oxide in the Upper Airways

(Click Here For Full Summary)

Journal: Current Medicinal Chemistry, Volume 23, Issue 24, 2016

Since we’ve reviewed the beneficial effects of nasal nitric oxide several times, let’s focus on the two new things from this paper:

1. Nitric Oxide Plays a Role in Warming Incoming Air

A study showed that increased nasal NO release was associated with increased temperature in the nasal airways. There precise mechanism for this was unclear, but interesting nonetheless.

(If this interests you, please send me an email and I’ll share some of my speculation as to what is happening.)

2. Nasal NO Enhances Cilia Functioning

Cilia are tiny little hairs in your upper and lower airways. They move back and forth to push inhaled particles out of your airways and back out through your nose. They are your lungs' main line of defense against inhaled pathogens.

Nasal nitric oxide enhances the functioning of these cilia, and low levels of NO have been associated with weakened cilia movement. Here is yet another way that NO defends us against airborne pathogens.

Jim Rohn and His Combination Lock

Again, the take-home message from this paper is: breathe through your nose to harness the benefits of nasal nitric oxide. Which brings me to Jim Rohn’s wisdom:

Ideas can change your life. And sometimes all you need is just one more good idea in a series of good ideas. It’s like dialing the numbers of a combination lock. After you’ve dialed five or six numbers, the lock may not come open. But you probably don’t need five or six more numbers. Maybe you need just one more number, one more idea.

Although I feel like a broken record, this passage reminded me that broken records are necessary for learning.  

I hope the (repetitive) ideas shared here help you breathe through your nose more today.

In good breath,

P.S. Can’t wait for grandchildren.


Breathing and COVID-19 (Plus 4.5 Ways to Increase Nitric Oxide)


I’ve stated previously that nitric oxide (NO) is my favorite gas. Recently, the breathing community has jumped on it for its antiviral effects. The thought is that nasal NO could serve as our first line of defense against COVID-19.

While I see how that argument makes sense, I don’t think anyone really believes nasal breathing alone will stop COVID-19. Yes, it might help, but to think it will stop it completely is rather naive. So, please, wash your hands AND breathe through your nose :)

But none of that is the point of this week’s post. We know nitric oxide has amazing benefits (it’s still my favorite!). But what if your blood sugars are stopping you from realizing its full potential?

Vasorelaxation by Red Blood Cells and Impairment in Diabetes. Reduced Nitric Oxide and Oxygen Delivery by Glycated Hemoglobin

(Click Here to Read the Full Summary)

I uploaded this paper to The Breathing Diabetic on December 11, 2018! I knew it was important, but re-reading my notes emphasized just how meaningful this research is.

Here are the important points:

  • Diabetics suffer from a lack of bioavailable nitric oxide. Because bioavailable NO is critical for whole-body oxygenation, this could play a major role in diabetic complications.

  • High blood sugar changes the configuration and binding properties of blood proteins. This changes how they store NO, explaining the lack of bioavailable NO stated above.

The net outcome is that sustained high blood sugar reduces oxygen delivery to the tissues.

I think you can immediately see the importance of this finding. Luckily, there are things we can do to increase our nitric oxide and oxygenation.

1. Control Your Blood Sugars

No surprise here, but you need to get your blood sugars in range. Breathing can help (I might be a little biased…).

There is also a positive feedback loop that speeds up the process. Better blood sugars will increase bioavailable NO and enhance blood flow, which will lead to better oxygenation, which will improve insulin sensitivity, and so on.

2. Breathe Through Your Nose 24/7

The second thing you can do is start breathing through your nose 24/7. The paranasal sinuses continuously release NO into the airways. That NO travels into your lungs, redistributes blood flow, and improves oxygen uptake. Nasal breathing is an easy and proven way to increase NO and whole-body oxygenation.

3. Start Humming

Humming can significantly increase nitric oxide. I haven’t dug into the papers yet (they’re on my list), but people I trust, like Patrick McKeown, have.

I now do 7-8 minutes of humming before bed every night. I set my breathing app to 4 breaths/min and hum on the exhale. Despite making me feel silly, humming has a mind-calming effect that I enjoy before falling asleep.

4. Supplement with Beetroot Powder

Finally, you can supplement to increase NO. I am a novice here, but I have tried BeetElite by Human after hearing Tim Ferriss recommend it. It seemed to give me a slight boost of energy while I was sitting in the sauna (which is another way [#4.5] to increase nitric oxide, but I’ll leave that science to Rhonda Patrick). As with any supplement, make sure you have no contraindications before taking it.

In good breath,

P.S. If you want to learn more about breathing, nitric oxide, and COVID-19, Patrick McKeown is holding a free 20-minute Zoom meeting to discuss the topic.

Here are the details:

Topic: Breathing Exercises to help defend against CoVid19
Time: Mar 26, 2020 05:00 PM Dublin (1:00 PM EDT)
Meeting ID: 542 438 957

Learn more here:


How Nasal Breathing is Imprinted on the Brain - And What it Means for You


It feels somewhat odd to send to write a post breathing right now. There are certainly bigger problems to worry about. But, I hope this can, at the very least, serve as a distraction. Stay healthy and stay safe!


