An add-on training program involving breathing exercises, cold exposure, and meditation attenuates inflammation and disease activity in axial spondyloarthritis – A proof of concept trial

This study showed that the daily practice of Wim Hof’s method can help people with autoimmune disease reduce chronic inflammation, improve markers of disease status, and improve overall quality of life.

A pilot study on the kinetics of metabolites and microvascular cutaneous effects of nitric oxide inhalation in healthy volunteers (2019)

For the first time, it has been shown that metabolites of inhaled nitric oxide enter the blood stream and are carried systemically throughout the body in forms that can convert back to bioactive NO. This provides a mechanism for how inhaled NO has distant effects.

Device and non-device-guided slow breathing to reduce blood pressure: A systematic review and meta-analysis (2019)

Slow breathing reduces systolic blood pressure by 5.62 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure by 2.67 mmHg. The more time you practice per week, the greater the blood pressure reductions. This is a go-to reference for anything slow breathing and hypertension-related.