(#0) What is The Breathing 1%?


The Breathing 1% (TB1%) is based on the idea that “Breathing is the compound interest of health and wellness.”  That if we improve by just 1% every day, those benefits will compound into extraordinary results.


It’s also based on the science of learning.  It’s quick, bite-sized chunks of wisdom that you can easily digest and immediately apply in your life.


Lastly, like breathing, it’s about repetition and consistency.  If you’ve followed my 411 Newsletter for a while, you’ll see many of the Thoughts and ideas repeated here. 


That’s part of the learning process.  You get new things from revisiting old ideas with a fresh mind.  In fact, that’s where most of the learning happens: in re-learning.


Inspiration for The Breathing 1%


  • The format used here—daily bite-sized emails —is inspired by my absolute favorite teacher, Brian Johnson.  (In fact, the whole design of the Breath is Life Learning Center follows his teaching structure.  The way he teaches changed my life, so I know it works.  I took it and applied it to breathing.)

  • TB1% is also inspired by Josh Spector’s daily emails, which I love and always read.

  • Lastly, it’s also inspired by Light Watkin’s “Light’s Daily Dose,” which I read every day.


Thanks for Joining


Thank you for joining me on this journey toward becoming the best possible versions of ourselves we can become.


Remember: If breath is life, then optimal breathing is optimal living. 

Here’s to breathing and living better, today.