Beck Anxiety Inventory

Breathe profoundly to reduce stress and anxiety


Hi all,

Last week we learned some devastating statistics. (Do you remember that 1 in 3 adolescents meets the criteria for anxiety?)

The study I’m sharing this week shows you how to breathe (hint: deeply) to reduce anxiety.

The effectiveness of diaphragmatic breathing relaxation training for reducing anxiety
(Click here to read on website)

First, a quick rant. “Deep” breathing is not “big” breathing. Often, when someone says “take a deep breath,” we automatically take a big breath.

But, a deep breath simply brings air into the lower lungs (“right before the bottom”) where the largest concentration of blood is due to gravity. It doesn’t have to be (and usually shouldn’t be) big. Maybe we should call in “Profound Breathing”?

OK, rant complete.

In this study, patients with mild-to-moderate anxiety were given instructions on diaphragmatic breathing. They were told to take 10 diaphragmatic breaths, twice daily, which doesn’t sound like too much to ask. They performed this over an 8 week period.

The results showed that diaphragmatic breathing significantly reduced anxiety when assessed on the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) scale. Their average scores dropped from ~19 down to ~5 (lower is better).

The participants also improved physiological indicators of stress, including reducing their heart rate, breathing rate, and skin conductance.

Like I said last week, this isn’t woo-woo pseudoscience. Correct breathing changes your physiology to reduce stress and anxiety.

And the best part is that you can use deep breathing anytime you (or your clients or friends) feel stressed. And you can know that you are changing your physiology to promote relaxation.

In good breath,

P.S. Did you check out HHPF last week?