(#51) Reading Can Produce Healing

“Bibliotherapy is based on the assumption that the simple act of reading can produce healing of various health conditions, including depression. The definition of bibliotherapy has broadened over the years to include using any type of reading material that is uplifting or emotionally sustaining.”

 - Herbert Benson, MD, Relaxation Revolution


As someone obsessed with reading, bibliotherapy might be my new favorite word : )

However, I always preach that our reading should lead to action.  That knowing is not enough; we must do something.

But maybe not.  As Dr. Benson goes on to say, one study found that “Therapeutic reading ranked toward the top of the interventions, along with CBT and supportive-expressive groups, as a highly effective method of decreasing depressive symptoms.” <—🤯

I hope these 1%’s serve as bibliotherapy for you.