(#169) Water & Breath

“Petr Janata…is a cognitive neuroscientist and expert on music in the brain. He theorizes that the low frequency of the sound of water, coupled with its rhythmic nature, is similar to the frequency and rhythm of human breath. …‘If I ask you to close your eyes and turn on a recording of the ocean, I can change your mood immediately.’”

– Wallace Nichols, Blue Mind (inset quote from Petr Janata)


Here’s a simple way to boost the benefits of any contemplative practice you do: add the sound of water.  For example, sit outside near a body of water, or just use headphones with some relaxing ocean or river sounds (here are a few tracks on Spotify I find peaceful).


Since the frequency and rhythm of water are “similar to the frequency and rhythm of human breath,” it seems like a perfect complement : )