It makes sense that our brains have regions that “light up” when we smell something. But, what about the airflow itself? If there was no odor, would we still see effects on the brain?

That was the question this week’s paper answered.

Activity Patterns Elicited by Airflow in the Olfactory Bulb and Their Possible Functions

(Click Here to Read Full Summary)

It took me two days to enter all of my notes on this one. I felt almost neglectful distilling everything into one page for the summary.

Using fMRI, the authors examined how nasal airflow stimulated the olfactory bulb of mice and compared it to that of odor stimulation. The main difference: Nasal airflow lights up broad regions of the olfactory bulb, whereas odor stimulation is more localized.

Interestingly, the intensity of the nasal breathing signal only changed with total airflow. For example, if they increased the breathing frequency, but reduced the volume, intensities remained relatively constant. But, if they increased frequency and volume, things “lit up” even more.

Why is all of this important for you? The olfactory bulb influences the limbic system, which influences emotions and the autonomic nervous system. Therefore, if nasal breathing is imprinted on your brain in the olfactory bulb, this helps explain how it can easily influence your emotional and physiological state.

If you have done any breathing practices, you have likely experienced this. Here, we see one reason why.

So, we can conclude: Breathe through your nose to change your brain, change your emotions, and change your physiological state. Simple, yet profound.

In good breath,

P.S. Don’t worry about corona?


Obstructive Sleep Apnea Lowers Nitric Oxide (plus a big backpack)


The 100 Mile Ruck webpage is almost ready. The folks at HHPF plan to have it up by Wednesday. I’ll send you a super quick email when I hear it’s ready.

In the meantime, here is this week’s dose of breathing science.

Circulating nitric oxide is suppressed in obstructive sleep apnea and is reversed by nasal continuous positive airway pressure

(Read the Full Summary)

This study found that:

  • Obstructive sleep apnea was inversely correlated with nitric oxide

  • Meaning that, as OSA indices increased, NO decreased

  • And as NO decreased, blood pressure increased

However, just one night of nasal CPAP restored NO to normal levels.

We know from previous studies that inhaled NO can have positive impacts throughout the whole body.  And we also know that the nasal cavity is warehouse for NO.  Together, these results suggest that the nasal CPAP machine might be restoring NO concentrations by simply encouraging nasal breathing during sleep.

Obviously, there is more to it than that, as CPAP machines do a lot more than just promote nasal breathing. But, I think a key take home message from this study is: Breathe through your nose at night.

Read the full summary to learn more.

In good breath,

P.S. How the rucksack will feel by mile 50:


Nasal Nitric Oxide is My New Favorite Gas


The nose warms and humidifies incoming air. We’ve heard that a lot.

However, when you dig into the scientific literature, you learn that nitric oxide (NO) might outweigh all other aspects of nasal breathing. It’s actually hard to overstate the benefits of nasal NO.

Which brings us to this week’s paper:

Nasal Nitric Oxide in Man

- Published in Thorax in 1999 (Read Full Summary Here)

This was a great overview of the many functions of nasal NO. Here are a few of my favorites. Check out the full summary for more.

The general consensus is that NO is continuously released in the paranasal sinuses. Because of this continuous release, a lower flow rate will result in higher concentrations. This could be yet another benefit of slow breathing: Increased nitric oxide delivery to the lungs.

Another amazing benefit of nasal NO is that it increases arterial oxygenation. For example, one study showed that nasal breathing increased tissue oxygenation 10% more than mouth breathing.

Finally, and this was my favorite part, a study showed that breathing humidified air through the mouth did not increase oxygenation; however, breathing supplemental NO through the mouth increased oxygenation similar to what is seen in nose breathing.

Although the warming and moistening effects are important, this suggests that nitric oxide might explain many of the benefits of nasal breathing.

I am continually amazed by everything nitric oxide does in the body.  I think it’s my new favorite gas (never thought I’d have one of those!).

In good breath,

P.S. Who Needs Gas?.

Nasal Nitric Oxide: Our Body's Answer to Gravity?


Gravity is pretty awesome. After all, it keeps us here on Earth. And when our bodies are not subject to gravity (say, if you’re an astronaut), some crazy things happen. For example,

  • Astronauts lose 25% of their aerobic capacity in 7-14 days (it usually takes 10 years to lose 10% here on Earth)

  • Bone density can decrease as fast as 5% a month (it’s usually about 1% a year on Earth)

Thus, our bodies are clearly meant to be under the influence of gravity. However, as we became upright mammals walking on two feet, gravity could have posed an issue.

Blood flow in our lungs is influenced by several factors, but one of the largest is gravity. Gravity acts to focus blood toward the base of the lungs.

Interestingly, in humans and other primates, the nasal airways produce a considerable amount of nitric oxide (NO). As we’ve learned before, NO is a potent vasodilator that is critical for whole-body oxygenation.

Maybe the NO produced in the nasal airways is an adaptation to walking upright and helps counter gravity’s effects on blood flow? That was the hypothesis of the study I’m sharing this week.

