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How it Works

Breathing Blueprint integrates the latest science with practical exercises to help you and your clients achieve optimal health. You learn the fundamental science, integrate it with your current health-care knowledge, and teach it to others. This allows you to customize a breathing practice to match you or or client’s unique situation.


A 3-Step Approach to Breathing Education



We provide the most thorough, science-based breathing education around. We give you the classes, scientific articles, and practical exercises. Then you:


Integrate breathing practices into your daily life.

Integrate what you learn with your current knowledge of health, nutrition, and exercise. Then you:


Help your clients, friends, and family members achieve optimal health with simple breathing practices. If they have questions, you’ll have all of the science at your fingertips and the ability to quickly modify their practice to match their unique situation.


Who is The Breathing Blueprint For?


The Breathing Blueprint is for anyone interested in optimizing humanity’s most important gas: oxygen.

However, our program is specifically designed for health coaches, functional medicine practitioners, personal trainers, and the alike.

Breathing is fundamental to life, yet most people ignore it. By learning the science of breathing, integrating it with all of your current knowledge, and then teaching it, you will set your practice apart from others.

But, we don’t want you to become a “breathing coach.” There’s more to optimal health than just breathing, as you already know. We simply want to provide you the blueprint for incorporating breathing into your current practice so you can add more value to those you help.


How We Got Started


The Breathing Blueprint founder (Nick) was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when he was 11. At age 25, he started eating healthy and exercising. However, when he began breathing correctly, he achieved the best control of his life. He found that breathing was fundamental to controlling his diabetes. But, he couldn’t “breathe his way out of a Big Mac.”

Although he felt breathing was key to his health, he knew he couldn’t ignore sleep, stress, nutrition, and exercise. But he also knew that breathing directly affected all of these elements.

Nick founded Breathing Blueprint because he believes health coaches (and similar) are the future of health care. Because they take a holistic approach to health, they can really help people suffering with chronic diseases (like Nick himself).

He hopes the Breathing Blueprint will allow you and your clients to get one step closer to your health and performance goals.