breathing benefits

Breathing For Better Health, Easy Fixes, and How to Breathe with Stardust


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Welcome back to another issue of The Breathing 411. Here are 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer for this week.

I hope you enjoy it!



4 Thoughts

1. Posture is Easier with the Breath

Question: Do I start with breathing correctly or addressing my posture?

Answer: Breathing comes first. Aligning your body correctly will come more easily once you have your breathing down. Plus, most cues to help with posture end up making a person tighten more rather than relax on the inhale.

- Belisa Vranich and Brian Sabin, Breathing for Warriors

I constantly struggle with my posture (but only all the time 😂). So, I loved this answer from two of the world’s leading experts on the topic.

Additionally, as we’ve all probably experienced, you can’t really get a good breath unless you have good posture, so they really go hand-in-hand. Good breathing leads to better posture, and good posture leads to better breathing.

So sit up straight, take a relaxing breath, and enjoy the rest of this post : )


Related Quote:What the bodily form depends on is breath (chi) and what breath relies upon is form. When the breath is perfect, the form is perfect (too)…Consequently, breath and form must be accomplished together.” - Chinese adage from The Primordial Breath (but I found it in Breath)

2. Fixing Hyperventilation Easily with Slow Breathing

The mechanism by which hyperventilation is targeted by HRVB has not been proven, although it is reasonable to hypothesize that it involves a combination of slow breathing, decreased emotional and autonomic reactivity, and attention to breathing mechanisms for controlling it.

- Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback (2020)

Because slow breathing increases HRV and improves autonomic and emotional reactivity, it naturally reduces your stress. It naturally improves your sensitivity to carbon dioxide. And it naturally optimizes gas exchange.

All of this helps you breathe calmer more often.

So to fix hyperventilation easily, maybe we don’t need to fix it at all? Perhaps we should just enjoy our slow breathing practice and, with time, let our improved physiological state naturally lead to optimal breathing volume.

This approach won’t be suitable for everyone, but if you struggle with overbreathing, this might be the best place to start.


P.S. Ironically, when people start a slow breathing practice, they often overcompensate for the slower rate by taking bigger breaths and end up mildly hyperventilating. For this reason, many researchers and coaches (myself included) suggest that slow breathing is not enough—we must also focus on breathing volume. However, as pointed out in this 2020 meta-analysis, slow breathing might self-correct with time.

3. Scientific American: “Proper Breathing Brings Better Health”

Breathing is so central to life that it is no wonder humankind long ago noted its value not only to survival but to the functioning of the body and mind and began controlling it to improve well-being.

- Scientific American

This is perhaps my favorite online article published about breathing. But, I realized I have somehow never shared it here.

I especially loved a part near the end. It’s almost as if the author is surprising himself with all the benefits of breathing as he’s researching and writing the article, and he can’t believe this stuff isn’t widely used:

In fact, I am mystified that controlled breathing is not recommended and practiced more widely. Perhaps it is perceived as too simple, commonplace and obvious to be a remedy.

Those were my exact feelings when I found “breathing.”

Enjoy the excellent read!


Related Quote:Even more foolishly I had assumed that a universal awareness of the importance of breathing existed. Nothing could have been farther form the truth.” - Carl Stough (also found in Breath)

4. How to Breathe Stardust with Stardust

Every atom in your body that is heavier than helium was made inside a star, usually as it was exploding.  Carbon, oxygen, iron, all of it. Take a breath, and breathe stardust with stardust. This body is billions of years old.

- Rick Hanson, Ph.D., Neurodharma

That is all. 🤯



1 Quote

A single breath has more truth in it than all your thoughts about breathing will ever have.

– Adyashanti

P.S. Thanks to great friend E.S. for sending this quote to me. It’s almost as if that quote is specifically calling me out on this newsletter 😂



1 Answer

Category: Hyperventilation

Answer: It is suggested that adults with a respiratory rate greater than this number “should receive immediate medical review.

(Cue the Jeopardy! music.)

Question: What is 27 breaths per minute?

In good breath,

Nick Heath, T1D, PhD
“Breathing is the compound interest of health & wellness.”

P.S. “Guess we’ll head out too”


Sign Up For The Breathing 411

Each Monday, I curate and synthesize information from scientific journals, books, articles, and podcasts to share 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer (like "Jeopardy!") related to breathing. It’s a fun way to learn something new each week.


Delightful Practice, Reverse Arambhashura, and The Buddha’s Take on Science


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Here are four thoughts, one quote, and one answer for this week.

