(#107) 4-7-8, Breath Pauses, and the Nervous System

“Vagal activity is enhanced during the postinspiratory period and inhibited during the postexpiratory period.”


When I read this unassuming sentence in the Discussion of our most recent Science 411 paper, it was actually quite eye-opening for me. 


It means:


  • Inhalations: Sympathetic

  • Inhale-Holds: Parasympathetic

  • Exhalations: Parasympathetic 

  • Exhale-Holds: Sympathetic (I had never actually thought about this one and just assumed it was parasympathetic.)

Putting these together, we see why deeply relaxing breaths usually focus on inhale-holds and prolonged exhalations.


Let’s look at the most common example, 4-7-8 breathing.  With this breath, 4 seconds are spent in sympathetic and 15 parasympathetic.


No wonder Dr. Weil says, “This breathing exercise is a natural tranquilizer for the nervous system.”