(#43) Breathwalking in its Simplest Form


“Breathwalk at its very simplest means putting breathing patterns and walking together into a carefully and beautifully timed single, synchronized movement.  It is walking harmonized with breathing.”

- Gurucharan Singh Khalsa, Ph.D., and Yogi Bhajan, Ph.D., Breathwalk


Breathwalking is a great way to combine three ancient wellness techniques: walking, breathing, and meditation.  I sometimes use it in the afternoons.  But, I also find myself using it periodically when walking just about anywhere. 


Here’s a good one to get started:


  • Inhale 8 steps, exhale 8 steps 

  • Do this for 3 min

  • Walk normally for 2 min

  • Repeat as needed


It’s simple yet surprisingly powerful.  Give it a shot and see how you feel.