(#70) How to Live a Meaningful Life: Be a Lobster


“For the lobster, stress literally leads to growth—if the lobster did not feel stressed in the small shell, it would not know to get a bigger one and be able to continue growing. Stress provides you with the same opportunity to grow. If you don’t experience stress, you don’t move forward, you don’t challenge yourself, and you don’t get the opportunity to live a fulfilling, meaningful life.

- Inna Khazan, Ph.D., Biofeedback and Mindfulness in Everyday Life


We’ve been talking a lot about reducing stress lately.  But let’s not forget that, in some cases, stress is necessary for growth and a “fulfilling, meaningful life.” 

How might you reframe some life stress you’re going through as growth rather than a hindrance?


P.S. Stress—> Breathe—> Recover—> Grow—> Repeat Forever 💪