(#178) Breathing, Brandy, and Wine: An Analogy

 “That’s a very interesting clue as to the meaning of spirit, and I think that it’s possible to look at breath in relation to body in the same way that we could look at Brandy in relation to wine. That breath represents the concentrated, distilled essence of being. And that it is nonphysical, it is invisible, it does not have substance, but it’s where the power is.”

– Andrew Weil, MD, Breathing: The Master Key to Self Healing


That’s so good: “That breath represents the concentrated, distilled essence of being.”  


And that’s one reason Dr. Weil says, “if you do nothing other than pay attention to your breath today, for a few seconds more than you did yesterday, you have increased your spiritual awareness. You have made spiritual progress.”


Here’s to making a little spiritual progress, today 🙏