(#53) Join the Relaxation Revolution

“As for you personally, you have the capacity to change your physiology, biochemistry, brain activity, and genetic expression for the better. Isn't it time for you to invest a short period each day to capitalize on your innate and underutilized gifts of healing?”

- Herbert Benson, MD, Relaxation Revolution

It’s Friday, so a new Book 411 is available. This week, we have the Relaxation Revolution.  It’s an awesome look at the relaxation response and the power of our minds (using visualization) to heal and optimize our bodies.

Although the best artists, athletes, and performers all use visualization, I’ve never been able to fully commit to it—probably because of all the woo-woo connotations around it.  But, the 1 Life-Changing Idea on “remembered wellness” has gotten me to do it consistently for over a month now.  I love it.  I hope you do, too.    

Have a great weekend.


In good breath,
