Nasal Breathing
Articles are listed in the order that I read & reviewed them. For example, if you want to see the latest article I have read related to this topic, scroll to the very bottom.
Slow breathing could potentially promote deep, restorative sleep
Mouth breathing during sleep significantly increases upper airway resistance and obstructive sleep apnea
“While asleep, shut your mouth and save your brain”
Slow breathing combined with mouth tape at night might be the key to preventing and/or treating hypertension
The many important roles of the nose during sleep
Nasal breathing during sleep potentially increases circulating nitric oxide
Obstructive sleep apnea significantly reduces circulating nitric oxide
Obstructive sleep apnea causes hypertension
“Shut your mouth and save your brain”
How slow breathing improves physiological and psychological well-being (hint: it might be in your nose)
Nasal breathing synchronizes brain wave activity and improves cognitive function
Our somewhat unusual breathing patterns during sleep
Your breathing is shallow and irregular for 1/3 of your life
Breathing becomes shallower and lighter when falling asleep
Nasal nitric oxide: Nature’s answer to gravity?
Nitric Oxide Might Outweigh All Other Benefits of Nose Breathing
Nasal Airflow Activates Broad Regions of the Olfactory Bulb
The Importance of Carbon Dioxide for Sleep-Disordered Breathing
A Review of Nasal Nitric Oxide’s Powerful Effects
A Breakthrough in Respiratory Physiology: Inhaled Nitric Oxide Transported as SNO-Hb