I hope you enjoy it!



4 Thoughts

1. What Science Has in Common with The Buddha

Research in general tells us something about most people. Given that our concern is for what we, rather than what most people, should do, current medical practice alone cannot have a definitive answer…We need to learn how to integrate what the medical world knows to be generally true with what we know, or can find out, about ourselves.

- Ellen Langer, Ph.D., Counterclockwise

Ellen Langer was the first woman to be tenured in Harvard’s Psychology Department. She’s a badass, and this book is insanely good. If you’re interested in applying scientific research in your own life, it’s a must-read.

The above passage is particularly critical for breathing. As we continue to learn new things about breathwork, the most important thing is to integrate that knowledge with our personal situation to find out what’s best for us.

And remember, just because it worked in a study doesn’t mean it will work for you.

As the Buddha supposedly said, “Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.” It seems like Dr. Langer would agree : )

How do we do this in our own lives? Let’s turn to another brilliant mind for more advice in Thought #2.


Related Quote:I believe books are medicine. A library is a medicine cabinet. What can heal one person may not work at all for somebody else. You know when something is healing you, just as you know when something isn't.” - Sandra Cisneros (I know it’s about books, but still so good.)

2. Delight in Practice: How To Integrate Science Into Your Life

So look for what feels good and meaningful in what you’re already doing, and perhaps find additional things that are naturally pleasurable for you…Practice is less effective if it’s heavy and somber most of the time. It’s ok to have fun with it.

- Rick Hanson, Ph.D., Neurodharma

How’s that for a book title? There was no way I could not read that one : )

It’s packed with insight, but I thought this passage paired perfectly with Thought #1. To begin applying the new things you learn about breathing, start with what you already find meaningful, and add on from there.

For example, suppose you love the Oxygen Advantage. But, then you learn that taking big breaths every now and then is beneficial for lung capacity. In that case, you might try adding 5 big breaths before each breath hold you perform. If you like it, you keep it. If not, you don’t.

We also don’t want to take it too seriously (often guilty here). As Dr. Hanson also tells us, “It’s good to bring playfulness, even delight, to your practices.

Here’s to applying rigorous science in our lives in a delightful way, today.


Related Quote:As long as you derive inner help and comfort from anything, keep it.” - Gandhi

Related: Science Guides the Macro, Practice Guides the Micro (Thought #4)

3. Forbes: “How Breathing Calms Your Brain, And Other Science-Based Benefits Of Controlled Breathing”

A brief review of the latest science on breathing and the brain, and overall health, serves as a reminder that breathing deserves much closer attention – there’s more going on with each breath than we realize.

- David DiSalvo, Forbes Magazine

Here’s a quick summary of some of the science-backed benefits of breathing from Forbes. It was written 2017, but just as relevant today.

I liked the headline-paragraph-headline-paragraph style. Concise and informative. I hope you enjoy it too!

4. Slow Breathing as Reverse Arambhashura

There’s a Sanskrit word, arambhashura, which means something like “hero in the beginning.” We’ve all been there. You start a project all excitedly, but the excitement wanes. You hit some roadblocks. You decide it’s not worth it.

A slow breathing session is like reverse arambhashura. Because of the positive breathing-relaxation feedback loop, you gain motivation as you go. And when you’re done, you’re more focused, relaxed, and happy than when you began. You’re a hero at the end.

Here’s to practicing a little reverse arambhashura today.



1 Quote

The kind of success I am most interested in is the sort available to every human being living, breathing, thinking, and doing things on this earth.

– Tom Morris



1 Answer

Category: Body Oxygen Consumption

Answer: For the energy to perform their vital functions, the lungs themselves consume this percentage of the total body oxygen consumption.

(Cue the Jeopardy! music.)

Question: What is 5%?

In good breath,

Nick Heath, T1D, PhD
Diabetes is Tiny. You are Mighty.

P.S. I actually needed to hear this…


Sign Up For The Breathing 411

Each Monday, I curate and synthesize information from scientific journals, books, articles, and podcasts to share 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer (like "Jeopardy!") related to breathing. It’s a fun way to learn something new each week.


Breathing Gives Us What Babies Want, 0.1 Hz, and The Miracle of the Nose


Listen to this post:



Here’s your weekly dose of breathing and diabetes fun. Plus, a letter I wrote 10 years ago…

I hope you enjoy reading!



