(#2) The Four Qualities of Breath We Want to Develop to Feel Better

“One of the essential techniques that I distill from this body of knowledge about pranayama is that the qualities of breath that you want to develop are to make it deeper, slower, quieter, and more regular.”

- Andrew Weil, MD, Breathing: The Master Key to Self Healing

These are the qualities we want to develop with The Breathing 1%. 


Let’s make it our mantra wherever we find ourselves: deeper, slower, quieter, and more regular.


These qualities are powerful because they’re concrete.  Instead of just “coming back to our breath,” we can come back to deeper, slower, quieter, and more regular.


And what are the benefits? Back to Dr. Weil: When your breathing is deeper, slower, quieter, and more regular, you are feeling better, in both mind and body.  Your nervous system is functioning more smoothly, and all your organs are operating more harmoniously as a result.


Sounds good to me 🙏