Nasal Nitric Oxide: Nature’s Answer to Gravity?

(Read Full Summary Here)

This research found that when participants breathed through their noses, blood flow in the lungs became more uniform and gas exchange was increased. Breathing through the mouth did not have these effects.

However, if subjects breathed through their mouths but were given supplemental NO, the blood flow in their lungs looked similar to nasal breathing.

This suggests that NO is responsible for making blood flow more uniform in the lungs.

The authors hypothesize that nasal NO might be an evolutionary adaptation to counter the effects of gravity on lung blood flow, allowing greater and more efficient gas exchange to occur.

We often praise nasal breathing for its warming and humidifying effects. But the more I learn, the more convinced I am that nitric oxide is the real hero.

In good breath,

P.S. Happy New Years Dance!

Only Breathing Principles Endure


The first time I heard that quote, I thought of Wim Hof. Although Wim’s charisma is what sets his method apart from others, the principles he teaches are timeless.

For example, in the classic book Science of Breath, the following advice is given to avoid catching a cold:

When chilled, breathe vigorously for a few minutes, and you will feel a glow all over your body. [1]

How about the Oxygen Advantage? Well, that originated with the Buteyko Method. And long before Buteyko, yogis were training themselves to “bottle up” as much CO2 as possible (my bold).

He had learned much about the basics of the transparent gas in medical school and quickly realized that yogic rituals worked to bottle it [CO2] up inside the body. The main technique of manipulation was pranayama… [2]

It is often said that history repeats itself. Breathing techniques are no exception. People relearn the same principles and add their own unique take on it. But the the principles remain.

That’s why for health and wellness, I focus on principles, not techniques. And from thousands of years of practice, and hundreds of years of research, the key principles are:

  1. Breathe Through Your Nose (24/7) - Unless you’re an elite athlete, you should be breathing through your nose all the time. This is especially true during sleep.

  2. Breathe Slowly - Almost every technique (and scientific study) has focused on breathing slowly, usually in the range of 4-6 breaths/min. Use any method you’d like to achieve this rate (equal inhale/exhale, extended exhale, box breathing, etc.).

  3. Hold Your Breath - Breath holds have amazing benefits, doing everything from improving immune function to increasing blood flow to the brain.

I’ve jumped on almost every breathing bandwagon there is. And every time, I discover that there is no “cure all.” There are only principles. And when they are practiced with patience, persistence, and diligence, the true magic begins.

In good breath,

[1] Science of Breath

[2] The Science of Yoga

Nasal breathing synchronizes brain wave activity and improves cognitive function


Last week, we discussed century-old ideas about nasal breathing and mental function. I said that current science is beginning to catch up. Here’s how.

Modern Science Supports 100 Year-Old Observations

A study published in 2016 in The Journal of Neuroscience showed that nasal breathing is intimately connected to brainwave oscillations, emotional recognition, and memory retrieval.

Intracranial EEG measurements showed that nasal breathing synchronizes brainwave oscillations in the olfactory bulb, the hippocampus, and the amygdala. When breathing was switched to the mouth, this coherence disappeared.

In a follow-on experiment, they showed participants pictures of faces expressing fear or surprise. They had to pick which one it was as fast as they could.

Not only did the nasal breathers outperform the mouth breathers, but they also found that responses were quickest during inhalation versus exhalation. The participants also had more accurate memory retrieval during nasal inhalation.

Taken together, their results indicate that nasal breathing acts to organize brainwave oscillations and improve cognitive functioning.

These results also help explain Guye’s theory about nasal breathing and mental function. That is, they support the quote “Shut your mouth and save your brain.

Breathing is More Than Just Gases

These results imply that breathing is about more than just about gases. Breathing acts to synchronize brain activity and enhance cognitive function…but only when performed through the nose.

In good breath,

100 years of nasal breathing and mental function


Happy Sunday! I hope you all enjoyed the extra hour of sleep as much as I did.

Last week, we learned that the nose might provide the link between slow breathing and improved emotional outcomes. Before we explore the modern science behind that idea, let’s go back a century and see what we can learn.

An odd sounding word

Over 100 years ago (1889 to be exact), an author named Guye coined the term “aprosexia.” Although it doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue, it’s pretty great:

  • Aprosexia
    : The inability to focus your attention due to nasal obstructions.

Guye argued that headaches and the inability to perform difficult mental functions are both caused by mouth breathing. He even suggested that medical practitioners ensure that breathing was not “habitually or temporarily suspended by breathing through the mouth.” (That advice holds true today.)

Guye put particular emphasis on children feeling “over-pressured” in school. He believed that kids would not feel overwhelmed if they had normal nasal respiration. Finally, he concluded with the quote above.

Old becomes new

There is often hidden wisdom rooted in old observations. And the science is catching up. A new study of the brain suggests that nasal breathing is intimately connected to emotional control. We’ll explore that research next week.

Until then, let’s focus on breathing through our nose 24/7, especially during sleep. Because, as we have learned, that motto was updated in 1983 to reflect the importance of nasal breathing during rest:

While asleep, shut your mouth to save your brain.

In good breath,