4 Thoughts

1. Breathing Gives Us What Babies Want

In the Paradox of Choice, Barry Schwartz discusses a fascinating study:

  • Group 1: Infants were able to control some dancing toys by turning their heads in their cribs. It made them really happy to see the toys.

  • Group 2: Got “a free ride.” They saw the same toys, but theirs just randomly appeared when the Group 1 babies made them turn on.

The Group 2 babies still found this very entertaining, at least at first. But they eventually lost interest, whereas Group 1 didn’t:

The different reactions of the two groups caused researchers to conclude that it is not dancing toy animals that are an endless source of delight for infants, but rather having control. Infants kept smiling and cooing at the display because they seem to know that they made it happen.

I think this study demonstrates why breathing (especially Wim Hof) is so impactful. It taps into a desire that’s in us since birth—the desire for control.

Breathing gives it to us, immediately. We can instantly change our state, and we know we made it happen, not some external force. We become Group 1.

It’s like what Barry Schwartz says when interpreting those babies’ reactions:

I did this, isn’t it great? And I can do it again whenever I want.

2. The Upside of Diabetes

When I was eleven years old, I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. This taught me a lot of responsibility at a young age…I have to incorporate a lot of “thinking ahead” and problem solving into my daily routine…Furthermore, it has taught me to always be positive and to be grateful for every opportunity I have…Although I do not enjoy having diabetes, it has definitely had a positive impact on my life.

I wrote that 10 years ago when I was applying for graduate school.

Fast forward to today, and it’s often depressing researching about breathing and diabetes. As excited as I get about breathing, I’m also continuously reminded of all the ways diabetes is ruining my health. Thanks, science.

But in reality, I’ve always felt that diabetes is the best thing to ever happen to me. And I still 100% agree with everything I said 10 years ago.

I’m not saying diabetes doesn’t suck. But, I try not to forget that it could be a lot worse and that it has had many positive impacts on my life.

So here’s to keeping a positive outlook, while simultaneously being realistic, knowing that we need to take extra good care of our bodies and health.

P.S. This was inspired by my recent re-reading of The Upside of Stress.

P.P.S. You can read the letter by clicking here.

3. How Slow, Deep Breathing Taps into A Natural Rhythm in Our Bodies

Noble’s research demonstrates how tiny mechanisms throughout our cardiovascular system oscillate at that same frequency of 0.1 Hertz. ‘It’s almost like an inherent rhythm,’ he says. ‘Your breath may be unlocking this rhythm that you already have going on in the background.’

- How Slow, Deep Breathing Taps Into A Natural Rhythm In Our Bodies

I read this article first thing in the morning with a cup of coffee. It was so good, I think I starting buzzing at 0.1 Hz : ) It’s just so awesome seeing “breathing” continue to seep into popular resources like Discover Magazine.

Read it, practice it, share it, and enjoy it. As they say in the article, “All you need is a pair of lungs, and some discipline.

P.S. Another reason this was so much fun to read was because a 411 reader sent it to me. It’s my favorite thing in the world when you all send me such good stuff. Thanks, as always, “Midnight Larry!”

4. How To Get The Benefits of Breathing Without the Mastery

Happily, the benefits of training in meditation arrive long before mastery does.

- Sam Harris

The same is true for slow breathing. And it’s simple to get the benefits of breathing without mastery: Just get started.

I still suck at breathing. I’m continuously working on it. But I’ve seen incredible benefits because I practice every single day.

So don’t worry about perfection or mastery. Just get started. The best way to do that? Just four minutes a day—two in the morning, two before bed.

P.S. This was inspired by a +1 from my favorite teacher, Brian Johnson.

Related Quote: "How do you best move toward mastery? To put it simply, you practice diligently, but you practice primarily for the sake of the practice itself." - Robert Greene, Mastery



1 Quote

The nose is the silent warrior: the gatekeeper of our bodies, pharmacist to our minds, and weather vane to our emotions.

- James Nestor, Breath



1 Answer

Answer: In a blue whale, this organ weighs over 1,500 lbs.

(Cue the Jeopardy! music.)

Question: What is its heart?

I wonder what it’s resonant frequency is… : )

In good breath,

Nick Heath, T1D, PhD
Diabetes is Tiny. You are Mighty.

P.S. bet u just loooove school


Sign Up For The Breathing 411

Each Monday, I curate and synthesize information from scientific journals, books, articles, and podcasts to share 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer (like "Jeopardy!") related to breathing. It’s a fun way to learn something new each week.