(#141) Happy World Breathing Day

Although every day is World Breathing Day, let’s use this “official” one as a reminder to show gratitude for the fact that we’re alive and breathing, in whatever way is right for you.


For me, it’s reading my current favorite quote on breathing:


“And beyond improving stress resilience, breath practices can restore your sense of being genuinely who you are, of knowing what you feel, of recognizing what others feel, and of being able to experience deep and meaningful connections with people, with your values, and with all that is.”

— Richard Brown, MD, and Patricia Gerbarg, MD, The Healing Power of the Breath


And starting my morning breathing session by silently reciting the underlined portion of this passage:


“Oxygen, in fact, is the most valuable resource to our species. … Consider the last time you thought to yourself while taking a breath, ‘This is great! I have an abundance of the most valuable resource known to our species, and I don't even have to work that hard to get it!’”

- Drs Jason Selk and Ellen Reed, Relentless Solution Focus


I hope you’ll join me in that second one while also celebrating in your own unique and meaningful way too 🙏


P.S. Serendipitously, today also happens to be my birthday 🎂