(#36) It Doesn’t Have to Be Breathing (here’s why most methods work)


Yesterday, we talked about how using slow breathing to evoke the relaxation response does all sorts of good things, like lowering inflammation & stress hormones.


But, really, any method that evokes the relaxation response will work.  Here’s how Wayne Jonas, MD, puts it in his excellent book How Healing Works:


“Differences in the effects of various stress management approaches are minor compared to the general goal of inducing a relaxation response.  … almost any type of relaxation inducer—prayer, meditation, rhythmic breathing, visualization, or biofeedback—can rapidly reverse the more than five hundred genes that are turned on by stress. In addition, those who regularly practice a relaxation method have better long-term health, recover faster from health challenges, and use fewer medical services.”


So pick one that resonates with you and enjoy harnessing the relaxation response for better long-term health and faster recovery 🙏