“I realized then that to recover from our loss of attention, it is not enough to strip out our distractions. That will just create a void. We need to strip out our distractions and to replace them with sources of flow.”
What You’ll Learn:
1. What Meditation Is & Its Overall Goal
2. Well-Being, Telomerase, and Adaptive Functioning
3. The Emotional Benefits of Meditation
4. Brain Changes from Meditation
1 Life-Changing Idea
How to End a Breathing, Meditation, Reading, or Really Any Contemplative Practice
What You’ll Learn:
1. What Meditation Is & Its Overall Goal
2. Well-Being, Telomerase, and Adaptive Functioning
3. The Emotional Benefits of Meditation
4. Brain Changes from Meditation
1 Life-Changing Idea
How to End a Breathing, Meditation, Reading, or Really Any Contemplative Practice
What You’ll Learn:
1. Attention is Everything (and yours is perfect)
2. The Only Thing That Works: Mindfulness
3. The Flashlight, Floodlight, and Juggler
4. You Actually Have to Train (but not long—the most important finding of the book)
1 Life-Changing Idea
Pre-silience: Maybe the Best Word and Concept Ever